Monday, November 23, 2015

"On Hate in America"

From my friend, Leslie Parsley's blog, Parsley's Pics, published November 22, 2013:

Ralph McGill Reflects on Hate in America

"A young President, husband, father, now done savagely and pitilessly to death, is the latest harvest of psychopathic hate. Before we mourn, it seems necessary that the nation comprehend the fact that hate, whether of the extreme left or right, can destroy not merely the chief of state, but the state itself. By one of those odd coincidences of history, the President was shot in the week of the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address. This President, himself so soon to die by an assassin's bullet, reminded us that it is we, the living, who must dedicate ourselves to democracy and truth. . . .

 The first suspect was a typical product of the factories of hate. He is American born and bred. That he is a psychopathically disturbed young man is evident from his actions and his record. He had served his country in the armed forces. He had quit his country for Russia. He had become disillusioned with communism. Back in his own native land he swung over to one of the pro-Castro groups.

 There were other evidences of hate, bitter, deep and irrational. When news of the shooting came and later that of the death of the President, some of the Southern newspapers received anonymous cheering calls, saying, "So they shot the Negro lover. Good for whoever did it." .

...For some years now the more vocal extremists, left and right, have directly or indirectly encouraged violence and defiance of federal authority. This has included evangelists, heads of organizations dedicated to defying the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against racial discrimination, and groups both anti-Semitic and anti-Negro. Some of their leaders have been careful to avoid open incitement of violence, but that their words and their own expression of hate directed at their government and their President inspired those whose disturbed minds tend toward criminal action is supported by evidence." 

 McGill then recalls the acts of violence that had occurred since the Little Rock riots - the night of rioting at Oxford, Miss., the sniper fire that killed an NAACP official, and the murder of four innocent children in the dynamiting of a Birmingham church. "

. . . . We have grown used to seeing in newspaper pictures and on television the hate-twisted faces of young men and women and adults crying out the most violent threats and expressing a virulence of venom against their country and its authority. All of these are pieces of the mosaic of hate that has poisoned this country. . . . One can only wonder in what furnace this hate-distorted mind has been fired and one asks, too, how many men in our country are secretly planning violence and death. It has been increasingly plain that there are American men and women who no longer feel any love for their country. They have withdrawn in hate."


"Hey obama !

Most of us know what a pathetic liar you are, what an imbecile you are and what an enemy of true Americans (of any color) you are. Seriously, I might have an ounce of respect for you if you came out and told us how you intend to do America/Americans harm day after day. 

Know that the only people who supprt[sic] you are Losers. Just like you who have never worked an honest day in their life and exist only to demand free stuff from productive people who will eventually disappear and leave you and yours in a wasteland of libtard, black aggression, moslem agression[sic] shit holes. 

 At least you will all end up with what you deserve. 

 You're pathetic. I can't wait until you are back in private life trying to rewrite history like every other POS democrat president in history." 

"Conservatives need to stop laying[sic] down. People who are not interested in this lifestyle need to stop laying[sic] down. And here's a tip for any lib progressives. No one has to like you. No one has to like LGBT people. No one has to like or even accept moslem vermin. Got a problem with that?"

From PM Carpenter's blog - right wing populism in 2 minutes, 24 seconds:


  1. Anonymous Reader of TeaPublican BlogsNovember 23, 2015 at 10:20 AM

    Extreme haters are in both political parties.

    I read the Tea Party Republicans who whine about what was said by extreme lefties when Tony Snow died, and that was despicable. But the Geezus blog dedicates itself to Andrew Breitbart, who said this about Senator Ted Kennedy when he died:

    Rest in Chappaquiddick
    26 Aug 09 via web

    To which, Breitbart added as descriptors of the recently deceased Senator
    a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”
    And finally, this attempt at a joke

    “I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,”

    That's the guy who the Geezus folks admire. That's as bad as anything that was said about Tony Snow, but we'll never read that on a blog that admires Breitbart and allows people to talk about assassinating the President of the United States.

  2. But they never miss a Sunday to commune at church and extol their "christian" and "American" values now do they?

  3. The assassination of JFK was an act of murder; not racial hate or a terrorist attack. Same with his brothers killing. Oswald never cried racial motives, or political motives; and neither did Sirhan Sirhan.
    "he is a psychopathically disturbed young man" is the reason the author gives, yet, goes on to blame hate. They are not the same. (I guess Mr. McGill cannot spell either).
    "some of the Southern newspapers received anonymous cheering calls, saying, "So they shot the Negro lover. Good for whoever did it."
    No doubt some racist said that, but it was far from an accepted thought. And to infer that, is falsely stating the vast majority thinking when JFK was shot. Why would someone mislead with that kind of extremist example?
    "For some years now the more vocal extremists, left and right, have directly or indirectly encouraged violence and defiance of federal authority."
    For some years? Try since before the country became a nation (some centuries). In fact it's no worse now, than ever before. In fact, it used to be MUCH worse.
    "It has been increasingly plain that there are American men and women who no longer feel any love for their country. They have withdrawn in hate."
    That's nothing new and certainly much worse 100, or even 200 years ago. To find current examples of hate towards our president doesn't mean hate within America is worse now than ever before.

  4. Looking back on that day, it was as if something snapped in our country. I was in a store with my mom shopping for items for my soon to be held birthday party when the news broke. One of the ladies running the store feinted. My mom grabbed me and said we needed to get home. And stay home. I was to turn 5 in a few days, but remember that day as if it were yesterday.

    It was if the US had lost her age of innocence.

    I often wonder if the wound we suffered that November day was a mortal wound to the United States.

  5. Seth wrote: "It has been increasingly plain that there are American men and women who no longer feel any love for their country. They have withdrawn in hate."
    That's nothing new and certainly much worse 100, or even 200 years ago. To find current examples of hate towards our president doesn't mean hate within America is worse now than ever before."

    Maybe YOU accept the fact that we haven't progressed and grown in maturity as a nation where it concerns how we deal with political rivals and differences, but many Americans do NOT. To accept that we Americans will always approach politics with venom, hatred, and murderous intentions is to accept that we will always be an immature nation condemned to unrelenting hatreds for the rest of our history. That's not exactly how an "exceptional" country behaves, at least not in my opinion.

  6. RN, the people on that blog are particularly vicious and wallow in hatred -- but NEVER on Sunday! On Sunday they love the baby Jesus. Then on Monday they return to their promotion of paranoia, hatreds, and lies.

  7. Anonymous Reader...

    Yes, I've noted that the blog owner admires Andrew Breitbart. That tells us enough.

  8. More rot from the impotent whiners who think calling the president names makes them powerful. In fact, it makes them look like the insignificant low-lifes that they most assuredly are:

    "obama is not only a racist, anti-American, moslem vermin activist enemy of the USA, he is an enemy of civilization itself."

    Wow! That's soooooooo deep! After typing that, the impotent whiner farted in the general direction of his PC and all was well.


  9. "Seth wrote: "It has been increasingly plain that there are American men and women who no longer feel any love for their country. They have withdrawn in hate."

    Sorry Shaw, I did not write that, Mr. McGill (the author YOU quoted did).

    Shaw said about me,
    "To accept that we Americans will always approach politics with venom, hatred, and murderous intentions is to accept that we will always be an immature nation condemned to unrelenting hatreds for the rest of our history."

    I never said that, and don't believe it.
    But it's obvious you are quite dishonest. Like the author (McGill) YOU posted. YOU both infer untrue facts.

    Enjoy living in your delusion. I'm moving on to a more intelligent blog.

  10. I even said it was much worse before, so of course I don't think America has not progressed.
    Can you read?

  11. This is a double blog post. At least two things going on. And yes, Leslie Parsley is a good friend. We are talking about hatred and the JFK assassination, among several other things. Which is fine.

    The thing that blew my mind was the commentary on Trump. "Get him the hell outta here!" to loud cheers. Loud, fucking cheers. Something that might have been written or scripted by Orwell. The arrest is filmed rather well in the 1930s American Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden. Right down to the policeman making sure that the evergreen tree didn't fall down in it's pot. It would be interesting to see how rough security was on the BLM guy at Trump's rally. Surely there were enough people getting video on their phones. Maybe a black blog? I will surely let you know if I get any better footage.

    Trump is channeling Hitler! He's the new American Hitler! No more talk about "Please win the denomination," s'il vous plait. You don't play with dynamite and you don't play soccer on a crowded freeway. Let's work with our republican brothers and sisters to defeat this menace. This is life and death of our country and our world as we now know it.

  12. Seth: "I never said that, and don't believe it.
    But it's obvious you are quite dishonest"

    Oh dear.

    I made two mistakes: I did not read your comment accurately AND I attributed a quote to you that was not yours. That is quite unforgivable, and I apologize. But why so eager to take such umbrage at my errors? Dishonest seems a bit overwrought description to what was, in fact, a hasty, erroneous reading of your post.

    Dishonesty implies intent; there was none on my part. And yes, I can read.

    Can you get your emotions under control?

  13. Flying Junior: "Let's work with our republican brothers and sisters to defeat this menace."

    I've read that the sane Republicans are set to do that very thing. We can only hope that they succeed.

    I've said that Trump is the personification of dangerous stupidity reinforced with bravado, supported by the ignorant and the daft.

  14. From Nate Silver's Five Thirty-Eight blog:

    "...the Trump’s-really-got-a-chance! case is rooted almost entirely in polls. If nothing Trump has said so far has harmed his standing with Republicans, the argument goes, why should we expect him to fade later on?

    One problem with this is that it’s not enough for Trump to merely avoid fading. Right now, he has 25 to 30 percent of the vote in polls among the roughly 25 percent of Americans who identify as Republican. (That’s something like 6 to 8 percent of the electorate overall, or about the same share of people who think the Apollo moon landings were faked.) As the rest of the field consolidates around him, Trump will need to gain additional support to win the nomination. That might not be easy, since some Trump actions that appeal to a faction of the Republican electorate may alienate the rest of it. Trump’s favorability ratings are middling among Republicans (and awful among the broader electorate)."

  15. Thank you Shaw. This is extremely chilling. In Birmingham, no less. This account should leave little room for misunderstanding of what the "All Lives Matter" response is all about. In the video, you clearly see a man in a blue checkered shirt on top of the victim. Then you see him twice again with his fist doubled up.
