Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump Pardons Arpaio


Ryan breaks with Trump on Arpaio pardon

"The speaker does not agree with the decision,” Ryan's spokesman Doug Andres told The Wall Street Journal. “Law-enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the United States. We should not allow anyone to believe that responsibility is diminished by this pardon.”

If Joe Arpaio accepts Trump pardon he is admitting crimes against US, Constitution says. An innocent man would refuse pardon on principle

Makes perfect sense.

Trump pardons Arpaio, who was convicted of criminal contempt

Sally Yates:

With his pardon pen, POTUS reveals his own contempt for our Constitution, our courts, and our founding principles of equality and justice.

Mayor Greg Stanton (D) of Phoenix (Arpaio’s old jurisdiction) just issued a statement that will offer inspiration in the face of this horrifying news: 

 “Pardoning Joe Arpaio is a slap in the face to the people of Maricopa County, especially the Latino community and those he victimized as he systematically and illegally violated their civil rights. 

“Sheriff Joe Arpaio targeted and terrorized Latino families because of the color of their skin. He was ordered by a federal judge to stop and he refused. He received a fair trial and a justifiable conviction, and there’s nothing the President can do to change that awful legacy and the stain he has left on our community. 

“This is not a proud day for Phoenix, but I’m proud that our city is moving on and moving forward from the divisiveness that defined the Arpaio era. 

Donald Trump can ignore the rule of law, but it was our voters who removed Joe Arpaio from power.”


  1. At this point I'll be grateful if Trump doesn't hire Arpaio to replace Gorka or Bannon.

    Meanwhile, Republicans' hopes of ever gaining ground with Latino voters take another hit.

  2. I could be wrong on this but, it appears to me as though the republicans, and certainly the Trump base, couldn't care less about Latino voters or any other minority groups for that matter.

  3. I used to call tRump a pig but I support a farm sanctuary and pigs are so sweet! I now call him a cockroach- the most disgusting creature I can think of - and, unfortunately, quite indestructible...

  4. I’m happy about the pardon for Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I am not sure if it was politically the right move for President Trump, but he doesn’t seem to let political considerations affect his decisions.

  5. RN, Infidel753, Trump won Arizona by something like 3 points. This stupid pardon will wipe that 3 point win out should Trump last long enough in office to run again. Trump and his base aren't even trying to hide their contempt for the Latino and Hispanic voters.

    possumlady, I thought about that when I put the image of the two pigs up. "Pigs" are pretty awesome, but "pigs" as an allegory meaning dirty or loathsome is still part of our and other people's cultural references. Unfortunately.

    Cockroaches are disgusting creatures, but also almost indestructible.

    Perhaps we should just refer to Trump as a malignant bacteria, since some bacteria are friendly and useful, but in his case, "malignant" is a proper modifier.

    FW, Good for you and your fellow white supremacists, fascists, and Nazis. You've chosen the people you identify with: Losers.

  6. What is it that Arpaio did that was unlawful to send him to prison. Oh that's right, he enforced the law. Perhaps we should arrest every mayor who is in a statuary city because they are breaking federal law. So if you enforce the law you go to jail and if you middle finger the law you are a hero. Something in this equation seems to be basakwards.

  7. I feel I must comment since no one here knows me -- I just turned 58 yesterday-- in all my years I've never name-called any political person Republican or Democrat, evangelical right wingers to black bloc. I've never felt such utter disgust of another human being as I do that cockroach of a person. And to think he occupies the White House (shudder) . I saw someone calling it the White Supremacy House 😂😂. Gotta laugh or otherwise I'd be in a constant state of dread...


  8. Skudrunner: "What is it that Arpaio did that was unlawful to send him to prison."

    Really, Skud?

    The case that led to former Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s criminal conviction last month, and his pardon by President Trump Friday night, began in 2007 with a traffic stop in Maricopa County, Ariz., and the wrongful nine-hour detention of a Mexican man holding a valid tourist’s visa. The man sued Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, alleging racial profiling by deputies working for the most visible sheriff in America in a case that evolved into a class action suit for all Latino motorists in Maricopa County.

    After four years of depositions and hearings and motions, a federal judge in Phoenix entered a preliminary injunction against Arpaio and the sheriff’s office, noting that “states do not have the inherent authority to enforce the civil provisions of federal immigration law.” He ordered Arpaio to stop detaining anyone not suspected of a state or federal crime — simply being in the U.S. illegally is not a crime, only a civil violation.

    That was in December 2011. And that’s when Arpaio’s defiance of the court began. Over the next five years, two federal judges found that Arpaio wasn’t abiding by the injunction, was regularly telling the news media he wouldn’t abide by it, continued to have deputies make immigration-based stops, and even made “multiple intentional misstatements of fact under oath,” one judge wrote. U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow wrote last year that Arpaio made false statements about his department “in an attempt to obstruct any inquiry into their further wrongdoing or negligence,” and that Arpaio and his chief deputy “have a history of obfuscation and subversion of this Court’s orders that is as old as this case and did not stop after they themselves became the subjects of civil contempt.”

    Skud: "Oh that's right, he enforced the law."

    No he didn't. A court of law says he BROKE THE LAW. Only a hate-soaked right winger sees the courts as the enemy and the law-breaker as a hero. You and your friends are what's wrong with America: excusing criminals, liars, con-men, and moral pigs.

    Skud: "Perhaps we should arrest every mayor who is in a statuary city because they are breaking federal law."

    No, skud. You can't make that argument as long as you dismiss the fact that Arpaio broke the law. You're indignation about sanctuary cities is hypocritical. You're angry about possible breaking of law with that, but ignore the fact that Arpaio broke the law.

    Skud: "So if you enforce the law you go to jail and if you middle finger the law you are a hero. Something in this equation seems to be basakwards."

    It's Arpaio who middle fingered the law. The sanctuary city controversy can be understood if you read up on it.

  9. possumlady "White Supremacist House" is perfect. I, too, have never felt disgust with a president the way I feel it for Trump. I didn't like GWBush, but I never thought of him as a moral pig, malignant narcissist, and con man. GWBush was just plain naive and intellectually unfit for the job as POTUS.

    Think about who the GOP foisted on America for POTUS: GWBush and Don the Con. Also Nixon. The Trifecta of Terrible.

    PS. Happy Belated Birthday! My dear sister's birthday was yesterday as well!

  10. Trump and Arpiao are both racist birthers. Pardoning Arpiao was another shoutout to his racist base. The White Nationalist Alt-Right that Trump has not, and will not, denounce. They aren't the same as the KKK or Nazis (even though the protesters were carrying both of those flags). "Racism" is irrational hate according to the Nazi saluting Richard Spencer. He must view the Alt-Rights hate as rational.

    RN: appears to me as though the republicans, and certainly the Trump base, couldn't care less about Latino voters or any other minority groups for that matter.

    Trump won thanks (in part) to the Kris Kobach disenfranchisement scheme known as "Interstate Crosscheck". They plan on using the so-called "voter integrity commission" to throw more voters with Black, Latino and Asian names off the rolls. If successful Trump could win again. I don't know what the plan is. Perhaps they're gearing up (ramping up the cheating) for a president Pence after Trump resigns. Republican voters might be willing to give Pence a shot. They only have to have enough White votes to win the Electoral College.

  11. Dervish Sanders, the rabid right wingers cheering the pardon of Arpaio are the same wingnuts who still support Trump. But they are a distinct minority of Dead Enders and pathetic losers. They represent 1/3 of 1/3 of the voting public.

    Let them have their stupid victory dances, they mean nothing.

    The overwhelming majority of Americans do not support them or Trump, nor does the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world. They. Are. Losers. And they're supporting an immoral loser.

    Let them own that.

  12. This is for your resident troll, Shaw, skudrunner:

    Unless Trump is removed he will pardon everyone of his criminal friends.
    He will get even with everyone in our country who refuse to honor him, and the Republican Party seems to say,"Go for it Donnie."

    The Republican Party is now officially a Fascist Group of Thugs. And that includes your troll, skudrunner who supports Trump and his policies.

  13. Skud, Arpaio's dept. has cost the tax payers of Maricopa $150M in wrongful death, injury and civil rights abuse cases. "Enforcing the law" doesn't mean what you think it means.
    It's curious to me that a group (conservatives) with so many homophobes are so drawn to pricks and assholes.

  14. Public Servants need to be held to higher standards, now lower standards than the general population.

  15. Craig, the fact that skudrunner supports a fascist like Arpaio is all we need to know.

    Skud and his fellow travelers are only 1/3 of 1/3 of the voting public. They're under the delusion that their goals are America's goals. And it's a delusion they're unwilling to let go.

    They're ignorning the fact that once Trump got elected and America saw what a complete disaster he is, they no longer support him. 34% of the American people support this brand new presidency. Nothing like that has ever happened in US history because nothing as horrid as Trump has ever happened in US history.

    Skud and his pals keep telling themselves fake stories about Trump. The rest of the country has moved on from Don the Con.

    Howard, Trump is not capable of rising above the gutter.


  16. So Sheriff Joe Arpio was held in contempt of court for refusing to obey the order of a liberal federal judge. Conservatives are only supposed to obey orders from conservative judges because liberal judges aren't really legitimate judges. So Joe Arpaio was wrongly judged! When will you libtards learn that?

  17. Q: Why are the Stupids on the Right saying Obama PARDONED Oscar López Rivera?

    A: Because they are infinitely stupid STUPIDS. Obama didn't "pardon" Rivera, his sentence was COMMUTED after he had served 35 years.

    Chelsea Manning also had her sentence commuted, not pardoned.

    The STUPIDS on the Right never know what the hell they're talking about. Their gelatinous brains are now leaking out of their ears as a result of supporting the Liar in Chief and Nazi Sympathizer, Don the Con.

    That is all.

  18. Fairly Witless, you've described the mental illness currently infecting the Trumputin GOP. Any judgement handed down by a liberal judge is seen as partisan, but any judgement handed down by a conservative judge is righteous. Trump himself declared that Arpaio was unfairly judged, when a majority of Arizonans and the judicial system said otherwise. You're part of the Trump sickness -- part of a minority that thinks the rest of the country is with you and Don the Con. It isn't. America doesn't like him or YOU who continue to support the mendacious swine.

    Anonymous, Here's the difference between a commutation and a pardon:

    A commutation of sentence reduces a sentence, either totally or partially, that is then being served, but it does not change the fact of conviction, imply innocence, or remove civil disabilities that apply to the convicted person as a result of the criminal conviction. A commutation may include remission (release) of the financial obligations that are imposed as part of a sentence, such as payment of a fine or restitution. A remission applies only to the part of the financial obligation that has not already been paid. A commutation of sentence has no effect on a person’s immigration status and will not prevent removal or deportation from the United States. To be eligible to apply for commutation of sentence, a person must have reported to prison to begin serving his sentence and may not be challenging his conviction in the courts.

    A pardon is an expression of the President’s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant’s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence. It does, however, remove civil disabilities – e.g., restrictions on the right to vote, hold state or local office, or sit on a jury – imposed because of the conviction for which pardon is sought, and should lessen the stigma arising from the conviction. It may also be helpful in obtaining licenses, bonding, or employment. Under some – but not all – circumstances, a pardon will eliminate the legal basis for removal or deportation from the United States. Pursuant to the Rules Governing Petitions for Executive Clemency, which are available on this website, a person is not eligible to apply for a presidential pardon until a minimum of five years has elapsed since his release from any form of confinement imposed upon him as part of a sentence for his most recent criminal conviction, whether or not that is the conviction for which he is seeking the pardon.

    The "Stupids" don't understand this difference just like they don't understand that they're supporting a traitorous mendacious swine. Bobby Jindal named them correctly.
