Sunday, February 27, 2022





  1. Hopefully his recent comments even in jest will lower his support from 10% to 5%. There will always been those who support him just as there are a few who say biden is doing a good job.

  2. Zelensky, a real man who deserves the respect, support, and love not ony of his countrymen, but all, everywhere, who desire and love liberty and freedom.

    tRump, a man who deserves disdain, ridicule, and imprisonment for his sedition and insurrection against the duly (and fairly) elected government of the USA. He is, simply put, a "man" desrving of a padded cell. For the remainder of his evil life.

  3. war and hate - quite a moment of zen

  4. Skud... Why do you think his comments were in jest? Trump himself has said in the past he does not kid. And if he was, is it appropriate for a former US President to be kidding about supporting our enemies and loving them and their strategies as they are killing our allies?

    You spoke of some 5% or 10% number... what is that? The majority of Republicans support Trump for president in 2024.

    Is a Communist loving autocrat who sides with US Enemies, a guy we want or need as president? If the data is to be believed, at least 40% of America thinks so.

    That should scare the pants off of most thinking Americans.

    But that's just my opinion.

  5. Basically we are funding Russia’s war by continuing to but Oll from them

  6. We can only hope Putin loses his war quickly and the Russian people bring him down.

    While the slow wheels of American justice turn on Trump, the fall of Putin the Genius will only add weight to the fall of the Stable Genius.

    These two rancid major stains on humanity must meet justice, and fall into disgrace together.

    This is the focus of my optimism in these dark days.

    This war will mark the turning point to the steep decline of these two monsters.

  7. Rev, I don't know where you got that the majority of republicans support trump for 2024. Yes there are those who support him but the numbers are low just like there are a few who support biden, probably lower numbers. The problem we face today is the country is being run by a shadow government. Biden is a teleprompter reader for others and harris is totally clueless as she confirms every time she does anything, which is seldom. Jen Psaki is constantly re-framing what biden said or what he meant. I doubt she is in charge but it is clear he is not.
    Whoever is running the show keeps making the same blunders. No plan to evacuate Afghanistan, no plan in advance to assist Ukraine even when joey said russia will invade. I don't think we can wait another 3 years for competence to appear.

  8. skudrunner "The problem we face today is the country is being run by a shadow government."

    The above is an opinion, not fact. And you know what people say about opinions, so I'll just ignore this factless statement.

    The U.S. IS assisting Ukraine with money and other kinds of tactical support. It is NOT sending in US military for obvious reasons. But here are some for you to understand:

    How nuclear weapons make US involvement in Ukraine unthinkable

    Nuclear weapons are the only weapons humanity has yet devised that, deployed at scale, could swiftly wipe out our entire species. The risks of conflict between two nuclear-armed powers are so great that virtually any rational leader should, in theory, seek to avoid one.

    This is especially true of the United States and Russia, who together control an estimated 90 percent of the world’s nuclear warheads. The issue is not merely the size of their arsenals but also their structure — both countries have robust “second strike” capabilities, meaning each can sustain a devastating nuclear first strike from the other side and still retaliate. The US and Russia maintain second strike capabilities in part through the so-called “nuclear triad”: bombers armed with nuclear bombs, submarines equipped with nuclear missiles, and land-based missile launchers.

    The result is that neither the US nor Russia can hope to “win” a nuclear war. Even if one nation struck first, decimating major military bases and population centers, the other would still be able to launch a devastating nuclear counterattack on their enemy’s homeland from (for example) submarines out to sea. The only way to win is not to play.

    This appears to be the reason the Biden administration has been so adamant on avoiding any kind of involvement in Ukraine; the risks of any direct intervention are far too high.

  9. Actually Dave it is the opinion of everyne other than the 40% of zombie Americans who listen to tRump and his syncophants.
