Friday, September 28, 2018



  1. Maybe those women who talked to Flake in the elevator helped sway him? You never know.

  2. Disgusted with the GOPSeptember 29, 2018 at 9:24 AM

    Trump supporters give their opinion on why America is going to the dogs:

    "There is no better explanation for our country’s alarming social demographics: teen pregnancies, fatherless families, alcohol and substance abuse, divorce rates, abuse of children, marital infidelity, rising crime, and a citizenry who, like Christine Ford, do not think that they should be held accountable for their horrid personal behaviors."

    This was written by a person who supports a president who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, and then cheated on his second wife with his third wife, and then cheated on his third wife with a porn star when Wife #3 gave birth to his 5th child and then he had a year-long affair with a Playboy bunny that same year. Trump has that person's undying support.

    The person who wrote that bullshit also supports Trump who said Nazis are "nice people," and who was fined $25 million for cheating people out of their money for a fake university. The person who wrote that bullshit supports Trump who has been found to lie the way most people breathe -- the most lies in the shortest time in office.

    The person who wrote that bullshit supports Donald J. Trump, a serial adulterer, a proven liar, a cheat and a Nazi supporter. Seriously. That writer then goes on and blames Democrats and Liberals for the mess this country is in.

    The person who wrote the quoted text above actually blames a sexual assault victim and not the roaring drunk frat boy who jumped on her with his friend and tried to rape her.

    Pay attention to this. The person who wrote that bullshit votes and will vote this November. Don't let people like that continue to destroy America.

    Remember: Their president is Donald J. Trump and they blame other people for their miserable choice and support of a degenerate liar and whoremaster.


  3. So the party that condemned a guy who touched, not raped, a girl 36 years ago while in his teens accepted as a moral compass a senator who murdered a girl and hid from the incident and kept him in office for fifty years.
    No wonder our country is screwed up.

  4. skudrunner, Ted Kennedy did not MURDER anyone. You and your friends know this because Ted Kennedy was NEVER PUT ON TRIAL AND CHARGED WITH MURDER. He was responsible for involuntary manslaughter and should have left the Senate after that tragedy in which he behaved very badly. But to call him a murderer is the same as calling Kavanaugh a rapist, which technically is not true. According to Dr. Ford's testimony under oath, Kavanaugh is ALLEGEDLY an attempted rapist at worst and a sexual assaulter at best.

    You and your friends are having a temper tantrum because women have come forward to testify that Kavanaugh has a less than sterling background; but even if he has changed his ways since he was a drunken high schooler or college student, his testimony showed him to be an angry, petulant, emotional wreck who has no business being on the SCOTUS. He's emotionally damaged goods and would make a rotten Supreme.

    His demeanor showed the country that he can't control himself -- he couldn't when he was a teen, and he can't now that he's an adult.

  5. PS, thanks to Blackout Brett, the country now knows what FFFFFFF, Boof, and Devil's Triangle mean. What a guy!

  6. Seriously Skud? You call pinning a girl on a bed, sexually grinding on top of her while covering her mouth to quiet her screams and trying to take off her clothes “touching” her? You are a disgusting, sick person.

  7. Skudrunner: It's intellectually dishonest to use the word "touched" alone for what was obviously an attempted rape. Using language that minimizes and obfuscates actions is a standard tactic of apologists for aggression, especially in cases of sexual abuse. It's a sign of knowing, deep down, that they are in the wrong. People who are confident of their position are not afraid to use honest language to describe it.

    Imagine if a much bigger and stronger man jumped on you and started trying to pull your clothes off with an obvious intent to sexually assault you, and silenced you by putting his hand over your mouth with such force that you feared you would suffocate. I think you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss such an attack with trivializing language if you personally had been the target of it.

    I believe a lot of men don't empathize well with female victims of sexual abuses because, being male, it's hard for them to imagine themselves being in that position. If they did, they'd be horrified.

  8. DwtGOP,

    It's not surprising that a Gooper like the one you quoted would blame the victim and criticize her "horrid personal behaviors." It's actually hilarious in a sick way to see how these dead-enders and sewer dwellers look everywhere to blame people instead of looking in the mirror.

    When you elect a whoremonger, a liar, a cheat, and a scammer, it should not surprise the Goopers when he attracts the same sort of people to serve him.

  9. I talked with a guy recently about Ford's story. The result was him telling me that after 30 something years, she should essentially be over it. How bad could it be he asked. I responded that I imagine for a woman being sexually assaulted and fearing for your life is probably pretty traumatic and hard to get past.

    His response was pretty much what I'd expect from Skud... he told me everyone faces "tough situations" and "bad things."

    And just like that, she was minimized. Just like Skud did with his touching comment.

  10. The Huffington Post is reporting (by Susan Boboltz - report reprinted on my blog) the White House is putting limits on the FBI investigation. The FBI will interview Judge and Remirez, but will not be able to interview Swetnick, or Kavanaugh's Yale classmates.

    The Republicans will not allow a through, or fair investigation.

  11. UPDATE: Trump swears the report about him limiting the FBI investigation is a lie. Maybe there will be more about this on the Sunday morning shows. There are so many liars in high office it's hard to know who to believe. I certainly don't believe Trump. We will find out when the FBI presents its findings to the committee next week.

  12. I wonder, Dave if that man would think the same if it happened to a daughter, wife, sister, or mother. I can attest personally that sexual assault experience NEVER leaves a woman's memory. EVER.

  13. I can also attest that sexual assault is never forgotten or gotten “over”. Twice my breasts were groped. Once in 1981 in downtown Minneapolis on my way to work and once in downtown DC in 1993 walking on my lunch break. People have wondered over the years why I always wear tops that are a size or two bigger than they should be. I always say it is just more comfortable.

    I also had a stranger try to push his way into an apartment where I was dog sitting in St. Paul in 1980. I had just come back from walking my friend’s dog. He yelled that he had a gun and I better let him in. Luckily I found my voice and screamed at the top of my lungs and he backed up to see if anyone was coming long enough for me to slam the door. Never reported it to the police because I was embarrassed and didn’t want my parents to find out. I did tell the friend whose apartment I was sitting. Her response “what were you wearing when you walked Spunky” (her dog). I still have the occasional nightmare about that.

  14. Shaw did you see the Comment on AOW’s blog where Free Thinke, aka Franco made a Nasty Remark about you this morning!
    Better take a look bevy they take it down. It was very NASTY.

  15. How is it possible that people accept this liar's temperament as acceptable for a SCOTUS justice?

    He had to finesse his statements about Dr. Ford but there were other moments:

    1. His prevaricating when Sen. Durbin asked about an FBI probe.

    2. His histrionics about it being a Clinton hit job.

    3. His absolutely disgraceful response to Sen. Klobuchar.

    Pick your own moments but those stood out as representative of his disdain for women and democratic process to my mind.

    Yet all we read on the right is attempts to blame liberals for smearing this liar's name.
    It will be an indelible stain on the court id this brute is confirmed.

  16. Rachell Mitchel (who questioned Dr. Ford for the Republican Judicial Committee about her allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her) presented the Judicial Committee Sunday with her 5 page memo on her interogation of Dr. Ford. Basically saying, based on Dr. Ford’s testimony no prosecutor would bring charges against Kavanaugh. Citing inconsistencies and lack of information in Dr. Ford’s testimony. Mitchell did not claim Dr. Ford was lying, but that her information was not enough to make a case, or prove Kavanaugh’s denials are not truthful.

    We will see what the FBI has to say soon.

    I did not read Mitchell’s whole 5 page report, just a report about it by Saba Harmedy as posted on Huffington. I reprinted her report on my blog.

    Also, there are new allegations of Kavanaugh being a “boozer” from his classmates at Yale. These are not leaks from the FBI investigation, just public statements from his classmates. I posted that Huffington report on my blog also.

  17. Shaw... I believe you. Our struggle here, as the Dems framed it early on, has been on whether he did it or not. Important as that may be, for me, the Dems missed the mark. They should have used the issue to speak to credibility and temperament. What might have happened if they asked Kav about the standards for believing a witness in a trial? About whether justices should allow evasive answers to questions? How jurists should judge the veracity of a witness. About how 1 or 2 lies here can and should be used to discredit a witness.

    I'm guessing questions along those lines would have spelled trouble for Kav as he would have had to discredit himself.

    But the Dems chose instead to go with a he said/she said approach instead.

    I still believe he will be confirmed.

  18. Re "But to call him a murderer is the same as calling Kavanaugh a rapist, which technically is not true"... not if what Julie Swetnick says is true. Although I suppose we will never know for sure, given that the FBI isn't going to interview her. Her claims being so completely absurd. As per Kavanaugh himself and many republican Senators. Me, I'm not so sure. I'm thinking there probably is something to her accusations. Her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, seems to think so. Gang Bang Brett's assault of Christine Blasey Ford was very likely not an isolated incident.

  19. I just heard on MSNBC that Kavanaugh contacted witnesses and asked that they refute the charge by Deborah Ramirez that he shoved his junk in her face. AKA witness tampering. And, yeah, he lied under oath about what FFFFFFF, Boof, and Devil's Triangle mean. AKA perjury. This has GOT to be disqualifying.

  20. Brett I Like Beer BooferOctober 2, 2018 at 11:04 AM

    Teenage sexual gropings are not crimes.

  21. possumlady Sexual assault and abuse memories: When I was six years old -- do you think it was something I wore? My gynecologist pressing his very hard penis against my leg after a gynecological exam. (Do you think it was something I was wearing?) There are others, but you're correct -- one never forgets. PS, none of the males who sexually assaulted and abused me (as a child and as an adult) ever was brought to justice.

    Not all men abuse and assault girls and women. A majority of the men in my life have been decent, loving, respectful men. But there are plenty of the indecent kind out there who believe they can do what they want, when they want and blame it on beer. No more!

    I believe your frightening recollections; I believe the victims.

  22. Brett...

    Jumping on a young girl and groping and trying to remove her clothing while preventing her from screaming for help is not just "sexual groping" -- that is sexual assault. Also, in many states unwanted sexual groping IS a crime. Leave it to an uneducated cad to say something as stupid as you did. Try education. It can be liberating -- unless you're a Gooper, then you'd call it "liberal brainwashing."

    1. So YOU already found him Guilty!
      Very Interesting!

  23. To "Alan"

    Exactly where do I say anyone is guilty? In my response to the "Brett" commenter, I pointed out, correctly, that sexual groping IS a crime in some states, which corrected the "Brett" commenter's claim that teenage groping is not a crime. I didn't say anything about Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence.

  24. AVERAGE PRIVILEGED WHITE MALEOctober 2, 2018 at 12:30 PM

    A few questions:

    Do any pictures or video exist of Dr. Ford speaking publicly or delivering a lecture in a classroom setting?

    Does she normally talk in that scared, vulnerable little girl voice?

    Does she normally wear oversized glasses that maker her appear small and vulnerable>

    Is her normal demeanor apologetic, meek and compliant?

    This is a perfect example of how APWMs try to make the victim into the perp, or at the least convince themselves and others that she's FAKE!: Take apart every small detail that makes the victim look vulnerable and make it suspect. Notice that the APWM said nothing about Kavanaugh's inappropriate whining, rudeness, screaming partisanship, and overall dry-drunken behavior. This APWM is after the victim's veracity, not the Privileged White Male Jurist's.

    This is America's shame.
