Wednesday, May 19, 2021

New York AG's office opens criminal probe into Trump Organization


"We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA. We have no additional comment at this time," Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for the office, said in a statement.

Whether the president's business had inflated the value of its assets for the purposes of tax breaks and loans has reportedly been the key issue. 

That investigation will be in addition to the commission that the House will approve which will examine the January 6 insurrection against the government of the United States, incited by the former POTUS, Donald J. Trump.

Trump is going to be a busy little "Person of Interest" over the next few months. His corrupt behavior is finally catching up with him, and he won't be able to invoke the protection of the Office of the Presidency to keep him from being indicted for any of his crimes.

BTW, you know who isn't being criminally investigated?

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Hunter Biden
Joe Biden


  1. The New York State Attorney General's Office does not typically go out of its way to tell you that it's engaged in a criminal investigation against you unless you're already screwed.

  2. I'd like nothing more than to see each and every one of the Trump Crime Family in prison orange, rotting in a cold cell where they belong.

  3. Anon, Bluebullamerica,

    Remember when the Trump cultists were hoping for a Barr DoJ commission to throw Hillary, Barack, Hunter, and Joe in jail?

    What happened to that?

    Also, how many indictments do you think will be served against the Trump Crime Family?

    NB: Hillary/Barack/Hunter/Biden are NOT under criminal investigation; TRUMP (and his family) IS! LOL!

  4. #3. We, as a group of bloggers do not give a rats ass about what, Shaw, has to say. We don't do pharsitic virtue signaling.

  5. Suzanne,

    Really? They don't "give a rats ass" about what I have to say?

    I'm crushed!

    PS. There is no such word as "pharsitic." Be careful of homeschooling. It can make a person dumb!

    You really need to control yourself and stop whining about me on other people's blogs.

    It's so unbecoming!

  6. I had a visit from one of your cowardly trolls, Robert Cole. No blog, blocked profile, probably fake. Typical tRUMPer, popping out from under their rock, hollering BS, then disappearing.

    'Parasitic virtue signaling' is straight out of Ayn Rand. So we know fake Suzanne's puppet master is deranged.

  7. I care very much what Ms. Shaw has to say and post and I'm damn sure I'm not the only one, Suzanne. For someone who doesn't care, you're sure here a lot. ((Grabs the 'Troll Away' spray and aims it at 'Suzanne'.)

  8. Mike, The troll, "Robert Cole" left comments here as well. I just look at the names in my Comment Moderation and delete without reading their comments.

    "Robert Cole" and his cohorts are escapees from a blog called "Who's Your Daddy." The blog owner has stopped comments so her trolls are out roaming the blogsphere looking to deposit their crap anywhere that will allow them in.

    What the trolls all have in common is "no blog, blocked profile." I'm pretty sure it's one or two people with a bunch of blocked profiles.

    Never heard of "parasitic virtue signaling." Thanks for figuring that out for me!

  9. Bluebullamerica "Suzanne" hides behind a blocked profile, just like all of the trolls who visit here.

    They're all from "Who's Your Daddy" blog spot. Apparently the blog hostess has given up blogging and her trolls are infesting blogs with their incoherent whining and puerile blatherings.

  10. Roger used to tell me that most of the fake names actually belonged to some guy named Farmer or FJ for short. If that's true, he obviously has no life of his own and we should probably just feel pity towards him. I guess I'm not that nice a person, though, as I feel nothing but contempt for the trolls.

  11. Bluebullamerica, Roger me the same thing. -FJ was 4 or 5 different personas who moved around different blogs under different blog names. That's not the only thing he told me about -FJ and "Thersites."

  12. Same here, Ms. Shaw. He filled me in on several of the creatures who infest those right wing blogs. He had very little use for any of them, especially a woman called AOW. I was a soldier for ten years and then a trucker for many years after that and Roger used to tell me that that woman would make me blush with her swearing. :) Yikes!
