Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Is Donald Trump losing control?

Washington (CNN)

In the space of last 48 hours, Donald Trump has: 

 Retweeted three anti-Muslim videos from a far-right group based in Britain. 

Sent two tweets not only using the firing of NBC's Matt Lauer to bash so-called "fake news" but also to spread innuendo about NBC News head Andy Lack and "Morning Joe" anchor Joe Scarborough. 

Called Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo code talkers. 

Not denied repeated reports that he now believes the "Access Hollywood" tape is somehow fake and that President Barack Obama may not have been born in this country. 

Attacked congressional Democratic leaders and insisted he would blame them for a government shutdown. 

Delivered a statement about North Korea's latest missile launch. 

Spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping over the phone. 

That's just in the last 48 hours!


Donald Trump is a madman: 

The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected 

The US President is a raving maniac who our close ally, Great Britain, has had to reprimand for his incompetent, unpresidential behavior.


  1. It is probably just me, but, it seems as though we're now at fever pitch.

    Time to take a step back and breath. Life is too short. For me anyway. Just sayin...

  2. RN, it's the POTUS who's brought things to a fever pitch. He can't stop himself from making a fool of himself and endangering and embarrassing our country. If he had the ability to act like a president, we wouldn't be talking about this.

    I have never in my life seen anyone like him act like this in the presidency. It's appalling.

  3. You left out that he has revisited the birther issue.

    You can't keep up with what is happening. Hasn't he also played a round or two of golf?

  4. This is a man who once found it appropriate to bring up and rebut insinuations about his penis size during a nationally-televised Republican primary debate. I'm not sure he ever had any self-control.

    That was around the time he attacked Ted Cruz by broadcasting a very unflattering photo of Cruz's wife next to a photo of Melania. I recall saying to a friend back then, "We've reached the point that the contest for the most powerful political office on Earth is being fought on the basis of 'I have a big dick and your wife is ugly'."

    The man is what he is. We all said that it wouldn't improve if he got elected and we were right. It's just that now he's in power and the repercussions are a lot more serious. Oh, for the innocent days of 2008 when the worst we could imagine was President Palin!

    I'm basically putting my hopes on Mueller at this point. Trump will just keep acting like this until he's removed.

  5. Perhaps it would best to ignore him. Media, social media, and bloggers not giving him the time of at just might make him go F'ing Crazy. He is the USA's biggest narcissist after all. Right or wrong?


  6. RN, Trump is the POTUS. He can hardly be ignored, can he. It is becoming more and more evident that he's losing his marbles. He's becoming increasingly delusional.

    We cannot ignore someone who has the power he has.

    As Infidel753 said, we knew Trump was not right in the head when we saw him running for the presidency.

    What is as horrifying as having him in the presidency is the fact that so many Americans didn't understand what a crazy man he truly is. Those people's rotten judgement and desir3e to "stick a finger in the government's eye" put this whacko in office.

    We are now talking about the fact that Donald Trump is not dealing in reality -- just like his supporters. He's ill, and so are they.

  7. Ms.Shaw,it seems you are the only one who sees Trump.

  8. Russia won't cut ties with NK. It's gonna get dicey, and much more dangerous.

    I sense a new Cold War on the horizon.

  9. Anonymous: "Ms.Shaw,it seems you are the only one who sees Trump."

    Do you mean I'm the only one who sees Trump for what he is? No. I'm not. A majority of Americans and most of our allies see him for what he is: A malignant narcissist and disgraceful racist.
