Sunday, December 20, 2020

Seditious Trump and his enablers.


How Long Can This Continue? 

The United States Military will not break the law. There will be no coup. You can count on that. We will survive. But Donald Trump is an evil man. He’s batshit crazy and never should have gotten this far down Lunatic Lane. That’s on the f**kers formerly known as the GOP.

I’m not worried about the military. I’m worried about his supporters who are armed to the hilt. You know, the ones willing to plot to kidnap and kill a sitting governor. 

Every time Trump goes into something crazy and holds on to it for more than a few days, it’s because something much worse is going on somewhere else in government, and he’s distracting us. 

It would be nice if we knew more about this Russian hack, eh?

Read this from Toronto Globe and Mail to put a smile on your face and hope in your heart:


  1. Harvey the Pharmacist,

    Which one of my headings? The one that says Donald Trump’s lengthy humiliation is a necessary gift to the world, or the one about not being worried over the military carrying out Trump's crazy idea of sedition? Or the fact that Trump is an evil man and batshit crazy?

    So many GOOD ones to choose from.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    1. You wouldn’t say thst if I told you that i was a Republican.

      Would you?

  2. Why do I keep thinking that diaper donnie is going to "pardon" those michigan nutcases who wanted to kidnap and execute the Gov., and others, and then award them all the Medal of Freedom like he did with the addict fatboy flush

  3. "This content is available to subscribers."
    So, I fixed that problem by using the incognito window. It was a great article.

  4. In case there were any lingering doubts, in the past few weeks, Trump has indisputably cemented himself as the worst president in US history.

    His enablers will also be recorded as villains in history books.

  5. It will last until January 20th a little after noon.
    Wishing joey four years of good health. All this conspiracy by the left about trump is unfounded. He is just a spoiled bloated narcissist who for once didn't get his way.
    All this fear of joey by the right is unfounded. He has been in government for over 45 years and has never done anything so he won't start now. His cabinet picks are a hoot but it is all about diversity not qualifications and of course the green new deal.

  6. "Timcast" (a YouTuber Minus likes) says he thinks there might be widespread and prolonged violence. Many ex-military types/RW militias as well as Antifa/LW militias will rise up. Due to the election being stolen and the coronavirus restrictions (as per Minus the MI governor kidnap plot was Leftwing).

    Skud's comment is mostly BS as usual. Joe Biden accomplished a lot during his time in government. But he is only one person. As president first up on his agenda will be rolling back Dotard's EOs. How

    btw, And believing there are no minorities qualified to hold positions in the Biden administration is RACIST. Biden is selecting QUALIFIED individuals who represent American diversity. As opposed to the Dotard administration which was MOSTLY white. Also unqualified.

  7. The "How" at the end of my second paragraph is a mistake. Saw it after I hit "Publish".

  8. For skudrunner

    "When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

    President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

    Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyber defenses.

    For your education, Joe Biden has sponsored and had his name on dozens and dozens of pieces of legislation in his career. He's done a lot!

    Just because you don't know about it or are not interested in finding out, doesn't mean your claim is correct. It isn't. You're just trying to sabotage his administration before it even begins because he's a Democrat and a far better and decent human being than the malignant narcissist the Republican Party elevated to the presidency. Don't be so bitter.

    Embrace the truth. It will set you free.

    Now you have yourself a healthy and happy Christmas and let's hope for a better 2021.

    Merry Christmas! See? We libs never stopped saying it. The Republican malignant narcissist sold you and millions of other Americans a pile of lies about that too!

  9. Derv I posted my answer to skud's comment before I posted your comment which was in Comment Moderation. But we were on the same page vis-a-vis Joe Biden's legislative record.

    Right wingers seem to be an awful lot like their hero, Trump, in that they are fond of making inaccurate claims or outright lies if any of that trashes a Democrat.

    Ignore the right's whine about Biden's cabinet. Almost every one of the nominees has had experience in government and are supremely qualified, unlike, for example, Betsy De Vos, who knew nothing about public education, but could tell you plenty about registering her yachts in some Caribbean island to avoid paying taxes on them.

    Or Trump's other cabinet appointees who were investigated and/or resigned.

    It's all sour grapes anyway. Let's concentrate on the happiness and relief this country (and the world!) will feel once that corrupt and sullying pestilence is out of the White House!

  10. Paula, There is no doubt about what you posted!

  11. Anonymous @12:20 7:40 PM

    Would that be a surprise? Trump has a special affinity for crooks and liars and drug addicts!

  12. A brief visit to the right wing bloggers and this is what you see:

    "There is plenty of madness in the world without me adding to it with some bizarre emotional attachment (or detachment) from Joe Biden. I have to agree with Kid … Biden is Nada. I had nothing to do with his election, and our system allows me nothing to say about how quickly he can spiral our the Republic into the ground.

    I think it is worthwhile to observe that Biden isn’t the problem. He’s simply one of many cutouts standing by to do the work of the communist movement in America. It only takes five minutes of “news” a week to see how many cardboard cutouts there are — just chomping at the bit for their turn at-bat. Gosh, can you even imagine electing a Negro to serve as president, a man who had no formal background to serve in a position of national leadership, but who found his way to the top because it was a negro’s turn to be president? Now it is Biden’s turn — you know, he tried so many times to become president. Isn’t it Joe’s turn now? Doesn’t he deserve his turn at bat? And the plus will be that Kamala Harris will become the first black female president within a few months.

    No, I don’t think we need to be “mad” at Joe Biden. Joe is doing what we ought to expect Joe to do. And if anyone out there is so intent on destroying their inner peace with the madness of what America now is, relax for now … enjoy your Christmas. There will be plenty of time for madness after the New Year — when Joey begins to name his unelected cabinet."

    Yep. They write this stuff with absolutely zero self-awareness! I like the part about Biden's "unelected cabinet." this person obviously is just becoming aware of how a POTUS gets a cabinet together? I'd ask him: Was Trump's cabinet ELECTED?

    And complaining about Obama not having any experience in government? He did of course, but again these folks lie to themselves all the time. And its lost on this Trumper that the Orange Blob has ZERO EXPERIENCE!!!!

    Do these people pay attention to ANYTHING? Or even think?

  13. Ray Holy Insanity!

    It's all over the right wing internet! They really, really, really believe that the election was stolen through fraud! And that's the real problem because once that gets into their minds, it takes hold and nothing will dissuade them, especially facts, truth, etc!

    Read the banner I just put up over the Winter Solstice post. The Trumpers won't accept that either. Nothing less than illegally putting Trump back in the WH will satisfy these people.

    I'm afraid they're lost forever!

    The part about the "non-elected cabinet," what did he/she mean by that? Is this a high school grad posting? If so, wherever he/she went to school, that school failed him/her!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Derv, You haven't been keeping up with the times. EVERYTHING is Racist and all of his selections are experts in their fields. Mayor pete was in charge of 60 buses in a small town so it makes sense for him to be transportation, granholm is totally against fossil fuels so she is the best for energy and becerra has no medical background so of course he is in charge of HHS. Yellen took charge of the slowest recovery in history but she is an obamaite as are many of joey's picks

  16. Hey! Here's some fraud that skud says prolley happened in the 2020 election:


    In the weeks leading up to the presidential election, Elizabeth Bartman and Elizabeth Weihman registered to vote as Republicans in Nether Providence Township, Delaware County officials said Monday. There was one problem: Both women had been dead for several years.

    The man behind those applications, Bruce Bartman, now faces two felony counts of perjury, as well as one count of unlawful voting for successfully casting an absentee ballot for President Donald Trump in the name of Elizabeth Bartman, his long-dead mother.

    Bartman was arraigned Friday and released on $100,000 unsecured bail.

    His lawyer, Samuel Stretton, said the 70-year-old takes full responsibility for the crimes, and will cooperate with investigators.

    “In his political frustration, he chose to do something stupid,” Stretton said. “And for that he is very sorry.”

    skud, why did you sign in as "Anonymous" above?

  17. skud, your snark is duly noted. I don't remember your snark when Trump chose Betsy de Vos who'd never been in a public school as Education Secy. Or any other of his appointees who had no expertise in their cabinet posts. Your hypocrisy is duly noted, as well.

    One example:

    When President-elect Donald J. Trump offered Rick Perry the job of energy secretary five weeks ago, Mr. Perry gladly accepted, believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state.

    In the days after, Mr. Perry, the former Texas governor, discovered that he would be no such thing — that in fact, if confirmed by the Senate, he would become the steward of a vast national security complex he knew almost nothing about, caring for the most fearsome weapons on the planet, the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

    And this:

    Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury: Mnuchin has never served in government and has no experience in setting macroeconomic policy, but he did lead Donald Trump’s fundraising effort. In advance of his confirmation hearing, Mnuchin “failed to disclose his interests in a Cayman Islands corporation as well as more than $100 million in personal assets.”

    And this:

    Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services: Rep. Price, a doctor who has taken a particular interest in legislating on health care, has a habit of trading in health care stocks that are affected by the legislation he writes; he also recently got a “sweetheart deal” on stock in a foreign biotech firm.

    And this:

    Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget: Mulvaney was revealed to have employed a nanny without paying payroll taxes for her, to the tune of over $15,000.


  18. (cont.)

    Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: Like Puzder and DeVos, Pruitt seems to have been chosen for his fervent opposition to the mission of the agency he’ll be leading. As Attorney General of Oklahoma, he sued the EPA multiple times over its efforts to enforce environmental laws. In his confirmation hearings, he refused to commit to recuse himself from the cases among those that are still open, in the apparent belief that there isn’t anything wrong with essentially being both plaintiff and defendant in a lawsuit. When asked about lead poisoning, a vital and longstanding environmental issue that gained new urgency with the poisoning of the water in Flint, MI, he said that he had “not looked at the scientific research on that.”

    And this:

    Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser: Flynn, an ardent Islamophobe and purveyor of lunatic conspiracy theories, was fired from his last job in government because of mismanagement. Also was an agent for a foreign government he "forgot" to mention when he was tapped for the NSA position.

    Ah yes, Mike Flynn. A convicted FELON who lied to the FBI twice and was pardoned by Trump!

    skud, your comments are beyond hypocritical. But now you know that.

  19. Shaw... once again, just like the last three actual voter fraud cases in the US that have been proven, it was Republicans who are guilty.

    It makes one wonder why Republicans and Conservatives are so eager to prosecute and overturn elections based on fraud when the only people proven guilty seem to come from their side of the aisle.

  20. Dave, This is precisely why Trump and his GOP enablers should be cited for sedition. They're trying to overthrow a legal and fair election. In any other time in American history, they would be considered anti-American and anti-democracy criminals.

  21. Ms. Shaw, There is a huge difference between who trump picks and who biden picked. No matter how qualified someone trump picked was he listens to no one except maybe his daughter. Biden on the other hand will let his team run the show with cruella and dr. j at the helm. The rest of your post is just attack after the fact. Two trump votes were found illegal, shocking. I have no issue with anything you said because I am sure you did your googling to find the truth.

    I do have one issue with your post. I NEVER post as anon and I sure don't copy and paste something from another blog onto your blog especially if I wrote it, which with anon 503 I did just not on your site. I do not hide behind the anonymous tag and always use my only name which is Skudrunner.

  22. skud, I removed the "Anon" comment. I often get tricksters from WYD who come here and post other people's comments. I thought you forgot to use your avatar or posted from another device.


    Also, what I find to post here is backed up by evidence. You've never, never done that with your claims -- for example, your unfounded claim that Joe Biden has done nothing in his 40+ years in DC. Anyone who continues to claim that is lying. Period. Or too lazy to find the truth for him or herself.

    Also, you need to watch your slurs against Jill Biden and Kamala Harris. Your bitterness and envy are showing, and it's not attractive. One could mistake your slurs against them as misogynistic.

    It is interesting that you chose them to mock out of all the other incoming Biden people.

    What did Jill Biden ever do to you or your family? aHve you ever considered how refreshing it is that America will have a First Lady of the United States whose nekkid tatas and hoo-ha hasn't been published for all the world to see?

    Be honest, skud. If you have a daughter, would you want her to pursue higher education and earn a degree, or strip down for a photographer and show all the world her private parts? Not that there's anything wrong with being a soft-porn model, I'm just curious about which you would choose for your daughter or any of your young female relatives.

    Think about that as you mock and smear Jill Biden. It would indicate to everyone here what your Conservative "family values" are.

  23. I do have a daughter and she is an administrator in education. I do not judge melenia for her past and have no issues with soft or hard porn. She is an elegant flotus who presents herself well even as she is vilified by the media. I think she was proud to be an American even before donald got elected.
    I have always had an issue with someone with a ED.D demanding they be caller doctor. It is a status degree nothing more. Cruella is scary as her past shows and joey needs to be careful.

  24. There really are few conservative values remaining that resemble anything that conservatives used to believe. While trump has trashed whatever might have been left of true conservative principles he didn't start the slide. They started going south long ago. trump and his sycophants and cultists simply took the finnishing blows.

  25. skud, I made no judgement about Melania's past -- except I would point out that she LIED about her education, plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech, wore a coat that said "I really don't care, do you" on a trip to see caged children, joined her husband in the slandering of Barack Obama, questioning his citizenship and right to be president -- and to top it all, she received an EINSTEIN VISA to get into America ahead of other more worthy applicants.

    To qualify for an EB-1A Green Card, you must be able to prove that you have extraordinary ability in one of the following fields: Science, Art, Education, Business, or Athletics. Additionally, you must possess a level of expertise in your field that indicates that you are one of the small percentage of people who have risen to the very top of your field, and your professional achievements must have received national and international recognition.

    Melania was certainly a model, but not in the same class as, say, Gisele Bündchen, Kate Moss, or Iman. In fact, a search on Google for the world's top models doesn't include Melania at all. So she actually didn't "rise to the very top of her field." But she got the Einstein VISA anyway, due to her boyfriend, Trump.

    That, of course, doesn't bother lots of Trumpers, but had Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris done something equal to what Melania has done in her rise to fame and fortune, we would never hear the end of it.

    It's commendable that you don't pass judgement on Melania's soft-porn modeling past. Too bad people like you didn't reserve that liberal point of view for Michelle Obama when all she did was encourage children to eat healthy food! The right wingers lost their minds over that, but pass on a woman who's famous for taking her clothes off and posing for soft-porn magazines. That's not a crime, of course, but it places the Trumpers among the world's biggest two-faced hypocrites. We surely know what would have been said about Mrs. Obama had she done in the past what Melania did.

    It's all very plain to see why you and other Trumpers give a pass to someone you would have vilified had she been a soft-porn DEMOCRATIC FLOTUS, but have no problem vilifying, say Kamala Harris for achieving the second most important elected position in America -- vice president, and being the very first female AND woman of color to do so.

    You're already referring to her as some sort of scary villain for having achieved that, but YOU defend a Republican FLOTUS's right to show the world her private parts, because you're oh so liberal when it comes to soft and hard porn modelling for American first ladies.

    PS. Kudos to your daughter in her professional choice. We need dedicated people in the educational field.

  26. Yes, I would. If you can argue without name-calling, you're welcome here.
