Monday, February 23, 2015

The Tea Party Republicans Want You To Know...

Tea-Pee-ers think gay-basher would make a GREAT preznit!

Tea-Pee-ers loved her enough to want this gay-basher to be vice president of the U.S.ofA!

Yes. She actually said that.  And she was once a Republican member of the House of Representatives.

If you think the above real quotes from Tea-Pee-ers are crazy, you don't know crazy.  

Here's crazy on steroids:

Another Republican member of the House of Representatives.


  1. Crazy politicians are elected and supported by crazy people.

  2. And some people say Obama panders...

  3. Do they ever tire of tearing the fabric of reason?

    Polio is not as dangerous as vaccination. How can you say something like that?

  4. Jerry Critter: "Crazy politicians are elected and supported by crazy people."

    But none of them see themselves as "crazy" because the media and the not crazy pols and pundits are afraid to label them as what they truly are: CRAZY.

    Dave, I think that what those people in the post have said goes beyond "pander," and is actually crazy talk.

    Ducky: "Polio is not as dangerous as vaccination. How can you say something like that?"

    Because no one in their party has had the courage to tell them that sort of talk of crazy. It's no different than if one of them said the moon was made of green cheese.

  5. Vaccines cause homosexuality? That's a new one. I wonder where Alexander the Great and Hadrian and so on got their flu shots. The ancients must have been even more advanced than I thought.

    Ah, yes, the good old days when there were no mass shootings or public nudity -- just lynchings to keep blacks down as much as gays were hidden, to say nothing of the odd Indian massacre. But it was all polite.

    The Steve King quote is beyond being joked about. If he's genuinely unaware that the things he's describing would indeed be forcefully punished by law, he's simply subnormal.

  6. Oh, and why should we stop the world to let the teabaggers off? Seems to me they're already pretty much off in orbit around Pluto.

  7. Simply shaking my head.

    With these folks Ducky reason flew the coup long ago.

  8. They don't run further to the right. They run further to the stupid. Gets em elected though. America loves a good joke.

  9. Does anybody really think hashing and rehashing this stuff is going to embarrass or shame them? IMV it is highly unlikely, instead it fuels their defense mechanisms and simply results in more of the same.

    It might be better if all the sane thinking folks of the country, both conservative and liberal, just determined to ignore them; completely. Including boycotting FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and any other network that is primarily driven by a partisan agenda.

    We know none of this is going to happen. It will remain BAU. Acrossed all of America.

  10. The point of putting up these quotes is not to shame the people who uttered them nor to embarrass them. People who say such extreme things cannot be shamed or embarrassed.

    The point in my putting these up is to educate anyone who still believes these people are viable leaders --Cruz in particular, who has had the benefit of a good education, and should know better, still utters complete nonsense so that the basest of the GOP base will support him.

    His statement blaming gay people for mass shootings, public lewdness and vulgarity is so outrageous, so extremely stupid, one wonders about his mental stability. He's not fit to be a leader.

    Sarah Palin, for all her nuttiness and idiocy, still has a following and people who want her to run for president.

    Bachmann is yesterday's news, but she still inspires people.

    King is little more than a loose cannon, capable of little more than moronic sound-bites.

    Like it or not, people have to see that all of those mentioned are welcome and admired by millions of people who call themselves conservatives and who belong to the GOP.

    Other than that crazy Democratic US Rep who said an island was going to sink because of too many people, who immediately comes to mind on the Democratic side of the aisle when you want an example of gay bashing, or vaccine scaring, or crazy talk as bizarre as King's?

    You can't ignore Cruz or King. One is a US senator and one a US representative, and they are quoted and given publicity anytime some moronic idea comes into their heads.

  11. The point of putting up these quotes is not to shame the people who uttered them nor to embarrass them. People who say such extreme things cannot be shamed or embarrassed.

    The point in my putting these up is to educate anyone who still believes these people are viable leaders --Cruz in particular, who has had the benefit of a good education, and should know better, still utters complete nonsense so that the basest of the GOP base will support him.

    I understand what you are attempting to do Shaw, however, this will have little if any effect on those who still believe the people you singled out actually have the level of intelligence to make reasoned decisions based on actual reality. What it will do is inflame the nutters to become more outlandish as they pander to the non thinking in their party base.

    It's a losing battle. Partisanship is so deeply ingrained in America's body politic and the politically active that there is only more, much more of the same on the horizon. But keep trying.

  12. Is it a question of partisanship or just being bull headed?
    Is there any way to bring a modicum of sanity back to conservative America?

    This junk plays. There's no way someone like Cruz is going to make a statement like that unless he is pretty damn sure it's well received at home.

    There is some hope that it's alienating moderates enough to slowly make inroads. Rabies radio is dying a slow death and can only survive by essentially becoming a parody of itself and that may also be true of the Teabags.

  13. Ducky, there certainly are conservatives that have maintained more than just a modicum if sense.Perhaps they all reside in the northeast?

    At any rate I maintain my position; and yes it will be fitting if the Tea Party becomes a parody of itself

  14. There have always been "crazies" in politics. The difference is now the press pays attention to them. In the past, they were marginalized. Now, they are front page news.


    News is now profit center and people enjoy reading about crazy. News is now entertainment. It is no longer about providing information about what is going on, and what the issues are.

    It is all about the money.

  15. So Jerry, if I understand you correctly it isn't really about the network or the money. It is more about the people who like to read, listen to, or both about crazy. So people are demanding crazy and the networks are simply giving the market what it wants.

    Therefore it must be the nuts or crazies (and apparently there are a very large number of them)that drive the news /entertainment market. The market providers are simply giving the news/entertainment consumer what they want.

    Which explains why politicians who are elected to office use these network news/entertainment outlets to get their "message" out to the people.

    This works out well for everybody. The consumers gets what they want, the politicians get their "message" out to the people, the networks turn a profit, and the general public gets screwed after the pols elected to office look out for their own interests and the donors who bought them.

    o, it's really the peoples fault. Did I get that about right Jerry?

    :-} :-} :-} :-}
