Friday, September 11, 2020

Something to think about for September 11


Who are the people who still support Trump, knowing that he deliberately lied and misled the American people about a deadly, deadly virus?

We have to ask ourselves what drives these folks to continue to support this reckless, malignant narcissist who placed their lives and their children's in mortal danger.

Who continues to support and admire someone who deliberately caused death, through misinformation and lies, to their own families and their fellow Americans?

This is the 19th anniversary of September 11. Right now, because of Trump's malfeasance and lying, 3,000 Americans die each day from this deadly virus. Three thousand Americans perished on September 11. Now we have that many die EACH DAY, under the reckless and mendacious Republican president and his enablers in Congress.

“Changing the president, of course, is the single most important reform. The Woodward tapes make clear that Trump is not fit for the presidency and is incapable of dealing with a crisis on the scale of the coronavirus. 

After he leaves office, the nation needs a true inquiry into his handling of the virus — and how to be sure that no future president has the ability to make so many Americans suffer for their incompetence and callousness.”

By our estimate, Trump’s spent more than 121 hours since Feb. 2 either playing golf (assigning three hours per unseen round at his clubs in Bedminster, N.J., or Palm Beach) or traveling to and from his club in Sterling. Comparing those durations with the number of confirmed deaths on each day, we get a range of between 3,037, based on the reported number of deaths each day, and 3,862 deaths, based on the seven-day average. The variation between those numbers is largely a function of Trump’s generally playing golf on the weekend, when reported death figures are generally lower than during the week. 

If we use only the average number of deaths on days when Trump’s been confirmed to have played golf, the total is 3,163.


  1. OT: Concerning the Nobel Peace Prize Trump bragged about in his last rally: In fact, Trump was nominated in 2017 and 2018 but the Nobel committee found the paperwork to have been forged. The person who nominated Trump is known as a Norwegian Fascist. And Trump's proud of that. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. How can a nation be so good at caring about 3,000 lives that ended 19 years ago and so bad at caring about 200,000 lives that ended this year? One was caused by the attack of an enemy who swore he’d kill us; the other was caused by the lies of a leader who swore he’d protect us.

  3. So on a day of remembrance for the 3000 plus lives lost you attack the sitting president.
    Just doesn't get any worse than that.

    1. Hey Skud, here is a quote from Tronald Dump on the day of the attack: “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest. And now it’s the tallest."

  4. No, you're wrong, skud.

    It doesn't get any worse than having the POTUS lie about a deadly pandemic. It doesn't get any worse than having the POTUS tell Americans that the deadly virus is only 15 cases and soon that will be down to zero. It doesn't get any worse when a POTUS KNOWS HOW DEADLY THE VIRUS IS and then holds rallies with no social distancing and no masks. It doesn't get any worse than when POTUS calls the deadly virus that so far has killed almost 200,000 Americans, A DEMOCRAT HOAX.

    Trump didn't want to "panic" the American people? What a crock! He's been filling his fascist rallies with lies about black people moving into white suburbs and threatening suburban women, he talked about caravans of people with diseases coming across the border. Sowing panic is how he hopes to win the election! He's a liar. His fear was having the economy crash, not Americans dying of a lethal virus. What a horrible, horrible human being!

    Your anger/outrage is misplaced. I wrote about the 3,000 Americans and other nationalities who lost their lives on September 11th and reminded my fellow Americans that this sitting president is responsible for, so far, almost 200,000 dead Americans (that's approximately 60 September 11ths) because of his lies, deceit, and reckless disregard for human life. Anyone calling him a "pro-life president" is delusional and probably not well in the head.

    But a Trump cultist gets angry only because what I wrote is the truth: More Americans have died during Trumps miserable response to the deadly virus than died on Sept. 11, 2001. Trump has betrayed the American people, and everyone knows it thanks to Woodward.

    Don't be angry with me or anyone else for pointing this out; we're just the messengers. What we wrote is the truth.

    Trump's phony presence at Sept. 11th services today is sickening to watch. On that terrible day, Trump bragged that because the towers fell, HIS BUILDING WAS NOW THE TALLEST IN NEW YORK.

    That's the truth. And that, to me, represents a heartless, malignant narcissist.

  5. And here's a little nugget that Trump cultists will ignore:

    The US government announced today that Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach is an "active Russian agent." That means Rudy Giuliani and OANN collaborated with an "active Russian agent" to hurt Biden's campaign.

    The US Treasury Department on Thursday announced new sanctions against a Ukrainian lawmaker, accusing him of being an "active Russian agent" who is part of Moscow's interference in the 2020 campaign.

    The controversial Ukrainian lawmaker, Andrii Derkach, has close ties to President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and was already singled out earlier this summer by the US intelligence community for helping Moscow's ongoing efforts to weaken Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

    Now, Derkach has been explicitly labeled a Russian agent by the US government and sanctioned for attempting to influence the upcoming election.

    "Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement Thursday, which was included in a Treasury announcement that said Derkach "has been an active Russian agent for over a decade" and maintained "close connections with the Russian intelligence services."

    Trump's personal lawyer was working with a foreign agent -- Russian -- to cheat and influence the 2020 election. In the old days, we called it treasonous to work with a government hostile to the US in order to get someone (in this case a sitting president) re-elected.

    The Trumpers will ignore this as they've ignored what Woodward reported.

    But the American people won't.

  6. When DonaldTrump said he “lost hundreds of friends on 9/11” that was a lie.

    Then he changed it to “many friends” that was a lie.

    Trump didn’t attend a single 9/11 funeral. And yet skudrunner is shocked that you "attacked" Trump by telling the truth about this disgusting excuse of a human being?

    There's video of him and his 3rd wife not saying the Pledge of Allegiance today. Trump and his soft porn model wife couldn't mouth the words cuz they don't know them.

    But Obama said 57 states!!!!!!!!

    1. Hey Ray
      Did you know that right after 9-11 Trump took 100’s of his workers to ground Zero to help out?

      What did you do?

  7. Maybe if the coronavirus had come from the Middle East instead of China, Trump and his fans might have taken the threat seriously.

  8. Oh Skud...

    Really, you're upset because we "attacked" Pres Trump?

    Is this the same Trump who bragged that after the buildings came down that he had the tallest building in Manhattan? Or the same person who said this...

    “I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”

    Or the one who said he watched people jump out of windows from his office, even though it doesn't face the towers?

    You're mad at us for "attacking" a man who lied about his 9/11 experiences?


    That's rich...

  9. Ray... Obama said 57 states, which equal the number of US states and voting US territories.

    And a little off topic but related to Trump and his moral lapses... some conservatives blogs are saying Harris should not be VP because she slept with Willie Brown, Fmr Speaker of CA. It was immoral. They're the same folks who have no issues with Trump cheating on each of his wives.


  10. I guess I believe we need to take a day off from hate of any kind and honor all those who died in the 9/11 attacks. I don't believe they were hero's but rather victims but they should be remembered. Tomorrow is another day and hate will be back in business.

  11. “Richard Alles, a retired deputy chief with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), who now serves as director of 9/11 community affairs for the law firm Barasch McGarry Salzman and Penson, told us that in all the hours, days and months he spent at Ground Zero as an FDNY battalion chief starting 20 minutes after the buildings collapsed, he never witnessed a large group of workers hired by Trump at the site helping with search and rescue. “This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Alles told us by phone. “There would have been no need for that. Between police, fire and the construction crews, we had it all covered.”

    Alles added that the construction crews he saw at Ground Zero who came to help rescue workers were from the trade unions and were not hired by Trump.”

    Hey Suzanne, I’m not a stinkin’ liar like Trump or a gullible chump like you.

  12. To the skid, reporting facts is not “hate”. Only Trumpers think truth about him is lying.

  13. A simple Google search would have shown Suzanne that what she posted is nothing more than another Trump lie made up to glorify the lying coward. Skud is upset with me for posting the truth about Trump on 9/11, but he and Suzanne have nothing to say about Trump’s heartless bragging about having the tallest building when the towers fell and egregiously lying about sending groups to help out after the towers fell.

    This is a sad example that shows how easily Trumpers swallow his lies.

  14. J. Mopper, Trumpers are so marinated in Trumpian lies that there’s no way for them to understand the harm his constant lying does to our country.

  15. Hey Skudrunner. Telling the truth isn’t hate. Only a Trumpanzee thinks that way.

  16. Dave, they have no moral consistency. Trump’s serial adulteries are just fine with them.

  17. Here’s another fact/truth skudrunner and Suzanne never heard or if they did, they ignored it: Just a reminder that 9/11 first responders had to spend years fighting Republicans in Congress to cover the cost of their medical expenses.

  18. Skud. Planet Z's 9/11 post at the Mothership was a hatchet job on Kamala Harris. I didn't see your call for unity over there and I know you have left comments there before. It's not too late to leave a tsk, tsk for her. What would Geeesus do?

  19. Craig, don’t hold your breath. The sailors on the Mother Ship are not known for moral consistency. Actually, I’m not sure they have a moral compass at all.

  20. Skud opined...

    "I guess I believe we need to take a day off from hate of any kind and honor all those who died in the 9/11 attacks. "

    That's exactly what Joe Biden did, talking throughout the day to and about first responders and family members of victims of the attack. He also stopped all of his presidential campaign ads.

    President Trump meanwhile, left his ads up and spent the afternoon attacking Democrats on Twitter.

    Now class, here's the tough question... which candidate for president of the US acted more presidential on 9/11 and also took the day off from hate, as Skud wanted?

  21. The mountain west is aflame with wildfires. Alchemists have found that for each lie
    the Bonespur Orangutan makes, a pine tree ignites. If re-elected (clearly that would by by fraud) he will no doubt break the rest of the Ten Commandments.

  22. This is what I don't get about Skud and the rest of the crew on the HMS Mothership.

    Here's the background, from multiple news sources...

    Long-time Donald Trump confidant, and convicted felon, Roger Stone said that the president should declare “martial law” to seize power if he loses what Stone characterized as an already corrupt election.

    The results will only be legitimate if the “real winner” — Trump — takes office, regardless of what the votes say, Stone declared. A loss would apparently be justification for Trump to use force to take over the nation.

    Regardless of what the votes says.

    How can any democracy loving person anywhere utter and/or support anyone who believes this stuff and supports it?

    All you GOP/Trump lovers, please ask yourself this if you can gather your wits for a moment of lucidity...

    If Pres Obama had advocated voting twice in an election, had said the election would only be valid if he had won and if he would have advocated martial law if HRC lost the vote, would you have supported that view?

    Because if not, you prove that your political values are just that... political, inconsistent and only of matter if your guy wins. And if you say yes, you're even worse, supporting overturning elections, sowing discord and destroying democracy, just so your guy can win.

    Either way, Stone has exposed the current GOP as void of real values and unqualified to lead America in the coming years.

    And that's after calling our war dead suckers and losers, after lying to the American people about Covid, after releasing classified info on our most secret nuclear weapons and after ordering the military to disperse peaceful protestors neat the White House.

  23. Dave,

    The convicted felon, Stone, conveniently forgets that Trump has been unable to break 50% approval, even on the day he was inaugurated. Convicted felon, Stone, also forgets that there are thousands of Never Trump Republicans working to get Joe Biden elected, including many who worked in the Bush administration and the McCain campaign. There are thousands and thousands of anti-Trumpers out there working for Biden, but I’m not aware of any Hillary, Obama, or Biden Democrats crossing over to work for Trump’s re-election.

    Convicted felon, Stone, is calling for sedition and insurrection, and he should have his felonious Republican tush thrown in the clinker where he belongs.

    The usual Trump cultists will say nothing about convicted felon Stone’s seditious remarks because they themselves are willing to see America turned into a lawless dystopia to keep a liar, cheat, and fraud in power. I don’t know what they are, but they’re not Americans.

  24. Let’s be honest at this point, the GOP, the Republicans and Trump have radicalized 1/3 of Americans. He put tens of thousands of HIS OWN base at risk by lying to them and having them show up at his rallies when he knew it was deadly and they still worship him. Jim Jones like.

  25. Shaw... I never thought I would see words like what Stone said, even calling for the media to be rounded up and arrested, come from a truly connected political insider. Roger Stone has traveled in core GOP circles since his arrival on the political scene during the Nixon Admin.

    For Stone to now actively foment and call for martial law in the US, and not a single sitting Republican denouncement can be heard, is a testament to how far the Party of Lincoln has fallen.

  26. And you call thst being Honest??

  27. Suzanne, I deleted your comment because it was not linked to any evidence and it sounded like more Trumpian lies.

    Here's what I found:

    CLAIM: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office deleted 19,000 text messages between former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and former FBI agent Peter Strzok.

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A report by the Justice Department’s watchdog found no evidence that text messages between Strzok and Page were intentionally destroyed.

    THE FACTS: The unfounded claim that thousands of text messages between the former FBI lawyer and agent were purposely deleted resurfaced following the publication Sunday of an interview Page gave to the The Daily Beast.

    Strzok was fired in 2018 from his post as an FBI agent over anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with Page, who resigned from her position at the agency. Both worked on the probe into Democrat Hillary Clinton’s email server in 2016.

    That's the second time you've come here and posted disinformation. The first lie you post here was about Trump bringing people to Ground Zero to help. THAT WAS A LIE.

    There are plenty of Trumpian blogs out there that welcome lies. We don't.

  28. The Justice Department inspector general reviewed a gap in text messages sent between December 2016 through May 2017 from the Samsung Galaxy phones issued to Strzok and Page.

    The inspector general’s December 2018 report found no evidence the text messages were intentionally deleted by Mueller or any other Justice Department employee. The review concluded that large portions of FBI text messages were not archived because of an FBI-wide software failure.

    Trump's own DoJ found no evidence for your claim, Suzanne.

  29. Dave,

    Convicted felon, Stone, is able to spread his seditious lies and incite insurrection because Trump commuted Stone's sentence.

    Stone is still a convicted felon. And it says a lot about Trump's lack of morals and vicious, vengeful character that he commuted the sentence of a convicted felon and fired a Purple Heart recipient, Lt.Col. Vindman.

    The corruption and malevolence in Trump and his administration is epic.

    Happily, none of his tactics are working for him. He hasn't gained a point in support.

    Americans don't like corrupt, immoral miscreants representing them. Well, except the 30 percenters who still support him. They don't mind Trump's corruption and immorality.

  30. Oh Suzanne...

    Did you get stranded at your port of call after the HMS Mother Ship put out to sea?

    Something traumatic must have happened because you seem to have a foreign relationship with facts and truth.

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but you, nor can anyone else, claim opinion as fact.

    And you also cannot credibly call facts and/or factual reporting "Fake News" just because you don't like it.

    Stand on the dock. Maybe on the way back, the ship's purser will send a life boat for you and any other deluded Trump supporters who missed the return to ship call.

  31. Dave, This "Suzanne" troll is an escapee from WYD. She is obsessed with me and my blog and needs therapy to help "her" deal with her confusion and OCD. LOL! "Suzanne" has submitted comments here several times, then goes running to WYD and bitches about me and my blog.

    That behavior is so whacked-out that I believe the "Suzanne" troll is a parody of a Trump cultist nutcase.

    It's quite amusing.
