Monday, November 2, 2020



If you haven't voted already, be sure to do so tomorrow. 

We all know how important tomorrow's election is.

Do we want another 4 years of a reckless, law-breaking con man whose idea of governing is to pretend a raging pandemic doesn't exist and that a quarter of a million American deaths mean nothing? 

Do we want 4 more years of lies, lies, and more lies? 

Do we want 4 more year of hearing Trump tell the American people that he has a "beautiful and better" health care plan and he'll show to the American people when he figures out what that plan is (There is no plan!). And Mexico isn't paying for a wall!

Do we want 4 more years of our children and grandchildren having to hear the POTUS call people juvenile names, make fun of handicapped people, mock POWs, denigrate women and treat our allies with contempt?

Trump has done all of this and worse. These are behaviors and ethics that we tell our children and grandchilden are not acceptable in civilized, decent human beings.

The Trumpublicans and right wing Evangelicals  have shown us that character, honesty, honor, decency, maturity, dignity, and consideration for our fellow Americans -- none of those are important to them as long as their portfolios are doing well and they can "stick it to the libtards."

IOW, they've lost their honor in service to a liar, cheat, and fraud. They are to be pitied.  We all know now that their once Conservative principles really mean nothing to them as long as they can support a dishonorable conman who hates the same people they hate.

Tomorrow we'll find out if America cares about the ideals it has fought for since its founding or if America will continue to abandon every principle it once stood for to a liar, cheat, and fraud.

Vote to restore honesty, dignity, decency. Vote:


  1. The question is this...

    Whether we agree with our president or not, do we believe there are norms that are to be followed?

    Do we elect a president who encourages people to openly disregard and break the law? Do we want a president who openly mocks and attacks people on a personal level, a president who calls people names, mocks disabilities and repeatedly lies?

    Even his supporters acknowledge this. They don't argue it's not true, they just claim it's who he is.

    I agree, it's who he is.

    The question is does America want that kind of person as our president?

    Can we elect a person who may not even be the best president or candidate, but in the end, is a decent person? A man of respect? A man you would be proud to hold up as an example to your kids? Your grandkids?

    We experimented. I get it. Let's get a non politician in there. I heard that. But folks, the experiment failed.

    For 8 years we were told Barack Obama was a terrible president because he lied about health care. Because he apologized for America's sins abroad. Because he diminished America's standing abroad. That he was a sleeper Russian agent, a Manchurian Candidate. Because he was a Muslim. Because he golfed too much.

    Hell... because he wore a tan suit.

    And now, for the last four years we've had a president who literally has obliterated America's global reputation, perhaps forever. A man who is immune to the truth. A man who has never met a European ally he liked, even as he lauds the dictatorial leaders of Russia, Brazil, Turkey, North Korea and more. A man who golfs so much he should be on tour with the PGA and his now exposed racist buddy Jack Nicklaus.

    A man who has presided over the national debt exploding, the destruction of the American economy, the death of almost a quarter of a million people to Covid and an illness rate now over 100,000 people a day!

    I never thought I'd see anything like this in my life, even as I watched the Watergate hearings everyday.

    But Donald Trump is not an existential threat to America, he is a clear and present danger and must be voted out.

    Unless of course conservatives and Republicans never believed any of what they used to say about law and order, values, goodness, honor, America's reputation and the dangers of deficits and the national debt.

  2. Can you believe this?

    Seen on a far right blog:

    "One more thing. By now, the whole world has heard about the self-serving Biden’s crooked dealings in addition to the Clintons and Obama’s, and if we still end up electing Biden knowing this, what does that say about our once admired country?"

    This person must be living under a rock. America has been the butt of jokes all over the world since President Dotard was elected. Trump is known for raw dogging a porn star and paying her off so she wouldn't tell his wifey #3 about it! Trump also was impeached for obstructing justice and contempt of Congress. IMPEACHED FFS!

    And the person who wrote this is accusing Biden of crimes he NEVER WAS INDICTED OR INVESTIGATED FOR????

    This is why our country is so divided. People like the ididot who wrote listen to Fox or Rush and believe lies. That's why we have to kick Trump's ass out tomorrow!!!

  3. The problem is... trump is who he is. And, Those that disagree and still choose to support trump, trumpism, and the evil that unleashes are absolutely no better than he is. In fact they are WORSE.

  4. Dave, Ray, RN, 24 hours until the polls close on the East Coast!

    I hope Americans do the right thing, and vote this disastrous regime out of office.

    Good luck to us tomorrow.

  5. BTW, Trump says he's going to declare victory is he's ahead before midnight.

    We did not know the presidential winner for certain before midnight on election nights in 1960, 1968, 1976, 2000, 2004, 2016. No one should pretend there would be anything historically unusual if that happens again in 2020.

    So what is he talking about?

  6. Shaw... as for Trump declaring victory and demanding a victory announcement tomorrow night, if he could read a history book, he'd know it's never, that's right, never happened before. Also, most states have laws that allow them days after the elections to count the votes to insure that our soldier's votes, absentee votes and overseas voters all get counted.

    Why would any president not want those votes counted?

    How could any elected official, sworn to uphold the constitution, disregard our election laws?

    If by some chance the Dems get enough seats in the Senate, a real long shot I'll admit, they should impeach him, remove him and be done with it in January. At some point, you have to take out the garbage to get the smell out of the drapes.
