Tuesday, November 3, 2020

DD DAY (Dump Donald Day!)


Does this mean anything?

We fervently hope so! 

In the past, this meant "as Dixville goes; so goes the nation."

Hang in there America! Vote!

And hope that we correct our disastrous mistake of four years ago and cast this unworthy man from the White House. 

 12:09 AM (EST): NOVEMBER 3, 2020

I'll be posting news as this long stressful day wears on.

Good luck, America! 

I just this report by Ezra Klein:

"Trump is trailing in Georgia. He needs to turn that around. So what did he do? Approved a Brian Kemp scheme to close healthcare.gov to the 430,000 people who currently insure through it. Now they need to use private brokers or markets."

What kind of a monster deprives his own people of health care during a raging pandemic? 

Trump's people mock Joe Biden as he visits his son's grave this morning:

This is Trump's America. Do you want your children and grandchildren to emulate Trumpers?


  1. It's almost as if he believes coronaviruses can vote.

  2. “Biden is campaigning in a land filled with fear, hatred and apocalyptic thinking. It would be so easy for him to reflect that fear and hate back to voters. That’s what Trump does.
    But Biden is not doing that. Never in my life have I seen a candidate so confidently avoid wedge issues. Biden is instead running on the conviction that, despite it all, Americans deeply love their country, and viscerally long for its unity. He’s running with the knowledge that when you ask America about the greatest threats to our future, “political polarization and divisiveness” comes out No. 1.“
    — David Brooks

  3. From an old blogging and fb friend:

    “I'm sure most of you have already voted (at least once, amirite?), but if you haven't voted yet and need a little extra push, here we go: kids in cages, the longest government shutdown in US history, "very fine people", Puerto Rico going almost a year without power, whatever the hell went down with the Comey thing, 283 days on the golf course, Mar-a-Lago charging the US government three bucks for every glass of water (Google that one, it's a hoot), Mexico hasn't paid for shit & the wall is falling over, and did I mention the kids in cages? The ones guilty of no crime?

    Oh, and, also: that dumb asshole got his ass impeached, keeps saying the China is paying tariffs (they aren't), abandoned military allies (the Kurds) apparently for the lulz, sent badgeless goons to Portland to just grab people off the street, owes god knows how much money to god knows who, stuck a drunken frat boy sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court, STILL has kids in cages, only needs a few more weeks to put the finishing touches on the health care plan he promised to deliver four years ago, told you to drink bleach, and screwed the pooch so hard on the pandemic response that 230,000 (and counting) Americans are dead. Did I miss anything? I must have missed something.

    Oh yeah - and we don't even own effing Greenland yet!”

  4. So... for the last four years we've had Evangelical Republicans and conservatives saying Donald Trump has been ordained by God as our president. The verse in the Bible that is offered as a proof text is this, from Romans 13...

    "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."

    ...no authority except that which God has established.

    Anyone want to take a stab at how their interpretation to those verses will change if Biden wins?

    We know from polling that while they apply those verse directly to Trump being chosen by God, they would not agree then that God chose Obama. Get ready for more mental gymnastics as the GOP suddenly will forget those verses, become budget hawks, whines about being steamrolled and more.

    A Biden win, if it comes to pass, will cause heads to explode all over the place, especially in the White House as a defeated Trump ponders his legal exposure.

  5. Infidel753: "It's almost as if he believes coronaviruses can vote."

    Or perhaps Trump understands he won't be around to completely deprive Americans of health care, so he'll do as much damage to their lives now as he can.


    I've given up trying to understand the people who, during the Clinton sex scandals, said character matters, then voted for a guy who cheated on all of his wives and even his mistresses, and bragged about sexually assaulting women because he's a star. That plus his scams (Trump U.) and cheating people out of money he owed them; and finally, deliberately misleading Americans during a deadly pandemic.

    I guess so long as the Evangelical Republicans get a few judges on the SCOTUS, they don't care who they sell their souls to.

  6. I hope we all have reason to celebrate tonight.


  7. Hey Dave and Ray,

    Not all Republican Evangelists are crazy about Trump!

    Billy Graham’s granddaughter voting for Biden, says Trump trying 'to hijack our faith for votes'

    She's smarter than the lot of them, and saw right through Trump's fake Christianity.


  8. Infidel753,

    If the coronavirus could vote, I'm sure it'd go for Trump BIGLY, since he's been a champion spreader and through his incompetence allowed it to rampage all over the country.

  9. Shaw... yep, I saw what she had said. But she's probably in the newly named Exvangelical Camp now.

    There is a left wing of CHhristianity, which Hillary took for granted. Obama had an outreach team to that crowd, bit HRC, no. Biden has done some work, but honestly, Trump is the person who has moved that needle.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if there's a big enough drop in Christian support for Trump that it swings the election. Even with the ACB seat.

    BTW... for you, Infidel and the rest... I believe if Trump loses, Clarence Thomas will resign quickly to try and give the GOP a shot at filling that seat through the McConnell Express with another 40 something year old rookie judge.

    I hope not, but it would not surprise me.
