Wednesday, May 19, 2021

For all the anti-maskers out there with their irrational dislike of wearing masks, read below.

(The rest of you rational folks already know this.)

Masks work. Masks work by keeping the spread of germs to a minimum. That's why there were so few recorded flu cases and NO flu deaths during the COVID-19 mask-wearing wars during 2020 and so far this year.

The usual suspects (Trump cultists) made up all sorts of foolish excuses for not wearing masks:  

1) Wearing masks took away their "freedom!"

2) Only "sheeple" wear masks. "We think for ourselves, we're not fearful, and we don't believe anything the CDC tells us!"

3) Dr. Fauci recommended wearing masks, so that had to be WRONG! Fauci is EVUL!

4) Former POTUS, Trump, made fun of people wearing masks; so, Trump Sheeple didn't wear masks!

Did any of Trump's Anti-Mask Sheeple ever get wheeled into an OR and see the doctors, anesthesiologists, and nurses WITHOUT masks? No. Of course not.

Do the Trump Cultist Anti-Maskers Sheeple ever ask themselves WHY that is?

I don't think so.

Trump made fun of mask wearers, so the Trump Sheeple decided Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and good medical practices in the OR were all a conspiracy to take away their freedumbs!

The Trump Sheeple actually believe wearing masks has no affect on keeping one safe from communicable diseases like flu, SAR-viruses, and other dangerous, air-borne-by-droplets illnesses!

Trump and his Sheeple politicized wearing masks and, therefore, caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans.

Don't be like Trump and his sheeple. If you want to continue to wear your masks even though you've had your shots, by all means DO IT! And ignore the anti-science, anti-masker Trump Sheeple!



  1. Personal choice is you want t wear one or if you want people around you to wear one. This does require personal responsibility which some people cannot do and believe the government is better at. For those follow the sheep and let washington and flip flop fouchie make decisions for you.

  2. No, it's NOT a personal choice if some science-denying moron refuses to wear a mask because he/she is so deluded as to think the big bad government is somehow harming them by telling them to protect themselves and OTHERS they come in contact with. WE already lost more than 570,000 Americans to this plague due to the total incompetence of your orange king and the entire idiotic right wing in this country. How many more will it take for you damn fools to wake up, Skid? How many is enough to satisfy your ignorance of basic science?

  3. I guess even without the pandemic Americans should wear masks all the time to cut down the spread of other viruses.
    For those who choose to not wear masks and not get vaccinated, I guess that group will be the group that die.

  4. Hate the GD masks with a passion! But, they work and they prevent serious illness and death. Can't argue with success. Unless you're stupid that is.

    As for the brainiacs that value their freedum more than health and life... well I guess in their words when they die they they'll just consider it "thinning the herd".

  5. Jerry and Anon 933, Your response was reasonable and falls in line with personal choice. Masks do work but so does sitting at home being isolated but some day you need to venture out. Like most things in life, all activities have risks and you have to weigh what risk you are willing to take. I don't see the big deal in wearing a mask when in an unknown group and if I see someone I don't feel comfortable about I keep them at a distance. Some people just can't make decisions for themselves and have to be told by the government what they can and cannot do.

  6. Sskudrunner: "Some people just can't make decisions for themselves and have to be told by the government what they can and cannot do."

    You're one of those folks, skud. The "government" tells you every day what you can and cannot do. It's called obeying laws.

    Do you obey speed limits or drive 120 mph through school zones? "The government" tells you not to do that. Do you ignore red lights when you don't feel like stopping . What about the guy who believes in "being natural" and likes to walk around naked? "The government," i.e., laws, tell him not to do that. Do you have a problem with that? "The government" also tells you that you cannot walk into your neighbor's house or yard and take his stuff. Do you have a problem with "the government" telling you not to do that? Does "the government" prevent you from doing that because you can't think for yourself? You can think for yourself, I'm sure, so why does the government tell people what they can and can't do? I'm guessing you actually know the answer!

    As far as I know, only the Trump bots, who follow everything he says and does, have a problem with mask-wearing. The majority of Americans wear masks for their and their neighbors' protection. It's called cooperating and behaving responsibly in society when a raging epidemic can kill you and your family and neighbors.

    It is Trump and his cultists that politicized wearing a mask.

    I asked on another blog if anyone had ever had to be in a hospital OR. Upon being wheeled into the OR, one notices that the surgeons, the anesthesiologists, and nurses ALL WEAR MASKS. Do the Trump cultists ever wonder why that is? Would they feel comfortable going into an OR and seeing the staff maskless? Why do you think medical staff wear masks in the OR? I'll hazard a guess:


    Trump and his cultists don't care about their fellow Americans; they care only for their selfish political stunts that have nothing to do with freedom.

  7. Ms. Shaw, Laws tell you what you can't do not what you can. Same holds for walking into someone else house, tells you what you can't do not what you can, you do see the distinction don't you.

    Masks are just no big deal for me but that may be because I wore one five days a week for just the example you stated. They protected both sides so there was mutual benefit. Most people have never worn a mask and don't fully understand the benefits. When you have an "expert" who changes his opinion with the wind it is difficult to believe it is not majority political, it was with orange hair and it is with basement joey, political. You have people on this board who blame every death on orange hair and no blame on people who can't make their own decisions, I assume he is one of those.

  8. Way to dance around a point only to land where you didn't intend to land. Laws by their very definition explain what a person can or can not do. There is no one way with them - it's a lot like looking at one of those negative space drawings and asking what picture do you see - the wine glass or the lady.

    (Narrators voice - the answer is both as the wine glass and the ladies silhouette coexist)

    I blame the 600K+ deaths on the former guy, absolutely. Whom, in your opinion skud, do you blame? Because I remember more than six weeks ago.

    Do you remember the conversations that came out at the beginning of the pandemic where the former guy and his advisors decided not to ramp up the considerable USA response team because the humans affected with the disease were mostly in blue states?

    Do you remember the conversations coming out where the former guy privately and publicly encouraged testing to be slowed down?

    Do you remember anything aside from the talking points you receive every day to combat reality?

    I was in awe of your ability to move goal posts and split issues until nothing remains except crumbs but this comment of yours splits an issue (laws) until there is nothing, not even an electron. Well done skud (and by well done I mean I'm horrified at your inability to logic and yet own a business while walking about society unfettered. Scary stuff indeed).

    TL;dr perhaps it's the artist in me but one cannot have space without its inverse which is negative space. Can/cannot. Two sides of the same coin.

  9. So using Skidmark's logic the 'law' doesn't tell you what you can do, only what you can't do; I guess then gun fetishists aren't actually allowed to open carry and gay people aren't actually allowed to marry, and people can't adopt children or go fishing or or or . . . Wow, Skidmark's world is a scary and weird place, isn't it?

  10. Good points, Grey One talks sass and Bluebullamerica,

    skudrunnerThe government also tells us what we CAN do with our children. Example: If we are good parents and see to our children’s health, education, and overall decent quality of life, we get to keep and raise them. If we don’t do what is required, doing what the government tells us we MUST do for the health and well-being of our children, then the government steps in and takes our children away. As Bluebullamerica reminds us, the government certainly tells us many, many thing we CAN do: Owning firearms, marrying the person we love, and making our own reproduction choices are just a few examples.

    Dr. Fauci is not a flip-flopper, no matter how many times Tucker tells you to think that. Dr. Fauci is a scientist — as more information was learned about COVID, methods for keeping us safe, I.e., mask wearing, changed.

    NEVER, NOT ONCE, did Dr. Fauci suggest injecting disinfectant or taking unproven drugs to cure COVID. That’s what the dangerously stupid Trump did as the POTUS. How could you not understand the difference?

  11. Ms. Shaw, The orange hair never said inject unproven drugs to cure covid. Maybe and do are two different things, sorry to burst you hate trump bubble. Name me a law that says do this. Laws are formed on you can't not you can but I really don't expect anyone here at understand the difference, grey maybe but the other one no chance. It is easy to point to the orange guy for all the deaths because otherwise you have to put the blame on personal responsibility which some don't believe in.

    Falcie has a different opinion on mask matters depending on the phase of the moon not on science. He has made millions off his role in the pandemic so that make him not an independent expert.

  12. Skud. I can’t do it now, but I will find the EXACT quote where Trump talked about injecting disinfectant into veins as a way to cure COVID. He did suggest that. He also told Americans that he was taking hydroxychloride. Another lie. Surprise!

    Dr. Fauci is a scientist, and his directives were based on what the science knew at the time. It had nothing to do with “opinion”, it was based on science.

    Name a law that says “ do this?” Okay: PAY YOUR TAXES! Also, school your kids! Also insure your car!

  13. "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

    The idiot also said;
    "So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked because of the testing," Trump said, speaking to Bryan during the briefing. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."

    Also this from the wonderdunce;

    The president has repeatedly touted unproven treatments during the daily briefings on COVID-19, the disease associated with the coronavirus. For instance, he has touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential "game changer," but health officials have strongly cautioned against it.

    An Arizona man died in late March after having ingested chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife told NBC News that she had watched televised briefings during which Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine.

    Okay Skidmark, no need for thanks, just face palm a few hundred times, okay?

  14. Ms. Shaw, Blueballs gave some examples of what orange hair said and not one of them said do this he just said supposing or maybe. He did repeatedly come up with insane ideas but never said do this. Guess you never thought through a problem or situation by throwing out ideas no matter how crazy. Those that swallowed bleach or injected chloroquine were not be brightest of the bunch and at that time falsie was changing from don't mask to mask on an almost daily basis.

    Again the law says if you don't pay taxes this will happen and you must sen your children to school or if you don't have insurance for your car you cannot drive on public roads.

  15. No point in pointing out the TRUTH to trumpers like skud. Truth to them is a lie. Up is down and down is up. Conspiracies re reality and 01/06/2021 at the Capitol was just a peaceful guided tourist tour.

    When fact free delusional thinking becomes the norm as it has with conservative republicans democracy is in GREAT peril.
