Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Madness of President Don

E.J. Dionne Jr. at The Washington Post writes—

Our political foundation is rotting away: Great nations and proud democracies fall when their systems become so corrupted that the decay is not even noticed — or the rot is written off as a normal part of politics. President Trump has created exactly such a crisis. He has not done it alone. 

The corrosion of norms and values began long before he propelled the nation past the edge, and his own party is broadly complicit in enabling his attacks on truth, decency and democratic values. In fact, Republicans are taking full advantage of the bedlam Trump leaves in his wake. They are using a twisted process to push through a profoundly flawed tax bill with scant scrutiny. 

The convoluted proposal is so generous to the wealthiest interests in the country and so damaging to significant parts of the middle class and the poor that GOP leaders know it would not survive extended debate. They dare not take on Trump because doing so might derail the pursuit of what are now their party’s only driving purposes: court packing, the care and feeding of the privileged, and the gutting of federal social services and regulation.

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, had to reprimand the POTUS because he tweeted out bogus white supremacist videos.

The New York Times: It is wrong for the president to have done this.” • 

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain denounced President Trump on Wednesday after he shared videos from a fringe ultranationalist group purportedly showing Muslims committing acts of violence. 

We examined the videos. At least one misrepresents the facts of what the viewer is seeing, while two others are provided without any context. • Britain First, the group that posted the videos, thanked Mr. Trump for publicizing its views, which include the idea that white Christian civilization is under threat from Muslims.


  1. Maybe next time the Dems. will put up a candidate that can win.

  2. Hillary Clinton won more votes than Trump did, even with the Russians helping him.

  3. I was watching Morning Joe (ex congressman who murdered his intern according to a Trump tweet) and they were talking about how they think Trump is going to get even more outrageous - reviving birther claims, voice on the Access Hollywood tape is not his/was faked, racial slurs (Pocahontas), hate speech against Muslims, etc - because he thinks it's working for him. As per Tony Schwartz (saw him on MSNBC last night) Trump is losing his grip on reality/dissociating.

    As per Wikipedia "The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality ...dissociation can be regarded as a coping mechanism or defense mechanisms in seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress".

    The stress that Trump is under has to do with the Mueller investigation and the fact that (As per Schwartz again) "Trump is very, very, very anxious that Mueller's going to get him" and that he "is out of control and spiraling down into paranoia".

  4. Dervish: "...he "is out of control and spiraling down into paranoia".

    And his hand is on the nuclear button.

    Some true patriot needs to throw a net on him and take him to a padded cell.

  5. And of course Pres trump at first tweeted his disgust of PM May to THE WRONG PERSON!

    Even the Mothership, while not cracking enough to make a difference, sees a bit of a problem with Trump...

    "There have been days I’d say that [that Trump is a moron as Tillerson has alleged] ..many………..but not in public! And NOT if I worked for the man!"

    If you think the guy is a moron, why support him? If you think he is a moron, how can you support his policies? Because he is your moron? If you think the guy is a moron, do you want him with a finger on the nuclear codes?

    You can think he's wrong or his policies are bad. But if you believe he is a moron, how do you support him?

    It's just nuts...


  6. Dave, Those people are Trump's base. Even if he's a moron, they're going to support him because Hillary's not the president and Supreme Court and federal judgeships. IOW, if Trump stood in the middle of Park Avenue and shot someone (or grabbed women by their private parts), they would and did vote for him.

    So we know that for those people, character does NOT count in their choices and by that we understand they'd probably support Satan himself to get their agenda passed.

    At least we know who they are and that they're only 30% of the voting population. They're a minority, but a minority that, for now, holds power.

    Sane Americans and our close allies won't forget their reckless, destructive choice.

  7. Hillary Clinton won more votes than Trump did, even with the Russians helping him.

    This is true Shaw, but, the argument that because Trump won a significant larger number of states (30 to 20) he deserves the office is not without some merit. The framer's were perfectly aware of the danger of perhaps a tyranny of the majority (direct democracy) evolving lacking any safeguards. Hence the EC.

    I've struggled with this for years, but, I'm not convinced we should throw the baby out with the dirty bath water. Not just yet anyway.

  8. Allow me to speak as a Trump supporter:

    Oh Deah! Bette Midler’s saying Geraldo Rivera “groped” her…SO WHAT? If a quote gentleman quote came up to me and touched my pink bottom or my perky ta-tas, I'd be ever so grateful. Why can't Ms. Midler just enjoy the attention? Like a good, passive little lady should?

    And this happened in the 1970's? Is she the ONLY lady who was groped in the 1970's? I think not! Why is she complaining now? And what construes groping? may I ask. A touch on the buttocks? Or where our dear President Trump prefers, the frontal naughty lady parts? So what! Don't we ladies exist for frisky gentlemen to admire and feel our sacred bodies? What is this world coming to -- that women complain about gentlemen's hands all over them whenever they please! So what! And so what if Judge Moore had a keen interest in teenage girls when he was a 30 year old man. Those little Jezebels probably asked for it and they probably were thrilled to have an older gentleman interested in their virginal bodies. So what!

    As the young people say today, I would also tell these delicate flowers to DEAL WITH IT!

    God Bless President Trump and Judge Roy Moore. Heroes of ourGod-fearing Republican Party!


  9. Lady P. Very funny. You're in great form today. Parody is spot on!

    RN, First, we're not the same country that we were in 1780s when the Founding Fathers devised the E.C.

    Tyranny of the majority? We're experiencing the tyranny of the minority. 30% of the voters put this national embarrassment in office.

    We use the popular vote to put senators, representatives, governors, and state and local pols in office. We trust the American people to do that, but not for the president? Why?

    Not every state awards all its electoral votes to the pol who gets the most number of votes. Some states apportion the e.c. votes. How is it "fair and equitable" with regard to "one man/woman one vote when a populous state, say has 20 e.c.s, and the "R" gets 50% of the vote while the "D" gets 49% and the "R" get ALL the e.c.s? What happens to all the votes for the "D" candidate. It's like they don't count. If we keep the e.c., then the votes should be apportioned.

    I say straight popular vote should be how it's done.

    1. Yes Shaw, governors, senators, and representatives are elected by popular vote, and they should be as those positions directly represent the voters of each individual state.

      More later...

    2. Since the federal government serves as an "umbrella" and is intended l to provide defense and trade equal representation of states is proper and reasonable...

      More later

    3. I really am still trying to figure out how 30% of the voters put DJT in office. I blame the folks who might just have been too disinterested to care to learn the facts.

      I do believe an argument can made that aportioning the EC based on the percentage of total votes cast that a candidate gets makes sense. If ALL states did this we would have a true representative democracy wouldn't we?

      Our founders were brilliant. I actually know that the dangers of a true democracy, foresaw by our framers, exists today. POWER CORRUPTS and ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.

      True democracy would very likely lead to anarchy and chaos. Or possibly tyranny of the 50.1%

  10. Maybe we should let NYC,LA,SF,DC,Boston and Chicago elect the President not those rubes living between the mountains.

  11. On sites like NRO they occasionally run articles about why the President shouldn't be elected by popular vote (takes too much power away from underpopulated states, etc.). They are literally trying to create an explicit justification for minority rule.
