Monday, September 18, 2017

This happened

The POTUS actually RT'd a gif that showed him whacking a golf ball that hit Hillary Clinton in the back of her head, causing her to fall forward. This juvenile tweet was sent out by a 71-year old man who is the so-called leader of the free world, not a bored 10-year old boy who gets his kicks fantasing about hurting girls and women who are his obvious superiors.

That a POTUS does this and his cult followers have nothing to say about it is indicative of how sick he and they are. As one Twitter user said, "it will be well nigh impossible for the GOP to stand for dignity and decorum" -- or for basic human decency ever again. 

Donald Trump Retweets Joke About Violence Toward Hillary Clinton

Never let the GOP forget that they support #45 and all of his mental deformities.


What kind of presidential mind — what kind of adult mind — would cheerfully disseminate such an unspeakable disgrace? There is no bottom to the infantilism of Donald Trump's. 

 What's more, his "humorous" retweet of a physical assault on a woman — a former first lady, U.S. senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate who whipped his butt by three million votes — came from an anti-Semitic Twitter user, @Fuctupmind. "Please get rid of the Hasidic Jews. They are the worst people on the planet," spewed, last November, the prolific tweeter, which is of course an enthusiastic supporter of this Fuctuppresident. 

 "I will be so presidential, you will be so bored," said Trump in April 2016. In a way he was right. We are somewhat bored by his endless depravity. We are also, however, horrified that here is a cretinous manchild in possession of the nuclear football. 

 I recall when Trump's party derided his predecessor as "unpresidential" for, on occasion, not wearing a suit jacket in the Oval Office. Now this. And yet most Republicans are silent. That in itself is as disgraceful as Trump. 

Whose silence is honorable instead? "A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton," reports CNN, "declined to comment on the tweet."


  1. Whose silence is honorable instead? "A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton," reports CNN, "declined to comment on the tweet."

    Because, clearly, no comment was necessary.

    Trump is a spoiled-brat bully, and the voters who support him are largely likewise.


  2. Oh for Christ sake.....put a down payment on a sense of humor.

  3. Would Anonymous think it was funny if Obama had put out a gif of him beaning former FLOTUS Nancy Reagan on the head and having her fall? Would that be an instance of a president showing a "sense of humor?" How about if Trump had done this to any other female leader: Queen Elizabeth? Teresa May? Angela Merkel? Why did the President of the United States and "Anonymous" think this is just having a "sense of humor?" How funny would it have been if Obama or Clinton had done it to Nancy Reagan? Would Anonymous agree that would be hilarious? Watching Nancy Reagan trip and fall after a doctored tweet showed POTUS smashing Little Ole Nancy on her head with a golf ball?

    You do realize Anonymous that you're as demented as tRump.

  4. There really is a bottomless pit. Its proud occupants are members of the trump administration and all of hi supporters.

  5. The big -H- getting hit by a golf ball is off limits. Lets return to the days when the severed head of a president is comedy.

  6. As for Hillary Clinton being good at lying, as I've said previously, I believe HRC is mostly an honest person. Trump's whole campaign is a lie, and has been based on lies. (which he know given that he was previously a Democrat who praised Hillary).

    As for the slow recovery, I blame Republican obstructionism.

    1. Dervie
      The greatest president in the last 50 years was a democrat before he woke up and became a republican and took the economy from the carter disaster to massive growth.

  7. Skud, you seem not able to tell the difference between a comedienne sending around a tasteless image of the POTUS and the POTUS -- theleader of the free world making a joke about hitting and knocking over a former FLOTUS, US senator, Secy. of State, and presidential candidate.

    Donald Trump did that, not some wise-ass juvenile jokester -- but I repeat myself.

    If you think there's an equivalency there, you're grossly mistaken.

    I would ask you, as did Colleen above, if you or any of your other friends who don't think we have a "sense of humor:" would you have laughed had Bill Clinton sent around an image of him hitting and knocking over Nancy Reagan? Why wouldn't that be as hilarious as the right wingers think Trump's retweet was?

  8. Infidel753, Trump is incapable of acting like an adult. He's obviously emotionally and intellectually stunted.

    Colleen, good example. Thanks for the input.

    RN, it is a bottomless pit. Everytime Trump does something stupid and childish, he lowers himself further into the abyss of stupidity.

    Dervish, Hillary Clinton was found to be far more honest during the campaign than the Liar-in-Chief. It's all coming back to bite the wingnuts in their rear ends. Trump is the one being investigated by the FBI, and he is known around the country and the world as a crass scam artist and serial liar.

  9. "That was the most atrocious speech I've ever heard an American president give in any venue." - Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Pres. Trump's speech at the UN

  10. JUST IN: "The ignorant, absurd, and hateful rhetoric filled with ridiculously baseless allegations that was uttered before this august body yesterday was ... unfit to be heard at the United Nations," Iranian Pres. Rouhani says after Pres. Trump's speech to the UN General Assembly.

    If Rouhani had said this about an Obama speech, the right wingers would have fallen all over themselves praising him, just like they praised Putin as a "strong leader" against America's own president. So will they become enraged with the truth of what Rouhani said? of what Col. Wilkerson said?

    Probably. Such are the habits of hypocrites.

  11. I'm sorry Skud, did a Democratic President hang the head of a presidential candidate? Did one of their candidates? Of course not.

    On this one, you're on pretty shaky ground.
