Monday, November 8, 2021

The Current Trumpublican Party


Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) tweeted a photoshopped, animated video that depicts him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and swinging two swords at President Biden, prompting condemnation and calls for his Twitter account to be suspended.

Here is AOC's tweet about the deplorable Gosar's murderous video he tweeted out about her:

This dude is a just a collection of wet toothpicks anyway. White supremacy is for extremely fragile people &sad men like him, whose self concept relies on the myth that he was born superior because deep down he knows he couldn’t open a pickle jar or read a whole book by himself

Jennifer Gosar, Rep. Paul Gosar's sister: 



  1. Gosar is a terrorist.
    Trumpists are terrorists.
    Trump is a terrorist.
    Trump called them "Very fine people" in Charlottesville.
    Trump told his violent mob of insurrectionists and terrorists, "We love you. You're very special".

    Bin Laden didn't fly the planes. Manson didn't kill anyone.

  2. Gosar is as crazy as tRUMP. He's just wandering down a little different path. How about tRUMP and Gosar in 2024? Now THERE'S a scary thought.

  3. This is no surprise. The hate just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Some have already died and there will be more to come.


  4. Ted Lieu:

    This is sick behavior from Rep. Paul Gosar. He tweeted out the video showing him killing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez from both his official account and personal account. In any workplace in America, if a coworker made an anime video killing another coworker, that person would be fired.

  5. Chris Murphy:

    In today’s Republican Party, you get cancelled for crossing party lines and applauded for publicly fantasizing about the murder of Democrats.

  6. Pelosi should immediately move to censure Gosar and remove him from committee assignments. That would force the GOP to go on record slamming one of their own, or officially excusing the behavior.

    Does anything think if a Dem had done something as despicable as this that a Speaker McCarthy would not move to censure?

    This is where Dems need to step up and play hardball. If they can.

    Come on Pelosi, protect your own.

  7. Dave, I just read on Reuters that Speaker Pelosi has called for an investigation into Gosar as a result of his Tweet depicting himself killing AOC and attacking Joe Biden.

    And yes, I know what Kathy Griffin did with her stupid and hideous photo of her holding a severed Trump head:

    1.) she wasn't a member of Congress,
    2.) her reputation and celebrity tanked after she did that
    3.) she was fired by CNN over that photo of her holding a bloody Trump
    4.) she lost work immediately.
    5.) Federal officials threatened to charge her with conspiracy to assassinate the president.

    What do we think will happen to Gosar?

  8. Right now there’s probably some mentally unstable person wondering how he can carry out Paul Gosar’s fantasies. We’ve seen this incitement before —The GOP has become a domestic terrorist organization.

  9. Dave... for me at least it is becoming clear that dems haven't the will to pull all the stops and fight, and I mean REALLY fight for right and the American people. Honestly, what the dems need are bunch of folks with sets of cajones tge sixe of McConnell's and McCarthy's But they dont. And dems will lose the White House, the Senbate, and poissibly the House again. If that happens... watch out. America as we've known it disappeares.

  10. I urge everyone to watch the opening to Hotel Rwanda and then tell me there are not earie coincidences. It started out with radio calling one side the 'enemy' and politicians doing all they could to erase half of the population and before long it was open bloodshed and massacres. If the radical right doesn't pull way back and fast, I fear that's where we're headed. The Trumpers will be shocked, however, if they think we'll go without a fight.

    1. Hear Hear Bluebullamerica! Trumpers CERTAINLY WILL have a rip roaring fight on their whittle stubby hands.

  11. RN,
    I saw the end of the republic when Bush stole it in 2000. It was confirmed when he was reelected after starting a war based on lies.

    "When mediocrity ascends, something worse is sure to follow." My father noted this back in the '80s.


  12. If we tolerate a country where people can make open threats of violence — particularly elected official against elected official — it's not a matter of 'if', only 'when' before we degrade to Fascism. This is what the Republicans want. We must not allow it.

  13. Paula, RN, Dave D., Bluebullamerica, Ray, Jerry, R.R., Mike

    Paul Gosar hangs with Nazis, spreads dangerous lies, and incites violence. This sicko's in Congress only because Kevin McCarthy is too much of a coward to fire him. He's worried it will anger Trump and hurt his chance of being Speaker.

  14. You just described each and every GQPer in office, Ms. Shaw. We're gonna need to narrow that down a bit. :)

  15. RN... perhaps you've landed on "the" issue.

    As my son said recently, the Dems still think they are dealing with sane people intent on legislating and moving America ahead.

    But that is not the case. The GOP exists not to move us ahead, but to scuttle and slow down a march of progression. At every step of our existence, conservatives, those desiring a return to past greatness or the good old days, have stood against the abolition of slavery, women getting the vote, civil rights for people of color and more.

    And they have and will continue to fight tooth and nail against every inch and every step of progression in order to maintain their version, the good old days, of America.

    What Dems seem loathe to do is act. Decisively.

    Move Merrick Garland out if he refuses to act. Issue indictments and start jailing people. Lindsey Graham, if he was quoted correctly, and he has not pushed back, was right. The Capitol Police should have shot the insurrectionists as they entered the building, crossed police lines and attacked democracy.

    And those who are defying subpoenas should already be sitting in jails.

    Democracy was attacked. A presidential election has been muddied. Voters across America are being disenfranchised. All by people with no legislative agenda, simply a desire for power and to remain in office.

    And the Dems are forming commissions and talking sternly.

    We've got til Nov 2022.

    That's it.

  16. Yup Dave, 11/02/2022 and that's all she wrote. Unless the dems and ALL sane folks get off their arses and vote, vote, vote. And I do NOT mean twice!

    Unless the truly patriotic and sane Americans get angry (really goddamn angry) and serious about squashing the ascendant fascists in the trumpublican/republican party (and their sycophants) we may very well look like Myanmar does today in the not to distant future.

    America has NEVER lived yup to its promise. And things are simply getting worse.

  17. Rev, So what you are saying is that 50% of Americans should not have a say in how the country is run. You have stated you are a privileged white racist so your views mean something. How are voters disenfranchised. No legislative agenda applies to the democrats because they have no/zero/nada platform except to raise taxes, make the poor suffer and give money away.

    The we hate turmp agenda is not working. We have a president who's approval rating is sinking and his only response is mine is the same as the saint at this time (not true because the saint had slightly better ratings). His response to supply chain is buy less, gas prices is opec supply more while I shut down another pipeline and escalating food prices is it is not a real problem. Illegals crossing the border, give them 450K to shut them up. btw, where is cruilla?

  18. Wow.

    Skuddy really emptied the hayloft with that batch of straw-men. He's also cornered the red herring market. Does he even know, or care, what that means?

    And where would the radical Right be without their false accusations? Still banning books and the study and teaching of the history of slavery and racism, no doubt.

    He seems to have no issue with Trump praising insurrectionist terrorists, while his henchman Gosar is making veiled death threats.

    These are their values now, reflected by their chosen leaders.

    Hitler would be so proud of the American radical Right.

  19. tRump is beneath hate. He is the embodiment of pure evil in the flesh.

    And skuddy buddy, cons account for far less than 50% of these now declining US of A. Although cons are responsible for far more than 50% of the nations problems and divisions.

    But you knew that already. Right skuddy buddy?

  20. Well Skud... I looked over my comments and I didn't see where I said any of what you alleged. But hey, I feel like playing along so I'll take Ridiculous Comments for $300 Alex...

    Voters are disenfranchised when there are not enough polling places in their communities to allow registered voters enough time to vote on the day of the vote. This makes it difficult for senior citizens and disabled voters to vote because they cannot stand in line for hours. Additionally, and this is primarily in Georgia, concerned citizens cannot offer those ppl waiting in lines water, because it is now against the law. What is the purpose of those laws if it not to suppress votes? In the whiter areas of Georgia, there are proportionally more voting machines and polling places than in minority areas. Now normally that might not be a problem, but when you cut pre election voting, it does in fact, negatively impact a person's ability to vote.

    Voters are disenfranchised when white poll workers determine that a particular polling place, the only one in a mostly Latino precinct in Kansas, should be located on the far edges of the precinct, in an area unserved by public transportation, making it very difficult for poor people without cars to get to the polls. In the primarily white areas of town, there are numerous polling stations. As above, what is the purpose of this if it is not to depress the vote and disenfranchise voters?

    I could go on, but maybe you get the point.

    And that's before we get to the fact that the US does not have a voter fraud problem at a level that influences our elections, so the laws the GOP are pushing are "solving" a problem that doesn't exist.

    But hey, as i said, I feel good today to let's take GOP Bullshit Double Standards for $2000.00 Alex...

    In Texas Crystal Mason mistakenly voted when she was ineligible. Her vote, on a provisional ballot, was never counted. And yet, she was sentenced to five years in prison on voter fraud charges for a mistake.

    Conservatives like you, who love to cry voter fraud without evidence, herald cases like this one woman to "prove" your cherished non existence voter fraud is a real thing.

    But we never hear a word from you guys when the son of a GOP Gubernatorial Candidate in Virginia tried twice to illegally vote. How come I'm not hearing you guys calling for five years for him?

    He was told at one polling place he was not eligible to vote. Okay, that's a mistake. Like Mason above. But then he went to another polling place. That's clear intent to commit fraud. Where are the GOP minions defending the 5 year sentence for Mason when it comes to actual GOP Voter fraud?

    No freaking anywhere to be found.

    Why is that?

  21. Dave, your points are well taken and backed up by evidence.

    I doubt skudrunner will answer them or even read them.

  22. Ms. Shaw, To indicate I would not respond to the Rev's post is offensive as I most always respond. I am certain the Rev spent a lot of time on his research because he is generally correct and in this case I agree with his facts. There are some people who voting is an inconvenience. Voter fraud exists just not in huge numbers. There are laws that provide for absentee voting for those who wish to vote but find it inconvenient to do so at a polling place. He did site a few cases where someone could not vote because of bureaucratic bungling which has been the case for decades.
    Polling places are staying open longer and most employers allow time to vote. I do not understand why we vote on just Tuesday instead of an entire weekend but they never asked me.

    So yes I agree with what the Rev said and I also agree there is not enough voting fraud to change an outcome. If there are not enough Volunteers manning a polling site or a community doesn't like the racial mix why don't more concerned people volunteer. Same reason they don't try to protect their own neighborhood by working with the police, they really don't care enough to do something.

  23. skud: "Same reason they don't try to protect their own neighborhood by working with the police, they really don't care enough to do something."

    Who are "they" that you speak of?

  24. I actually prefer a safe neighborhood so I cooperate with the police when necessary. The people who witness a crime and refuse to come forward are the they, but you knew that. Like a bunch watching a rape happen in a subway or a shooting in a Chicago neighborhood but when asked they didn't see anything.

  25. Skud... what I cited is not bureaucratic bungling. That's simply benign error.

    What I cited are coordinated acts by the GOP across the country to respond to people in their own party complaining that if we let every eligible voter vote, they'll "never win another election."

    Again, you can look that up too and see it also is a fact.

    As for volunteers, we are not in a shortage of volunteers. We are in a shortage of equipment, voting booths and counting machines, primarily in GOP states. It is the GOP governors in states like GA, TX, NC and VA who are limiting the amount of money their states spend to run elections. Then, their GOP county administrators must make do with whatever resources the state Sec's of State give them.

    And if we do a deep dive into the data, what you will see if that many minority precincts are not funded in GOP states at the same per person per vote level as the primarily white precincts.

    So we might ask why that is?

    Now, I will admit that there are some counties, like Cobb County in GA where the numbers of polling places are pretty good. But in GA and other southern GOP governed states, the new laws we are seeing allow the state party, in the case of GA, the GOP, to usurp the locally elected party, suspend their polling place decisions, their systems of counting, their staffing decisions, etc.

    Again, why?

    Bureaucratic bungling? Like making it a crime to offer a person a chair to sit while they with to vote or a bottle of water?

    Not a chance. Because you have to ask why they put those rules there in the first place.

  26. Skud said... "Same reason they don't try to protect their own neighborhood by working with the police, they really don't care enough to do something.

    What an offensive, uninformed statement.

    If you took the time to think about it and do some research, you'd see that around the country, minority communities are frequently under resourced when it comes to police, fire, medical and many other services.

    Los Angeles is a good example. My wife's family has a long history in both the police and fire departments there. And while there are station houses and more in many minority neighborhoods, those precincts and station houses are often the last ones to get the newest shiny and helpful equipment.

    Because the ppl who live where real estate is more expensive, in this case, think Brentwood, get everything first. Why? Because their taxes give them an outsized voice when it comes to city resources.

    It's the same across the country.

    If there was good, deferential policing in many of these areas, you'd see many residents standing side by side with police and fire. But it all starts with resources and people have seen, based on resource allocation, both in dollars and people, that the tonier neighborhoods always get priority.

    It's so discouraging that even in 2021, ppl such as yourself opt for simple knee jerk solutions and statements to complex issues and problems.

    1. Simply and truthfully put, we ARE racist nation. Always have been and always WILL be. If republicans, cons, and trumpublicans make the call for sure.

  27. Rev, Schools are good if parents are involved, unless your are the AG then parents are terrorists. Cities and neighborhoods are good if citizens are involved. In far to many cases people will not give information to the police because it is viewed as snitching or they fear retaliation.

    All solutions to complex problems are difficult. Politicians, especially in DC, seem to race bait everything. Now we have the highway system is racist. People like yourself demean minorities by always making them the victim which in most cases they are not. It is easy to blame the system but it is the responsibility of our elected elite to find answers and you cannot find answers when all you do is assign blame.

    If you believe people defend their neighbor hood and cooperate with the police spend a weekend in the projects of Chicago or NYC. But lets do what some politicians want to do and de-fund the police and eliminate bail which will further harm poorer neighborhoods.


  28. skud: "People like yourself demean minorities by always making them the victim which in most cases they are not."

    I don't think it's wise to make a statement like that unless you have an intimate knowledge of what it's like to be a minority in America.

    We've seen with our own eyes this past week an armed, young white male, who crossed state lines and went to a city that he did not live in and killed two people and injured one, give a performance worthy of an Oscar.

    Do you believe for one moment that had Rittenhouse been Black that he would have lived to tell an audience of how HE was the victim and not the two people he killed? And I won't even get into the foolish old judge who's made a mockery of the whole trial.

    skud: " cannot find answers when all you do is assign blame."

    Says the guy who never fails to blame President Obama ("The Swell Guy") for ruining the middle class and for any other problem facing America.

    As for your comments on minorities, I suggest you do some reading on how America has treated its minorities. Do you even know what red lining did to middle class, educated African-Americans -- lawyers, doctors, professors, etc., -- who wanted to move into middle class white neighborhoods? Read about it and about how many of flourishing communities established by Black populations were destroyed, thereby destroying any wealth that those folks could have passed on to their children.

    You seem to have a narrow idea of what minorities -- especially African-Americans -- have experienced in this country. I've read several history books on what happened to them once they were emancipated. I think it would open your eyes to read some of those histories so that you fully understand how white supremacy kept/keeps minorities -- especially African-Americans -- from fully participating in the American dream.

  29. More strawman and red herring fallacies from Skuddy.

    "Schools are good if parents are involved, unless your are the AG then parents are terrorists...You cannot find answers when all you do is assign blame".

    How's that for projection?

  30. Tried to ruin the middle class but was not successful. It is telling that his speech at COP26 was all about him but I will admit that his efforts to fundamentally change America were mild compared to joey's. He had eight years to accomplish something great but the only thing he did establish was a failed healthcare program that less than 1/3 of those eligible subscribed to. You probably need to choose your hero's better because he should not be one of them.

  31. Well, skud, you once said here that you'd like to see someone like Reagan run for the presidency.

    Ronald Reagan presided over one of the most corrupt presidencies in modern history with over a hundred of his people indicted and/or jailed.

    Barack Obama had a scandal-free presidency.

    I think it is YOU who needs to choose your heroes better, not I.

  32. I have always believed that the only people who do not make mistakes are those who don't do anything. Other than having very few scandals, rice, clinton. ransom, warmbrier, syria, solyndra, what achievements did he have. That's right he spent a trillion dollars to buy some old cars and created a healthcare package that 1/3 of eligible people took. Not many accomplishments to be in office for eight years but I do understand you adored him as did the media.

  33. Skuddy,

    What has Trump accomplished for Americans, besides tax cuts for the rich?

    "Not many accomplishments"?

    Aug. 2011 the Bush Recession produced black unemployment rate 16.7%

    January 2017, the black unemployment rate was at 7.8 percent. Under Obama the black unemployment rate dropped 8.9%.

    Trump crowed about a 3.4% drop.

    The Black president did the heavy lifting and got no credit from the racist Birther or his cult.

    Obama lifted us out of the Bush's Great Recession. Republican governors acknowledged his stimulus benefited communities across the country.

    Over 20 million people have healthcare thanks to Obamacare. Lives and livelihoods have been saved.

    These are admirable accomplishments, despite the radical Right's obstruction and theft of the Supreme Court. Democrats have an inkling of the concept of public service, while Republicans are all in for absolute power and one-party rule.

    Trump betrayed the Constitution, allowed a criminal cartel to run the country, divided us with horrible lies and hate-mongering, and finally staged a goddamn coup.

    And his rabid radical Right supporters STILL adore their fascist Fuhrer.

    This is the difference between adorable and deplorable.

  34. From U.S. News and World Report: "The federal government spent $3 billion on Cash for Clunkers ..." NOT TRILLIONS! And that was a program that didn't work out as hoped. That isn't a scandal!

    A scandal is what happened during Reagan's administration that put 130+ of his people in jail or under indictment.

    None of that happened in Obama's administration. Some of his programs didn't work out, that's not a scandal, even if you try to make it so. What Reagan -- maybe not him in person because he was suffering from dementia -- but his administration engaged in illegal actions.

    Obama's health care package was thwarted by the Republican Party. THEY WANTED IT TO FAIL. It didn't; but it didn't cover everything it was set up to do, thanks to the Party of NO!

    I did NOT adore Obama. I'm not a fanatic like the Trumpers who have compared Trump to Jesus Christ. They're lunatics who adore a Liar, a Cheat, and a Fraud.
