Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia Attacks Ukraine From Land, Air and Sea

It's difficult to hear the noise from the attack on Ukraine because of all the cheering from Russia's biggest supporters: 
Trump, Pompeo, Tucker Carlson, FAUX NOOZ, and the GQP, who are in love with Putin and his thugs.

"Putin's war will raise, is raising, the cost of fuel and food. Be ready to explain that to friends and neighbors when Putin-friendly talkers [See above.] and politicians try to blame our elected leaders."--David Frum

Here's the former POTUS, and Putin's good friend, blaming America for Putin's illegal attack on Ukraine: 

"In an interview with Fox News, former president Donald Trump said Putin had undertaken the military maneuver “because of a rigged election” in the United States." 

 Max Boot @MaxBoot · Feb 23 

Not only did Trump praise the invasion of Ukraine as an act of “genius,” he went on to rhapsodize about his relationship with Putin —“He liked me. I liked him.”—and to praise him as someone with a lot of “charm and a lot of pride” who “loves his country.”

David Rothkopf @djrothkopf
I'm lying awake here tonight because I honestly can't fathom how we have gotten to the point that the leader of the GOP, the last SecState, some of the party's most vocal members & a major US TV network all are actively taking Russia's side in a conflict with America & the West.


IMO, it was crucial for Putin to see so many Americans in former high places in government (POTUS, SoS, the Senate and US House) and America's biggest propaganda cable news station FAUX NOOZ, all supporting and cheering him on, while mocking a sitting American president during this crisis. Putin saw we're divided and took comfort and strength in that and went ahead with his illegal attack on a sovereign country.

Trump and his anti-democracy, anti-American supporters have a lot to answer for their disgusting betrayal of America, Ukraine, and her allies.

Here's what Trump and his cultists cheered on:

The Kyiv Independent 

Dozens of Ukrainians killed within hours of Russian invasion 

Russian bombardment kills 18 people in Odessa Oblast. 

The local authorities reported that 18 people died as a result of Russia’s attacks on a military base in Lypetske village outside Odessa, a Black Sea port city in the south.

It is not partisan to point out that it's profoundly disturbing that the former President of the United States was calling Putin a genius on the eve of the largest invasion in Europe since World War II. It's a fact. This isn't normal but we have become numbed to it.

Michael Beschloss @BeschlossDC · Can’t possibly imagine why Trump, as President, might have been so eager to deprecate and weaken NATO.


  1. Putin is merely helping in the disintegration of what once was a shining beacon for the rest of the world suffering under dictatorial rule and longing for freedom and liberty. No more. A very large segment of the population no longer holds the values it once did. The USA is now a complete misnomer (we are severely divided and getting worse) and should be changed. To the Divided States of Delusions and Obscurations. Near 1/2 f the nation now cheers on a brutal authoritarian dictator. We have become a seriously ill nation.

  2. Guess we should have paid more attention to Mitt instead of the other debater.
    America rich and it's leaders have prospered by taking advantage of the Ukraine corruption and now we are both paying the price. The US has a corrupt political system aided by the media and it will be interesting to see how long the American citizen will put up with it.

    We authorize national guard to halt a truckers demonstration and won't authorize it to protect our borders. We say no drilling but you will suffer because of the conflict in the Ukraine and disruption in supply.

    I know all of this is blamed on trump but it is hard to throw him out of office since he is not in.


  3. John Collins

    George W. Bush releases a statement condemning Russia, reminding us of a time when Republicans knew who our enemies were.

  4. Trumpuglified GOP politicians and their media enablers—most notably the autocrat-friendly Tucker Carlson and other anti-democracy voices at Fox News— are busy pulling all of their fallacious rhetorical arrows from their quiver and shooting them at their readily manipulated, fact denying and truth averse loyalists—those who constitute their audience of zombie ditto-heads.

    As Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated nearly 80 years ago, the zombified are readily identified. The symptoms are evident. When conversing with one of the walking-dead you encounter “slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him.” You confront a shell of a person. You encounter a “mindless tool” capable of evil, yet, even when participating in evil, incapable of acknowledging its presence.

    The progression from ignorance to thoughtlessness to stupidity to democracy-destroying evil is now in its endgame.

    Trumpuglified Republicans pursue their own short-term interests, feign patriotism and either vocally or by their silence promote the authoritarian agendas of themselves and of autocratic regimes like China and Russia.

  5. Asha Rangappa

    I am beyond sad not only for the people of Ukraine, but that the U.S. is now a country where one third of its people cheer on unprovoked aggression and the slaughter of innocent people in another country. America’s dark soul is really ugly to see, and I’m not sure it’s going away.

  6. Something similar happened in WWII when Charles Lindbergh and the "America Firsters" basically took the side of Nazi Germany:

    "After a six-month stay in Britain, the Lindberghs traveled to Germany, where they were treated as honoured guests of the Third Reich. Charles: visited centres of military aviation, where he assessed the pace of Germany’s rearmament, while Anne was fêted in Berlin. Lindbergh praised the Luftwaffe’s fighter and bomber designs, and he asserted that “Europe, and the entire world, is fortunate that a Nazi Germany lies, at present, between Communistic Russia and a demoralized France.” Lindbergh viewed the Soviet Union as the paramount threat to Western civilization, and his belief in the supremacy of airpower led him to conclude that Britain and France were effectively prostrate before the growing might of the Luftwaffe."

  7. It was tRUMPs dividing of America that gave Putin the nerve to do this. And I can't believe the words coming out of tRUMPs mouth... wait, yes I can.

  8. tRump was putin's and the russian oligarchs best friend in the USA. That alone says ALL that need be said. They love tRump's deluded supporters as well no doubt. America may very well be a much different, more authoritarian nation after the next election. Apparently just what tRump, his sycophants', and many cons and gopers want given their rhetoric supporting a viscous murdering dictator.

  9. Paula Chertok🗽🇺🇦@PaulaChertok·27m Extraordinary scenes of protests in Moscow tonight against #Russia’s war on #Ukraine. This is so brave, given the police state Putin has made Russia. And it shows that many Russians, esp young people, are impervious to Kremlin propaganda

    #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression

  10. Alex Kokcharov
    In #Novosibirsk, #Russia, local residents are marching in #protest against the Russian invasion of #Ukraine

  11. Alexander S. Vindman
    Pushkin Square, maybe less than 1000 meters from Red Square and the Kremlin, is the cite of a significant protest. These people know the risks of challenging the regime. They’re on the street in-spite of major personal costs.

    There are more Russians than Trumpublicans opposing Putin!

  12. Just last week, hosts on Fox/RT (my new name for the Fox channel)were saying Biden was just crying wolf about the Russian invasion "seems a bit manufactured to take attention off the failing economy". NOW, they are all blaming Biden for the invasion. What a bunch of Putin rubes.

  13. The folks like the ones ones you posted in your sidebar should be shipped, all expenses paid, to Russia and good riddance. They ARE no better than TRAITORS. Precisely like their demented leader.

  14. I gotta give credit to you Lefties. You warned us Republicans that if we voted for Trump, we'd get inflation and wars!

    Oh wait s minute, that didn’t happen, did it!

  15. Louise What does your comment have to do with Putin's invasion of a sovereign nation? Nothing.

    What kind of an American defends Trump, who extols and admires a bloodthirsty tyrant like Putin while mocking our American president? And during an international crisis when all our allies are with President Biden??

    What the hell happened to you people? What is it about Putin that made people like you turn against your own country and president in an international crisis?

    I've never seen anything like this in my life. It's not for nothing Trump was labeled as "Putin's Poodle" when Trump was POTUS.

    1. Its my opinion, just like there others that post their opinions.
      and Im shocked that you posted it!


    3. Its YOU WHO Turned against your OWN President!

  16. Not so, Louise, I've supported President Biden since he kicked Trump's ass out of office.

  17. possumlady I wish the Trump-Putinists would make up their minds. One day they're saying Putin would not invade and attack Ukraine, and when Putin did, they're screaming why didn't President Biden stop him!

    Meanwhile, their allegiance is to a man who praised a bloody tyrant who would slit Americans' throats if he thought he could get away with it. That's who they admire, led by Trump the Turncoat.

  18. Louise said...

    I'm sure that's true. Why, then, do you continue to support Trump, who praised an anti-democracy, anti-liberty tyrant and murderer while American and her allies are trying to avoid WWIII with Putin?

    Why would any patriotic American call Putin "genius" when he illegally invaded a sovereign nation? Any American would consider a person who did that during an international crisis, a turncoat.

  19. If Trump was still president; Putin would still invade Ukraine.

  20. Remember this anti-American Trumpublican idiot who ran for office?:

    Lauren Witzke, the Delaware GOP's candidate for Senate in 2020, has nothing but praise for Putin and "his Christian nationalist nation": "I identify more with Putin's Christian values than I do with Joe Biden."

    Among those "Christian values" this dimwit identified with were Putin's way of poisoning, shoving out of windows, and killing off anyone who challenged him for power.

    She lost.


  21. Preet Bharara

    As you watch the destruction unfold just remember that the former president admires Putin for it.

  22. The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin. Conservatives idolize A KGB Colonel because they like to emulate his evil murderous actions.

  23. Grung_e_Gene

    I can't argue with what you posted. For the first time in my life, I've witnessed an American political party side with a murderous tyrant over the American president.

  24. Ukraine plans to submit evidence of Russian artillery hits on a kindergarten and an orphanage to the ICC as an war crimes.

    This is what Trump calls "genius!"

    Make him eat his words for the rest of his miserable life!
