Wednesday, September 20, 2017

We are a sick country

How is this possible in ANY part of America? An America that so many tell themselves is "exceptional?"

As you read this disgusting story, note that it wasn't just one bad person involved in this miserable act of racism, more than one staff member was involved. One would have had to have been raised in a climate of rancid racism to think for one instant that this was "funny" or okay to do to an African-American newborn or any newborn. But in this sorry instance it was a white nurse who defiled the newborn African-American with her twisted, hateful racism.

All who participated in this monstrous deed should lose their licenses as nurses forever. This wasn't a "mistakes were made" event.  This was a manifestation of grotesque racism learned at home and wherever else these awful people live. Shocking. Sick. Evil.

And American as apple pie.

I'm losing any hope I had for this country. 

‘Mini Satans’: Why is this ‘navy nurse’ giving a newborn baby the middle finger? 

The Naval Jacksonville Hospital announced Monday night that it has removed multiple employees after images of them inappropriately handling newborn babies surfaced online. 

 A Facebook post, shared over 180,000 times, depicts a hospital staff member flipping off a baby with the caption “How I currently feel about these mini Satans.” 

 The image, which the Facebook post said came from a “navy nurse,” was a screenshot of an image shared on Snapchat, according to ABC News. 

 And in a video, another employee is reportedly seen holding an infant and making it dance to rap music, according to KENS5 News.

The video is at this link.


  1. Absolutely revolting. Every time I think this stuff can't get any worse, it does.

    I hope the military justice system throws the book at these people who disgraced their profession. The parents must be suffering attacks of the horrors thinking of such creatures handling their babies.

  2. As reprehensible and racist as this may be it does not represent the majority of Americans.

    America is not, in majority, what those nurses represent. Regardless of the 2016 election of DJT.

    We cannot let the mentality of the WYD, Geeeez, and FT crowd et all win the day. America, even with all its wrinkles, is by far better than that!

    Fight on... Resist... The power of truth and right will prevail.

  3. Here's an article showing how our federal government prioritizes going after the "bad hombres" of illegal immigration.

    Read it through... "yes, you can save your child's life" but you've got to agree to be arrested and deported first. What a choice.

    Sorry RN... I have decided to agree with the GOP. Failure to condemn heinous acts means you agree. And if you agree with stuff like this, you've got not some issues, but a lot.

    It is a silent agreeing majority of the GOP who is supporting this by not speaking out.

  4. No doubt those nurses worship at the altar of Trumpistan. This is an example of how Trump is making America GROSS Again!
