Thursday, February 24, 2022

“I think we should probably take the side of Russia, if we have to choose between Russia and Ukraine. That is my view.” -- Tucker Carlson

Wounded Ukrainian woman, who became 
the face of Putin's bloody invasion, 
is a 53-year-old teacher. 
(World News Online Photo)

Via NBC News:

People attend an anti-war protest in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Thursday night as Russian forces invade Ukraine

"In the midst of an assault on democracy and the concept of a rules-based international order, a major political party has thoroughly debased itself and boosted the enemy of both. 

The public has a right to know: Are Rs on Team America or Team Trump/Putin?" --Conservative Columnist Jennifer Rubin


  1. America will fall. The result of an orchestrated violent overthrow of our democratic republic by the traitors within our own country. Leading the fall will be tRump and the republican party which has become (since tRump) as authoritarian and deceitful as any power hungry deluded organization. Their new love affair with Putin and the russian oligarchs should have us all on high alert and prepared for violence. Only next time it will be more organized and MUCH worse than 01/06/2022. Unless America wakes up this WILL happen!

  2. Why are Republicans,Trump & far right talking heads all supporting Putin, a dictator who kills those who do not agree with him and wants to invade Ukraine? Since when do Americans back the enemy?

  3. Anonymous, Paula

    Even ex-members of Trump's administration are shocked at Trump's allegiance to war criminal Putin:

    "Dan Coats, who previously served as then-President Trump’s director of national intelligence, told The Daily Beast on Thursday night. “I cannot think of any other U.S. president that would in a situation like this say what he said.”

  4. At this point, you're either for America or for the GQP. There can be no doubt that the right is actively working for the destruction of America.

  5. BluebullAmerica

    Trump has shown us all that he's NOT for America. He praised and admired a war criminal, Putin.
    You're either for Trump or you're for America. You can't be for both.

  6. U.S. Official: Russia plans to threaten to kill the families of Ukrainian soldiers who don't surrender.

    More of what Trump thinks is genius and savvy!

  7. putin and tRump, like minded authoritarian assholes that have serious personality disorders. No wonder tRump and his cultists in the GQP are supportive of putin's aggression and his march of death on the Ukraine.
