Friday, December 18, 2020

Is this true? Did he really imply this?

Trump has reportedly said he was considering not leaving the White House. I’m quite sure there are many Americans who would gladly see him physically removed.


"Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives one year ago today. 

The articles of impeachment charged him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress." --Geoff Bennett

Trump has exceed expectations in every regard of "dirty politics" and been openly vindictive to citizens ever since. However history records the last 4 years, the evidence of the Mueller report remains, "guilty with limitations to be charged & all involved pardoned."


  1. Trump only values the presidency—and the nation—to the extent it reflects glory upon him and shields him from shame. When he hugged the flag, it wasn't because he loves the country or its people or its constitution, but because he loves himself above anything and anyone else.

  2. Police eviction? Mental health intervention team? Two Secret Service agents using a hammerlock?

    How about a really large catapult? Preferably one that makes a loud and ridiculous BOING sound. We should use some imagination here. Maybe watch some of those old Wyle E Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons for ideas.

  3. He's leaving. This is just another stab at driving lefties crazy.

    Something to distract from his undying love of Putin and all things Russian, even as that country penetrates the US Dept of Energy where all of our nuclear defense info is stored. Not to mention a host of other important government programs, facilities and offices.

    A direct attack, albeit cyber, on the US and our president has still not responded, reassured the American ppl or even had a public comment.

    If the tables we're turned and a black president named Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris were in office we'd be hearing from the crazies how the "effing black, [insert your worst thought] communist America hating idiot incompetent to hold office was killing our beloved country and how dare that person not respond."

    Then they add the requisite symbols, all in bolded, to show how angry they were and to demonstrate their patriotism.

    But now???????????


    Trump will leave. Hopefully he takes the rest of the losers with him and finally destroys what is left of the Republican "We wanted them infected" Party with them.

  4. Anon @9:15 AM. Ain't it the truth. I've nothing from Trump about the cyber attack from Trump. A very serious breach, and nothing from him.

    The U.S. Constitution mandates that all federal civil servants, including members of Congress, take an oath to faithfully execute their duty to “support and defend” the nation against all enemies. Interestingly, the President is the only member of the federal government to take a different oath. Maybe Trump thinks that exempts him from being concerned about what the Russians did?

    Infidel753 Didn't Trump say that he'd leave the country if he lost? Well -- another promise broken. I suppose leaving DC and living in FloriDUH is sorta like leaving the country. (I lived there for a number of years -- I can say that from experience.)

    Dave, the cyber attack has nothing to do with his defeat at the ballot box, so Trump has no interest in it or, for that matter, in thousands of Americans dying every day from COVID.

    I'm so old I remember when GOPers screamed for President Obama to quit the presidency because 2 people died from Ebola, and those two got it in another country!

    Certain right wing bloggers were livid over Ebola, but yet have written nothing about the 300,000+ deaths that happened on Trump's watch.

  5. When tRUMP creates a ruckus over 'here', you better keep an eye out over 'there' to see what else he's doing.

  6. *
    Shaw Kenawe,

    Please get real.

    Smart money is he will NOT return to Washington D.C. He will go to Florida for the December season break. He will remain hunkered down in hiding.

    Even should he try using a federal pardon, remember he faces legal state warrants waiting to be served along with extradition orders to face various state criminal proceedings. At least in Florida he has a Republican'T governor to run interference for him.

    No pardons, no immunity, no asylum, no exile. Full force of the criminal justice system.

    Ema Nymton

  7. Ema Nymton, I agree. But it remains to be seen whether he'll do what you say. Odds are good that he will, because at heart he's a coward.

  8. Mike, I shudder to think of all the damage he can do between now and January 20th.

    But once he's gone -- Hallelujah!

  9. I’m so not conspiracy theories but this Russian hack, Trump not saying a word, the pentagon stopping Biden’s briefings, and the right wing nuts convinced the election will be overturned?? WTAF is going on here? Is it all connected??

  10. this is what I mean:

    Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.

  11. I think he's too chickenshit to pull something like that. No way he exposes himself to that kind of embarrassment potential.

    I agree that he's probably just winding up the liberals.

  12. Ray... the Trump Admin has cut off communication from the Dept of Defense to the incoming Biden Admin in the middle of what some have called the biggest spy ops against the US since the Pollard debacle.

    What? Me worry? Nah... Trump's got it all under control.

  13. President-elect Donald Trump named former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani as an informal adviser on cybersecurity, according to the presidential transition office. Giuliani, who heads a cybersecurity consulting firm Giuliani Partners, will serve as an adviser on finding solutions to cyber-incursions in the private sector and to advise the government on possible responses.
    Atrios brings up this factoid from the start of it's administration.

  14. Out of all the shows Trump has given us, that would be the best of all. Biden is sworn in and ten minutes he orders a squad of Marines to physically remove Trump from the White House.

  15. Re the Russian cyber attack... silence equals complicity. Or consent. As is (according to Minus) the case when a woman doesn't report a sexual assault. btw, WTF does the butt-dialer Rudy know about cyber security?? Maybe that's how the Russians breached our systems? He was in close communication with a Russia intel officer.

  16. trump - A Clear and Present Danger.

    America's enemy within.

  17. All this fuss about Russia. They are not a problem and if you believe they are you need to pay better attention to the swell guy who said they are history.

  18. The more Trump acts like a seditious Russian butt kisser, the more skudrunner feels the need to come here and trash President Obama.

    It’s pretty obvious why he needs to do that.

  19. Maybe because the debate with the former Mass governor was trashed by the media for his statement and praise was given to the swell guy. Now the media is all about Russia being dangerous which is quite a turnaround but their guy is not in office yet. Even a liberal cannot deny the bias in the media but it serves their needs.

  20. Obama was supposed to know Dotard would be the 2016 republican nominee and that Putin would direct hacking to harm Hillary Clinton and collude with Dotard to help him steal the election? HOW? He traveled to the future but then sat on the intel he gathered while there?

  21. Wella, wella, wella, now Dotard and his putrid sycophants are discussing instituting martial law and re-doing the free, fair, and secure election to insure the Orange Bastard is installed by means of force and an illegitimate coup d'etat.

    That and the balless Orange Bastard can't even muster the courage to slam his buddy putin over Russia's cyber attack. Which is damn near an act of war. The spineless bucket of orange blubbering human excrement ought to be flushed into the sewers in NYC and left to rot and die.

  22. Mark Shields retired from PBS Newshour and this past Friday was the last "Shields & Brooks" If you want to see something positive, go to PBS Newshour and look at the two videos they posted--one an homage to Shields' work and the second one has Judy Woodruff talking to Shields and Brooks. Both very positive and hopeful (though Mark Shields voice/opinion will be sorely missed).


  23. Possumlady, I've watched Shields and Brooks for years.

    I knew last Friday would be his last weekly appearance, and so I was sure not to miss it.

    I was weepy even before Brooks and the others "sang" their paeans to Shields. After years of watching him, I could tell that he was a thoroughly decent and humble man, and hearing his co-workers and friends talk about working with him proved that.

    What a special moment of positivity that was.

  24. Dave, Ducky, Ray, bluzdude, Derv, and skud, Anon

    What Trump accomplished was to reveal just how divided the American population is on what it means to be an American.

    For loyal Trump supporters the only people who are really Americans are people who are white, Christian, and conservative. Biden supporters include everyone who is an American citizen as being a real American.

    It is going to be almost impossible to find ways to protect democracy because for Trump supporters the only people whose votes should count are those who are white, Christian, and conservative, the "real Americans."

    On the Democratic side attempts to prevent people who are not white, Christian, and conservative or not count their votes is seen as destroying democracy. As long as there are millions of people on each side of the divide this country will remain in deep trouble, which will be exploited by those seeking authoritarian power or by foreign adversaries.

    Just the other day, Trump contradicted his own Secy. of State who said the cyber attack was Russian. Trump, for reasons we can only guess, will not say anything against the Russians, no matter what crimes they get up to. And he showed again, that he will contradict his own people in order to protect Putin and the Russians.

    That will not happen when Biden is in office.

    1. The enemy within. A clear and present danger. donald j. trump, con extraordinaire.
