Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh in SNL Cold Open

I've been away since Saturday and just returned today.

I missed the season premier of SNL on Saturday night but was able to catch it via YouTube. Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh was brilliant -- he captured Kavanaugh's insufferable White Man's Privilege attitude, sniveling whining, and serial lying perfectly.

For those of you who missed it, here it is in all its naked truth:


  1. As to where this is going, finally it looks as if the Dems and ppl are focusing not on what Kav did, but his dissembling in his attempts to explain it. His explanations for his drinking, the sex, the Devil's Triangle are all looking like lies. We've got multiple sources, and historical record coming to the front to argue that Kav was simply lying to the Senate committee.

    In light of Sen Graham's tirade, let's look at his view of lying under oath just a few years back when he was prosecuting Pres Clinton in his impeachment case with the legal help of Ken Starr and his trusty aide, Brett Kavanaugh.

    After the House approved articles of Impeachment, the Congressman Graham was arguing that the Senate should not let Pres. Clinton off the hook. He argued that when the Senate had determined that federal judges had committed perjury, it concluded that “you couldn’t in good conscience send him back in a courtroom, ‘cause everybody that came in that courtroom thereafter would have a real serious doubt.”

    I wonder if he still believes that?

    I wonder if there are even 4 or 5 GOP Senators who believe that anymore?


  2. Shaw... here's how stupid this has gotten...

    A blogger I used to believe was sane recently posted this, asking about Dr. Ford...

    A few questions:

    Do any pictures or video exist of Dr. Ford speaking publicly or delivering a lecture in a classroom setting?

    Does she normally talk in that scared, vulnerable little girl voice?

    Does she normally wear oversized glasses that maker her appear small and vulnerable>

    Is her normal demeanor apologetic, meek and compliant?

    Man... where to start?

    Here's what his questions are driving at...

    Dr Ford went out and bought new glasses to improve her vulnerability quotient, she changed her voice for the hearing to do the same and is essentially making up her whole entire persona for the hearing. There's not even an ounce of consideration that maybe, just maybe, this woman who says bring the investigation on, is telling the truth. And that reopening those wounds is hard, hurts and is like ripping the scabs off again.

    I'm stunned.

  3. Dave, of course the Republican Senators don't believe it. We've become so divided that even a lying judge, as long as he has an "R" after his name, will be seen as a victim and a man of sterling character, sexual assault, boofing, Devil's Triangle, FFFFFFing be damned He made up all of the definitions for his high school and college behaviors. Little white lies or a man incapable of the truth? Even white lies are LIES. And it appears Judge Kavanaugh told lots of them. The Goopers, however, are focused on Dr. Ford and the timber of her voice and the size of the glasses she wears.

  4. Dave, someone posted that in the comments below, and here is his/her answer (APWM = Average Privileged White Male):

    "This is a perfect example of how APWMs try to make the victim into the perp, or at the least convince themselves and others that she's FAKE!: Take apart every small detail that makes the victim look vulnerable and make it suspect. Notice that the APWM said nothing about Kavanaugh's inappropriate whining, rudeness, screaming partisanship, and overall dry-drunken behavior. This APWM is after the victim's veracity, not the Privileged White Male Jurist's.

    This is America's shame."

    You're stunned?


    Most of the APWMen on the Senate Judiciary Committee are of the same mentality as the person who wrote that victim-shaming/blaming pile of nonsense. Did that author say anything about Kavanaugh's behavior? Demeanor? Incivility toward Sen. Klobuchar? (Her father, BTW, was an alcoholic, and Kavanaugh's inappropriate and insolent answer to her question must have startled her to her very bones.)

    Did the writer of that awful list of victim shaming/blaming question Kavanaugh's testimony and all the lies he obviously told? Lies that have already been exposed? Of course not. The APWM would never betray one of his own, even a sexual assaulter. I've read that Goopers have said even if Kavanaugh if found guilty of sexual assault, they'd still want him on the SCOTUS. That is the Trumpian legacy from #45 and his cultists.

  5. PS, Dave, This is what is meant by the Trumpian legacy, this is Trump speaking to a female journalist:

    Trump: "She's shocked that I picked her. She's in a state a shock."
    ABC Reporer Cecilia Vega: "I'm not, thank you Mr. President."
    Trump: "That's okay, I know you're not thinking, YOU NEVER DO."
    Vega: "I'm sorry?"

    That's what Trump thinks of women.

    And the person who wrote that stuff about Dr. Ford fits right in perfectly with that mentality toward women. If that commenter has daughters, I pity them.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous AnonymousOctober 2, 2018 at 5:15 PM

    Dave and Shaw,

    Here's another one of those deplorables going after Dr. Ford's looks, claiming no one would want to rape her because she's ugly. This was written by a Conservative male. This is what they think of women who claim sexual assault. In thier putrid minds, nly good looking women get sexually assaulted.

    He calls himself a "thought criminal" when he should go with just "criminal" which is better suited to his thoughts:

    "I am disappointed that none of the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee were bold enough to ask Dr. Ford directly "Why are you wasting our time with this bullshit?"

    Seriously. The woman looks like Garth Algar had too many Vampire Facelifts so that he wrinkles have become scar tissue. There was no Viagra back then, so gang rape seems as unlikely as it would have been physically impossible. That woman couldn't arouse a porn star being paid to bump fugly.

    "Why are you wasting our time with this bullshit?" Every senator should have asked."

    From the sick mind of a rightwinger: "Thought Criminal" claims that when Dr. Ford was 15, she was too ugly to be f**ked/raped. I wonder if the asshole has daughters? Wife? I wonder if they know whaat a depraved POS he is.

  7. AAA... yep, I saw that one and even screen shot it in case folks erased it to claim no one actually believe that kind of stuff.

    The prob here is that yes, the Dems played politics with this. Just as Mitch would've done and in fact did do with Garland. But, and this is what the GOP will not, or is not dealing with, is Kavanaugh. He's looking like a liar. Period. For a party that for year said HRC was unqualified because she lied to now say the truth does not matter, even for a judge, is incredible.

    And now they want to keep the report secret. Why? So we can't see the results and hold people accountable.

  8. AAA, Dave,

    Is that a parody of what a stereo-typical lunkheaded male would say about a sexual assault victim? Did someone write that as a serious comment?

    We knew the Trumpistas were deplorable, but that text above is stomach-turning. Did the women on that thread react? Or do they agree? OMG! That commenter believes that at 15 years old Dr. Ford was too ugly to have anyone sexually assault her? and this deplorable believes only attractive females get sexually assaulted? How does that asshole explain 70 and 80 year old women being sexually assaulted or raped? How about 6 and 7 year old girls?

    Are those folks really that egregiously stupid or is this some sort of comedy routine for them. It's difficult for me to believe people with those attitudes actually exist in a, for the most part, educated country. No wonder those people support Trump and now Kavanaugh. Both are men who have no respect for girls and women, even if they're married and have daughters of their own. Dear Gawd! What kind of men are they?

  9. “Dear Gawd! What kind of men are they?“

    They sound like the kind of men that sexually assault women.

  10. possumlady they're also the sort of men who think rape and sexual assault are no big deal -- until Gawd forbid -- it happens to a female relative of theirs.

    The current GOP seems to be filled with men with the attitudes shown above. I pity their wives and daughters.

  11. To call them Neanderthals would insult Neanderthals...

  12. Dave, possumlady, AAA, I highly recommend this article by Benjamin Wittes, a Conservative and friend of Kavanaugh, who's known him for 20 years:

    I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him
    This is an article I never imagined myself writing, that I never wanted to write, that I wish I could not write.

    2:21 PM ET

    Benjamin Wittes

    Editor in chief of Lawfare and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution
