Friday, August 25, 2017


Two big Russiagate stories breaking Friday: 

NBC News reports that Independent Counsel Robert Mueller has issued grand jury subpoenas this week for testimony concerning ties between Trump campaign officials and foreign entities. Paul Manafort is in the crosshairs. 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued grand jury subpoenas in recent days seeking testimony from public relations executives who worked on an international campaign organized by Paul Manafort, people directly familiar with the matter told NBC News. 

 This is the first public indication that Mueller’s investigation is beginning to compel witness testimony before the grand jury — a significant milestone in an inquiry that is examining the conduct of President Donald Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, among others. 

 It is also further indication that Manafort, Trump’s onetime campaign chairman, could be in serious legal jeopardy. According to one executive whose firm received a subpoena, Mueller’s team is closely examining the lobbying campaign, which ran between 2012 and 2014. Some of the firms involved in the campaign received subpoenas for documents weeks ago, the executive said, and now the Mueller team is seeking testimony. 

 “We think they are trying to figure out, was this a legitimate project?” the executive said. “From our perspective it was — we did a lot of work. We took it seriously.”


  1. Watch for the cries of "fake news!" and "nothingburger!" from the wingnut blogs to reach a crescendo.

    And pass the popcorn.

  2. We'll wait and see. At this point it has grown damn near impossible to believe our system will ultimately result in doing the right thing.

  3. And... Gorka resigns and Arpiao is pardoned.

    Meanwhile, the hurricane...

  4. The (nonsensical) RW spin on this is that "Mueller's decision to focus on Manafort shows there is nothing there on collusion". First, we don't know that Manafort is being "focused" on. I'm sure they're looking into Manafort's misdeeds and many other things. Second, looking into Manafort surely does not show "that the investigation into collusion has come up empty". Yet this is what the "American Patriot Daily News Network" claims.

    BTW, if Mueller does happen to come up with something that's bad for Trump? It will be because he fabricated it (link to RW meme that was at the top of WYD for awhile).

  5. Dervish Sanders: "BTW, if Mueller does happen to come up with something that's bad for Trump? It will be because he fabricated it (link to RW meme that was at the top of WYD for awhile)."

    This is another example of the 30 percenters telling each other stories to fit their delusions. And 70% of America knows that they're deluded whackos unable and unwilling to let go of the malignant narcissist they chose to destroy America.

    There are more of us than them. Let them post their inane memes. They're talking to themselves and no one else. I suppose letting them do that is better than having them eat paste and poke themselves in their eyes with forks.
