Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015: We Have Learned Nothing.

Fifty-two years ago today, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, at the age of 46, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Here's what was distributed in the Dallas area on the days that preceded his visit to that fateful city on November 22, 1963:

Fifty-two years later, we've learned nothing and we've not progressed past the sort of murderous hatreds that killed the young president and left his wife a widow and his two young children fatherless.  

A few days ago, a far right blog featured a comment by one of its favored commenters that said this about the current Democratic President of the United States:

Mal says:
Every time O opens his mouth, he makes himself less and less believable. He is the laughing stock
of the world…………and so are we for having elected him! For the free world to have any chance of survival, we need to get rid of him NOW, and being as we “can’t” impeach him, then a hit man, whatever… life in exchange for the rest of the world would be a bargain. I know what that sounds like and can hardly believe I’m saying it, but given the thousands who have been killed and millions who have been displaced, his death would be nothing. Also, the stronger ISIS gets, the more nuts will join around the world because it encourages them.

You have to believe this has been considered in some circles in D.C., perhaps even the CIA or our military? But if it did happen,

  1. Mal says:
    (to finish the above…sorry!) it would make him a Martyr and they would make him like Martin Luther King and name streets after him!
  2. Kid says:
    Mal, do you really want barack hussein obama boulevards and buildings and schools all over America? ;-)
  3. Kid says:
    I’d rather see a military coup. Take him and biden and toss them out on their ears. Put Ryan in for the next 14 months

What is in the heart of people who are so consumed with roiling hatred that they wish to murder our current president and leave his wife a widow and his two daughters fatherless?  Where are the people of good will to say STOP!  ENOUGH! Are they, too, so filled with poisonous hatred that they would advocate committing treason against their own country, the United States?  It appears that they are, since the comment went unchallenged and was left standing . 

Scurrilous cowards.

Fifty-two years ago ignorance, hatred, and spite killed a U.S. president. Thankfully, these past 7 years, the Secret Service has been able to thwart the many threats to President Obama's life, but that doesn't deter treacherous villains from expressing their desire to see President Obama murdered.  These are the same people who fear that Muslims and Islam will destroy our way of life. Meanwhile it is they who hope for and plot the murder of our American president, an unspeakable crime that would plunge our country into chaos. Are they really that stupid to not understand this?

Fifty-two years later, we have learned nothing, except, perhaps, who is our real enemy.


  1. "For a growing number of Americans, this month’s attacks in Paris mean it’s time to stop bringing Syrian refugees to the United States. The risk that the Islamic State might send infiltrators in disguise."

    Americans are afraid of Syrian refugees coming into the US and possibly committing terrorists acts? But the people on that blog don't have a problem with talking about assassinating an American president? A TERRORIST ACT? This is real evidence of their crazy mentality. They're afraid of Syrian mothers, fathers and kids, but talking about killing the U.S. president doesn't turn their stomachs? Who the hell are these people. They ain't Americans that for sure, they may be the infiltrators or traitors but they ain't Americans.

    That photo of the flyer sent around about JFK isn't any different then what the traitors are saying about Obama -- not being Christian and a Commie. It's true that nothing has changed.

  2. One can only imagine the level of ignorance of these people and the extreme hatred that obviously consumes them.

    While I have no way of knowing whether or not true it is my educated guess these people are Christian fundamentalists who believe President Obama is a Muslim. In their jaundiced view the combination of the president being bi-racial, a liberal (comunist to them), having lived in Indonesia and believing he is not an American by birth, along other false beliefs drives their fear and hatred.

    The individual who expressed the desire for the president's death by a hitman is truly a pathetic hate filled POS. Those who said nothing and remained silent are really no better than Mal.

    You are correct Shaw, people like those on the site you visited constitute a grave threat to American principles and values. By far greater than any outside threat.

  3. That poster was distributed by retired Army Gen. Edwin Walker. He had ties to the John Birch Society and the KKK. Even in the early sixties he was considered, outside of virulently racist sections of the deep south, a crazy, fringe nutjob. What's so sad and disturbing is that the rantings of a fringe right wing a-hole from 40 years ago are now, word for word, mainstream Conservative talking points.

    Shaw, thank you for reporting this. I still check out what's going on in Ms. Z's dirty bubble once in awhile. I read the post that started the thread but didn't read far enough into the comments to see Mal's assassination wet dream. The post was her outrage over ICE turning away 27 Iraqis who showed up at the Mexican border. Apparently, 18 months to 2 years vetting before admitting a Syrian Muslim refugee is just too dangerous for the bed wetters but zero vetting and showing up at the Mexican border and saying they're Christians is AOK.

  4. Hi Ray,

    The people on that blog don't think making threats against President Obama's life is terrorism. They don't accept him as America's president, because they believe he's a Muslim and a Commie. Their brains have been infected with so much hatred that they're blind to their own terrorist yearnings.

    It is sickening.

  5. RN, as I wrote on your blog:

    We've also witnessed how the Rabid Right soils their undies over the idea of Syrian orphans infiltrating American and planning jihad against America -- but they have no problem with having people on their blogs advocate for the murder of America's president. That is terrorism against the sovereignty of this country and the sort of terrorism that they find perfectly acceptable. IOW, they have lost all credibility on anything to do with the security of this nation. People who accept and advocate for the assassination of a US president should be shunned and shown to be what they truly are.

    Between that blog and the Stench Trench that features pornography, racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny, they've got all the the worst impulses in human nature covered -- and they feature them daily on both blogs (Of course, not on Sundays when they praise Jesus -- that's, after they all agree that killing the president is a neat, red-blooded, Christian- American idea.)

    Not one person on that blog spoke out against that traitorous idea.


  6. Craig,

    "Dirty bubble" is an excellent description of that blog. How else could anyone describe a place where terrorist ideas about killing an American president are written down and welcomed?

    Craig: "Apparently, 18 months to 2 years vetting before admitting a Syrian Muslim refugee is just too dangerous for the bed wetters but zero vetting and showing up at the Mexican border and saying they're Christians is AOK."

    Craig, don't expect rational thinking from irrational minds.

  7. This was written by a dear friend of mine, Y.D.. I know she wouldn't mind my publishing it here:

    "John F. Kennedy was young and handsome and smart and charismatic. He was the first president whose words touched and inspired me. All those deaths -- JFK, RFK, MLK -- and yet my generation held on to its hope for the future. We held onto it in their name and the name of our friends and lovers who died in Vietnam, in the name of the Kent State students, in the name of Emmett Till, Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley, Jonathan Daniels, james Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Henry Schwerne and so many others who asked not what their country could do for them. Kennedy was far from perfect; we all are. But we were a place of hope and he spoke to that hope. I don't know what we are now. Two years after I first wrote these words, I still don't know what are ... Did we make the world a safer place? Will there ever be an end to war and assassination and misery caused by one human to another? Have we gotten anywhere at all?"

  8. So is the Geeezus blog a petri dish of anti-American terrorists? I mean you did say none of her minions said anything about Mal's call to assassinate the president by a hit man? And do those people still think they're "righteous Christians?" Even though they're okay with committing treason on their own country? Well. Isn't that SPECIAL!?

  9. ya, and dig this....the Great Leader, Donald the Thrump endorses waterboarding..... doubt, by monday, he will walk that one back and say he meant 'snow boarding'

    sheesh, stupid has great ground as the #1 hobby of the GOP

  10. R.P.L.

    You said that, not me. If the comment wasn't addressed by her or her fans then we have to assume they're find with the idea of assassinating a U.S. president.

    Their actions speak for themselves.

  11. Hmm American Idiot,Death of an American President and not to mention all the anti Bush rhetoric on HBO ,in Hollywood and the barage of negative comments on every Oscar show.
    Yeah can't imagine where all the hate comes from?

  12. Shaw, thanks for all you've done on that. It's ugly down there in the fever swamps.

  13. Have to disagree with your title, Shaw. Some of us have learned quite a bit.

    Trump continues to milk the hatred before he hands off to Ted Cruz.
    I'm more and more convinced that Cruz will be the nominee.

    A time when we have to have faith in the decency of the American people/

  14. Anon @1:20PM

    Negative comments are not the same as calling for the assassination of the president. Fictional movies about presidents is not the same as advocating a president's murder. You seem not to grasp that simple fact.I've said here that we understand that harsh criticisms, name-calling, and even saying one hates the president are all part of American politics. What isn't acceptable is what was on that blog: calling for the assassination of the U.S. president. That is a federal offense.

    I disliked GWB's policies; I never ever wished him or his family harm. Ever. That should never be acceptable by any decent American.

  15. "That should never be acceptable by any decent American.

    Obviously the people on that blog don't believe in decency. Decent people don't accept people who think killing the POTUS is a good idea. Those people are the dregs of our society.

  16. I read your blog; I've never commentedNovember 22, 2015 at 5:35 PM

    From the blog that approves of assassinating the president:

    "OOps! The ‘threat’ is NOT scrubbed, it’s clearly still there….!! . And this blog owner neglected to mention that the owner of the blog, ME, said this at the time! (I’d forgotten till I started looking around at what the big deal was!): Here’s what I had written:

    “ALL: I don’t want any talk about assassinations or anything even close to that here. Ever.
    Thanks. We start to sound like leftwingers full of glee for Tony Snow’s death…. or when Cheney has a heart problem. We don’t do that here. Thanks very much.”

    So, her whole thing is a HUGE LIE. AGAIN :-)

    I’m done now….having a great afternoon…going to a terrific party tonight and am going to go paint and relax."

    The Stupids have no idea that what was said about the guy, Tony Snow, or "glee" over Dick Cheney's heart problems are NOT the same thing as advocating for killing the POTUS.

    That woman's blog promoted killing the President of the United States. Not matter how much bullsh*t she writes, she can't deny tha: her blog advocated terrorism against the United States of America.

    What part of this disgusting comment doesn't that unfortunate woman understand?:

    Mal says:
    November 19, 2015 at 10:32 am
    Every time O opens his mouth, he makes himself less and less believable. He is the laughing stock
    of the world…………and so are we for having elected him! For the free world to have any chance of survival, we need to get rid of him NOW, and being as we “can’t” impeach him, then a hit man, whatever… life in exchange for the rest of the world would be a bargain. I know what that sounds like and can hardly believe I’m saying it, but given the thousands who have been killed and millions who have been displaced, his death would be nothing. Also, the stronger ISIS gets, the more nuts will join around the world because it encourages them.

    That's a terrorist comment, and not matter what she and her crazy commenters say, it is what it is. A call to kill the POTUS. She didn't scrub it so it stands as her approval of it.

  17. Kevin, it certainly is ugly in the fevered swamp zones of Obama haters.

  18. "Ducky's here said...
    Have to disagree with your title, Shaw. Some of us have learned quite a bit."

    Yes, I agree that "some of us have learned quite a bit." but the people who welcome terrorist threats to the POTUS have learned nothing.

  19. Ronnie's Ray Gun, you're right. Those people are NOT decent. I'd say they're indecent in their hatreds.

  20. I read your blog; I've never commented,

    I'm done with this issue. I've notified the F.B.I. and of the comment advocating the assassination of the POTLUS. That's a federal offense. The blog owner left it up, but made some weak little statement about not liking death threats. The fact is she left the death threat up.

    I'll leave it up to the F.B.I. and WordPress to deal with that treachery.
