Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them

The only reason I give a flying donut about Lisa and her Gang of Deranged Degenerates is because her groupies regularly come to my blog, copy what I write, paste it into her comment section, using fake names (Fox Snooze, for example, stole the entire comment from my blog), and pretend to be me or someone like me.  Her highly excitable blog friends then react to what her sock puppets steal from my blog, some of them becoming so enraged that they lose all sense of decency that a normal human being possesses.  This happened recently at Lisa's blog.  One of her admirers had an viperous burst of depraved imprecations at Lisa's sock puppets' comments.

Probably feeling shame and remorse, the author of the bilious comments removed them.  But here's where it gets interesting:  Lisa claims that she removed them (even though the scrubbed comments say "this comment removed by the author").  Only when the author of a comment deletes that comment does that appear under his or her name.  When the owner of a blog removes a comment, the scrubbed comment carries this notice:  "this comment has been removed by a blog administrator."


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Here's where it gets sordid:  Lisa has accused one of the liberal commenters (Ducky) who visits her blog of having one of his "minions" write the disgusting and poisonous comments that were posted under "Free Thinke's" name.

That is not possible, since Free Thinke, and everyone who blogs using Blogger, has a unique profile ID number that NO ONE CAN STEAL and NO ONE BUT THE OWNER OF THAT I.D. NUMBER can post under that profile ID.  The profile ID number linked to Free Thinke's crazed outbursts are his and his alone and match the profile ID number of his personal blog.  

Why is Lisa lying about who scrubbed Free Thinke's comments and why does Free Thinke let her? And why is she accusing Ducky of having anything to do with those filthy comments? Only she can answer that.  It's outrageously dishonest and beyond sick that these people would engage in gutter-style blogging tactics and then blame someone else for it.

Why did Free Thinke go off the rails in cascade of hatred and vitriol that would be hard to find even on Storm Front-type blogs? Who knows.

What is inexcusable is that these people set up situations by stealing other people's work, pretend to be the people they steal from, then lie, lie, lie about the whole sordid mess they create. 

These people are a perfect example of Tea Party followers and a certain group of conservative bloggers who are not able to tell the truth or see it even when it's in front of their noses. They are a microcosm of the very worst of that group of people.

Below are Free Thinke's captured comments.  Place your cursor over his name in the comments and see the profile ID number, then check it against the profile ID number that identifies him as the blog owner of "Free Thinke."  They are one and the same.  Lisa owes Ducky an apology.  But that's what a decent, honest person would do.  

Why did Free Thinke lose his cool and post the most vicious comments I've seen in my 10 years of blogging?  Only he can answer that.

See below for the comments and check out the profile I.D. numbers.

I hope you get GANG RAPED, SLASHED and left for DEAD in the darkest, dirtiest alley in town, you VICIOUS PIECE OF FILTH.


I hope you get CANCER of the ASSHOLE and DIE in MISERY in a Charity Ward, you filthy CUNT.


I hope someone straps you down, breaks your jaw, then sticks a cherry bomb up your CUNT and LIGHTS IT, you FUCKIN PIECE of SHIT.
2. Reply
3.   *

YOU are TURD that needs to be FLUSHED, you FUCKIN' BITCH. I hope you get CANCER of the CUNT and DIE in MISERY. I'd gladly come over and PISS on your GRAVE every day. A fitting tribute to your memory.

DONT be so FUCKING GENTLE, RR. That FUCKIN PIECE of SHIT deserves to be taken out, GANG RAPED, SLASHED then left to DIE in the darkest dirties alley in town

Free Thinke's Profile ID page.  Note the profile number:  It's EXACTLY the same number that appears in the link


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  1. It will be interesting to see the responses/rebuttals this generates at from The Stench Trench, aka The Skank Tank, aka Lisa's Smut Hut commenters. It is doubtful FreeThinke will raise his biter, ugly, bigoted head over this. It might quiet him down for awhile.

    The blogosphere can only hope.

  2. You expect honesty and decency from that group?

    Good investigative work on the frauds. you know, the ones who brag about being Jesus' soldiers. How proud Jesus would be of a person who wishes a horrible deaath on someone just because they don't agree politically. The guy's gotta be insane.

  3. Yes whoever the author was deleted that "one" commented comment but I permanently removed the rest of them because that one was already deleted by the author.

    Not that I expect you to give it consideration but what else is new?

    You don't want me to post this hit piece on my blog or do you?

  4. Lisa, telling the truth is not a "hit piece."

    I wrote nothing that is not true.

  5. RN, that blog's admirers will defend Lisa's moral turpitude and make her out to be a victim. It's how that group of base conservatives operate.

    I could not care less. I wrote this post not to enlighten them but to document and expose their dishonesty and villainy.

  6. Anonymous, Yes. Their version of God or Jesus would likely admire that behavior.

  7. BTW, Lisa, that photo-shopped poster of GWB on your blog's leader is fake. When GWB held up the American flag at the Olympics he held it up backward, not the photo-shopped image you published.

    The first one you published (then took down and replaced with the fake) was the correct one.

  8. I became involved in the goings on at that Smut Hut when one of the regulars spoofed my profile and linked to a really vulgar racist cartoon that was posted here.
    The spoof was crude but good enough to fool someone who just gave it a casual look.

    It's clear that the regulars are prime examples of the fringe which can't rationally discuss Obama's policies but base their opposition on his race. Ditto the crude hatred of the first lady.

    It's a cowardly dumb group of some unknown number who get their thrills from criminal threat. At the same time they take great pride in their supposed erudition and find support from other professed "cultured" bloggers.

    Lisa, you should be ashamed.

  9. In order to feel shame, one has to have a conscious.

  10. Ducky,

    Isn't everything about race these day's. Anything said or posted has racial overtones. Criticize obama's performance and it is because you are racist. Truth has little to do with anything.

    Now, have you guys dug out yet?

  11. You missed this one, Shaw, which clearly shows that Free Thinke was totally engaged in his filthy rage, and not some impostor.

    FreeThinkeFebruary 21, 2015 at 3:54 AM
    SHUT UP, you God-damned FUCKIN' piece of SHIT. I hope you die a long, slow, very painful death of CANCER.

    Sooner of later lis is going to HAVE to censor ONE of us, because as long as you show your ugly, smelly, shit-caked face here I'm going to say EXACTLY what I think of you, you God-Damned BASTARDi

    Man, that is one red hot enraged dude. You wouldn't want to be near him when the moon is full.

  12. No Skud, everything is NOT about race and certainly not as manifest at Lisa's Smut Hut.

    Obama can be criticized.
    He and the first lady can't be insulted as they are by the denizens of Lisa's Smut Hut without legitimate calls of racism.
    Have you caught Radical Redneck's act?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The person who wrote those comments has serious issues and needs professional help. I mean it. If you are reading this, seek out a good licensed counselor (medical insurance usually covers them). If you can be moved to that degree of rage by interaction on the internet and then actually post it, however briefly, you need help before you put yourself in a terminally embarrassing position or actually harm somebody. A professional counselor can help with this kind of problem much more than you would think if you've never been to one.

    If you can't bring yourself to do that, then just stop, for your own sake even if not for anyone else's. Threatening violence against another person is against the law, and if your postings were to be brought to the attention of the police, they would likely investigate, and they have ways of tracking people down beyond what is available to bloggers. The First Amendment does not protect threats.

  15. The blog where those comments were published is the same blog that hosted Radical Redneck, the commenter who suggested I should be raped and who sent porno to my email as his way of intimidating me, and Radical Rednecks doppelgänger, Rusty Shackledord, who refers to me as Fat C**t From Boston.They also plaigerize my posts and publish them under fake names

    Looking at Lisa's blog is like looking at a train wreck, it's horrible but you can't take your eyes off of it.

    I can't quite figure out their motivations for behaving the way they do, it's either total depravity or rank stupidity, or both.

  16. Maybe figuring our their motivations for behaving as they do is impossible. It would require one to be a qualified professional that deals with behavioral disorders and likely take
    many sessions with them.

    Wether it is stupidity or depravity is any layperson's guess. It most certainly is a multi faceted and complex psychological issue.

    Why spend much time trying to figure it out?

  17. Shaw: “The only reason I give a flying donut about Lisa and her Gang of Deranged Degenerates is because her groupies regularly come to my blog, copy what I write, paste it into her comment section, using fake names … and pretend to be me or someone like me.

    No doubt, Lisa and her retinue of followers are bullies, misfits, pathological narcissists, and psychopaths. They are the embodiment of Stinke Stiefel, a German term for ‘stinking boots’ that derisively invokes the adulators and henchman of self-styled neo-Nazi hate groups. No doubt, the Cringe Fringe represents THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE MORAL UNIVERSE.

    For years, I have defended all friends – liberal and libertarian and conservative alike – from verbal abuses of the Cringe Fringe. Having been there and done that, experience now leads me to a different conclusion. Consider these questions in purely legalistic terms:

    Are you specifically identified by name in any of the aforementioned tirades?

    Do these tirades constitute an imminent threat to your personal safety?

    Have you been harmed in physical or material terms?

    At what point do “sticks and stones” rise to the level of illegal and threatening behavior?

    Please be honest. After years of experience with Internet bullies, these encounters have proved only one thing: Shameless bullies can neither be shamed nor tamed. Although you may think of yourself as the victim, you also reach a point where you allow yourself to be further victimized.

    Jerry Critter gets it …

    Jerry: “There have always been "crazies" in politics. The difference is now the press pays attention to them. In the past, they were marginalized. Now, they are front page news.

    Then why give them the satisfaction of letting them get your goat! When you know full well that letting them get your goat validates and encourages them, why give them another opportunity to victimize you again and again! Why give trolls a forum and allow them to hijack discussion threads with dishonest drivel (i.e. scudrunner). Why waste your time – and our time - when your best strategy is to ignore them, delete them, and MARGINALIZE THEM!

    Today is Thursday - trash pick-up day.

  18. Lisa, the question I have is this... why would you allow those comments to stand at all?

    Is that the type of family values, God fearing language conservatives support?

    If a liberal had said those words about you and your love for animals, would you have left them up as long as you did?

    The continued acceptance of that type of language by you, and other conservatives who claim to stand for God and family values says a lot.

    And it is one of the reasons why the GOP and Christianity are having a hard time connecting with young people across demographic lines.

    They see the hate and hypocrisy and even when they might agree with conservatives on policy, decide against joining the GOP because of the hateful words they use and the way they treat people of different views.

    Todays modern GOP...

  19. "Then why give them the satisfaction of letting them get your goat!"

    If that's directed at me and not the informal "you," I'd be happy to explain.

    First off, the don't get my goat, because they're beneath contempt.

    What I've done is expose them as hypocrites who practice annihilation politics just because someone has a different point of view, and then on Sundays they prattle on about their love of Jesus and how we should treat each other with dignity and respect.

    It's just nuts.

    Also, some of the comments F.T. raged at were written by me, stolen by Lisa's sock puppets, and posted under a fake name. Lisa and F.T. are as thick as thieves and I'm sure F.T. knew where those comments came from, so yes, his psychotic rage was directed at me and my opinions.

    They don't want to just intimidate those who have a different ideology, they want to ELIMINATE them.

    They are representative of all that is ugly and hateful in a political party.

  20. Dave wrote to Lisa: "If a liberal had said those words about you and your love for animals, would you have left them up as long as you did?"

    We all know that neither Lisa nor F.T. would have left those comments up if a liberal had written them. That she did and that he felt comfortable in publishing them show us all what sort of deplorable character they possess.

    Any person who has a drop of human decency would stay as far away as possible from anyone who supports or writes something as rabid as that.

    It's interesting to note that none of their friends found anything wrong with it. Not one. Tawdry cowards, all of them.

  21. Gandolf:
    "Why spend much time trying to figure it out?"

    I don't care about figuring it out, my supposition notwithstanding. I'm just documenting it.

  22. Shaw, you said... I can't quite figure out their motivations for behaving the way they do, ...

    Doesn't that statement imply heavily that you are, or at lest have been, trying to figure out what their motives might be? What am I missing?

  23. Gandolf, I wrote this:

    "I don't care about figuring it out, my supposition notwithstanding. I'm just documenting it."

    One can wonder about something without caring about it. For example, I wonder if Ted Cruz is really as dumb as his statements make him appear to be. But I really don't care. He's digging a political hole from which he will not be able to climb out of.

  24. Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
    The blog where those comments were published is the same blog that hosted Radical Redneck, the commenter who suggested I should be raped and who sent porno to my email as his way of intimidating me, and Radical Rednecks doppelgänger, Rusty Shackledord, who refers to me as Fat C**t From Boston.They also plaigerize my posts and publish them under fake names

    Looking at Lisa's blog is like looking at a train wreck, it's horrible but you can't take your eyes off of it.

    I can't quite figure out their motivations for behaving the way they do, it's either total depravity or rank stupidity, or both.

    February 26, 2015 at 2:23 AM

    Note the bold area of your comment response Shaw, presumably to Infidel 753.

    At any rate I accept your clarification.

  25. I can't quite figure out their motivations for behaving the way they do …

    There appears to be so much free floating anger in this thread that any plausible explanation would be unwelcome at this time … especially from friends who have lent so much support in the past.

  26. (O)CT(O)PUS, I recall your comment at AOW's blog telling her that your comments were being plagiarized and posted under a fake name. The people on her blog reacted to your words, even though you didn't publish them in that blog. Your words were stolen; and when you correctly brought it to their attention, AOW's regulars made fun of your complaint. If I recall, AOW thanked you for the heads-up and deleted the impostor's use of your words.

    The same sort of trickery with my posts and comments is endlessly repeated on Lisa's blog. FT, in some of his rants, was responding to my comments and opinions that were stolen from my blog.

    I'm really not sure what your reference to free floating anger is.
