Monday, November 8, 2021

They All Knew Who He Was



  1. Yes, they all KNEW. They all KNOW today.

    Yet, like the colossal hypocrites they have become, they willfully forget. Power and greed trumps truth every time with these pathetic examples of American ignorance.

  2. Nice compilation. I think I'll repost on my blog. We need to keep reminding people of this.

  3. The American people should have known also. He was publicized and well known for his villainy decades before he ran for president. He was head of the bigoted birther movement, yet, 10's of millions of Americans jumped on his band wagon. Showing just how sick Americans still are.

  4. Everyone paying even a modicum of attention knew. These disgusting Trump puppets are just so used to being talking dummies that they have lost their very souls to the GQP.

  5. Actually Bluebullamnerica you are likely quite right. The hall of hypocrisy noted in post is lined with folks that are now showing America what they have thought all along. tRump the flaming ass merely made it acceptable among the fascists of his party to show their true colors.

    Tic toc, tic tok, tic tok...
