Friday, September 28, 2018


American Bar Association and Yale Law School Urge F.B.I. Inquiry Into Kavanaugh

The American Bar Association called Thursday evening for postponing a vote on Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court until sexual assault and misconduct allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford and others are investigated by the F.B.I. 

 The dean of Yale Law School, Judge Kavanaugh’s alma mater, echoed the A.B.A.’s call. “Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” Dean Heather K. Gerken said in a statement on Friday. 

 And the magazine of the Jesuit religious order in the United States, America, withdrew its endorsement of Judge Kavanaugh, who was educated by Jesuits at Georgetown Preparatory School in Maryland. In a statement on Thursday, the editors said the nomination was “no longer in the best interests of the country.” 

\ “If Senate Republicans proceed with his nomination, they will be prioritizing policy aims over a woman’s report of an assault,” the magazine said. “Were he to be confirmed without this allegation being firmly disproved, it would hang over his future decisions on the Supreme Court for decades and further divide the country.”


"If you put a man in the White House who openly boasts of being a sexual predator, a president credibly accused by more than a dozen people of misconduct, you are no friend of women and the good men who love them. 

 If your rallies are highlighted by “lock her up” chants against a person who has never been charged with a crime, you cannot wrap yourself in due process or presumption of innocence. 

 If your men of God, led by the Rev. Franklin Graham, say attempted rape is not a crime because “if it was true, these are two teenagers, and she said no and he respected that,” you need a new faith in which to cover your hypocrisies. 

 Story follows character, as the Greeks knew, and what we’re seeing now with the Bonfire of Republican Vanities is the predictable outcome of those who enabled the amoral presidency of Donald Trump"


And if you visit any of the usual far right blogs and news sites, you will read their blood curdling howls about how unfair all of this is while at the same time never admitting to their original shame and sin of allowing an immoral, pathological lying pig to represent their party, to be their standard bearer. Somehow, the fact that they support President Porn Star Shagger is, they've convinced themselves, the Democrats' fault. That they continue to support this pathetic, broken, irrational bag of fetid fumes is their shame, not the Democrats'.

The Goopers sold whatever was left of their honor when they made the choice to support one of the worst human beings to ever disgrace the American presidency.

Let the GOP reap the whirlwind. They deserve it all.


  1. The recommendation of the ABA should matter BIGLY.

    That's because the GOP members of the committee cited them and their "highly" qualified rating of Kav as one reason he should be approved.

    Now, in light of yesterdays hearings, they're qualifying that and calling for a pause so the FBI can investigate.

    Again... isn't getting to the truth important in a country built on "the rule of law?"

  2. Dave "Again... isn't getting to the truth important in a country built on "the rule of law?"

    The most glaring question is why does Kavanaugh continue (I think it's been 16 times) to refuse to llet the FBI investigate and Dr. Ford has requested the FBI investigate. That in itself is very fishy. If Kavanaugh is as innocent as he says, he should welcome the ability to have his name cleared once and for all. By not going forward with an FBI investigation, a cloud will forever hang over him as a Supreme, just as a cloud has hung over Thomas because of the Anita Hill debacle.

    Also, let's not forget the fact that the Republicans knew about these allegations and decided to ram through the hearings. They have no one to blame but themselves. They've been dishonest and underhanded from the start.

    IMO, Kavanaugh would make a dreadful Supreme.

  3. He didn't really seem judicious on Thursday. Or probably many times in his life.

    It is a crime to lie to Congress, isn't it? Kavanaugh seems to be as pathological as Trump. At the very least saying that he'd never been hammered, blotto or whatever euphemism one wants to use. There are quite a few folks who say otherwise.
