Wednesday, September 9, 2020

This isn't funny.

Bob Woodward's new book, "Rage," documents Trump's deliberate incompetence on Covid-19:

'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book

The book, using Trump's own words, depicts a President who has betrayed the public trust and the most fundamental responsibilities of his office. 

In "Rage," Trump says the job of a president is "to keep our country safe." But in early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public. "I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19, even as he had declared a national emergency over the virus days earlier. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic." 

If instead of playing down what he knew, Trump had acted decisively in early February with a strict shutdown and a consistent message to wear masks, social distance and wash hands, experts believe that thousands of American lives could have been saved. 

Trump knew Covid-19 was deadlier than a flu and yet he lied to the American people, telling them there were only "15 cases and soon that would be down to zero."

He had the obligation as POTUS to be straight with the American people and give them information to help them with best practices to avoid getting Covid-19. Instead he lied, and lied, and lied because he was worried about his re-election.

Trump deliberately lied and as a result, is responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of Americans.

Here's the deliberate, lying sack of horse manure: 

Trump to Bob Woodward on COVID-19 in 2/7 call: “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.” “This is deadly stuff.” 

 Trump to Woodward on 3/19: “I wanted to always play it down.”   

Meanwhile, Trump on 3/9  Tweet Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Mar 9:

"So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!"

Let's not forget that Trump called Covid-19 a "Democrat HOAX," knowing full well that it was a deadly serious threat to the American people.

200,000 Americans are dead because of Trump's reckless stupidity and politization of Covid-19.

Who in their right mind would want this deceitful, lying, reckless bum for another four years?

Vote the corrupt bastard out on November 3!


  1. Real simple Ptesident Trump lied to us and betrayed America. 6.2 million cases of Covid-19 and 191,000 dead from his selfishness, stupidity and incompetence all for his reelection. It cannot be put any simpler than that. It's always Donald J. Trump FIRST.

  2. Consider that DonaldTrump adamantly encouraged people not to wear masks until just a few weeks ago, but he told Bob Woodward in early February that Covid-19 was deadly, highly contagious, & airborne.

    I mean, doesn’t that kind of make him a willing accomplice to mass murder?

  3. Is there a Nobel Piece of Shit Prize? That Trump should get hands down.


    Feb. 7: Trump tells Woodward he knows of airborne risks and covid is worse and more contagious than the worst seasonal flu.

    Feb 10-Mar 2, 2020: Trump holds five #MAGA rallies each attracting thousands of people in confined spaces.

    Reckless endangerment of the American people!

    What kind of homicidal idiot does something like that?

  5. What's Trump's slogan for what he wants in the next term? "I didnt kill all of you yet and want another try"?

  6. Love that interview(s) were taped. Claim of FAKE NEWS can't help him on this one.

    Let the complete unraveling begin! On to a Biden/Harris landslide. Either that or America is done.

  7. If you think Woodward's reporting; or the DHS whistleblower; or Trump trashing our Armed Forces and Vets; or Barr throwing the DOJ in front of a Trump rape allegation: - changes anything - you are delusional - MAGA hates you even more today than yesterday and they will vote. Just take a look at the usual Trump supporting bloggers. Not one thing about this explosive report from Woodward. They're sticking their heads up their asses and pretending that Trump isn't a mass murderer when the rest of America and the world know he is.

    They're as immoral as Trump is.

  8. Anon... they're regrouping and looking for a narrative that minimizes that fact that President Trump, admitted to downplaying the virus, which caused Americans to not be as vigilant, all because he wants to be a cheerleader. And of course they are trying to figure out how to make the tapes of his statements into "fake news."

    But why not cheer lead with something like this...

    "This virus is deadly and way worse than the flu. Don't minimize how bad it is. Wear a mask, it can help save lives. Wash your hands constantly and maintain a safe distance between yourselves. While this is a difficult time, as Americans always do, we will get through this. Together. And in this, I've asked all of our former presidents to join me in urging everyone, all who live in this great country of ours, to follow the guidelines and advice from our great scientists and doctors of the CDC."

    No panic would have ensued. We would have had the truth. Behaviors would have changed for the better. Lives would have been saved. Trump would have looked presidential.

    But for some reason, it didn't, or couldn't happen.

    It was, and continued to be, a failure of presidential leadership at a time when America needs it.

  9. Shaw, lost in all the hoopla over Covid, most people are missing the fact that once again, Pres Trump spewed classified information about a no longer secret nuclear defense program the US has. Now all our enemies around the globe have been alerted to something very new and deadly that before the president opened his mouth, they knew nothing about.

    And yet just like Covid, the chattering classes and passengers on the HMS Mothership are oddly quiet, choosing instead to talk about favorite TV shows, movies, food and booze all while looking for good news about Trump.

    It really looks like their worst fears have been confirmed. Here's what they were praying a few days back. "Please pray that nothing SO AWFUL he can’t wiggle out of it is rumored….or confirmed! No nasty video, no tape, PLEASE!!!"

    I guess the answer was a resounding NO.

    There really is a tape.

    Sad days for America.

  10. Can you imagine if trump were president at the start of WWII?

    "Yesterday the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor, but we can't say for sure it was the Japanese. It definitely wasn't the Russians, so some say it's not a big deal and anyway, I don't want to panic the stock market.” -- (Hat tip to a Facebook friend for writing this)


  11. Dr. T., RN, Anon, Dave, and Possumlady

    Words fail me. I don't understand how 40% of voting Americans still support Trump. But as I've said before, I DO understand now what happened in Germany in the 1930s.

    Trump knew how deadly and easily spread Covid-19 was way back in January and pretended he didn't want to panic people. That is a lie. Trump didn't want to panic the markets.

    Any real leader would have addressed the country and told us of the risks and dangers of this virus and explained how to avoid those risks and dangers. Instead Trump lied and told the American people it would just disappear.

    He even exposed his own supporters to the virus by holding massive rallies with no social distancing and no masks. He didn't care about his own supporters. He's a monster.

    We have to accept the fact that he placed the American people in mortal danger and didn't care.

    Throw this digusting bum out on Nov. 3.
