Tuesday, March 1, 2022



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  1. To be accurate you need to go back to Jan 2019 because January 2021 we were in a full scale pandemic. The democrat induced shutdown caused your base figures to be inaccurate, but I'm sure you knew that.
    Compare the participation rate in 2019 of 63.4% to 2022 of 62.2%. That plus real wages going down 1.9% because of high inflation and diminishing product availability resulting in less competition. Competition keeps prices in check for those who don't know.

  2. skud, you mean the COVID induced shutdown.

    But we knew you'd find a way to make the pandemic partisan. Also, Joe Biden didn't become president until January 20, 2021, and until Sept. 30, 2021, we were running on the Trump administration's budget, US government's fiscal year runs from October 1 to Sept. 30.

    And I'll remind you that although Trump enjoys taking all the credit for the warp speed vaccines, HIS ADMINISTRATION HAD NO PLAN TO PUT THOSE SHOTS IN ANY AMERICAN'S ARM. NONE! We are experiencing the results of a worldwide pandemic and all the wreckage it caused and is still causing. For you to try to blame only Biden is just nonsense.

    Overall, in the year and 1+ month he's been president, he's done remarkably well, considering all that Trump and his anti-democracy cultists have done to sabotage him and the American people.

  3. Sorry to go OT:

    You want to know why this country is In a race to the bottom? Its because people like this live in it:

    From the Mother Ship: "C’mon man you’re living in the past. God bless America, no, god damn america is todays rallying cry. Race hustlers, woke corporations and military, boys are girls, girls are boys, oil and gas are verboten unless we pay billions for it from overseas of course, SCOTUS -negroid women only need apply, all the cops are criminals and all the sinners saints (Rolling Stones Sympathy For The Devil), multi-millionaire politicians, multi millionaire rappers and pro athletes calling for death to whitey who stupidly pays their salaries, miscegenation all the rage, this is the new America. God may not have damned America but it sure feels like Americans are damning America."

    The a$$hole above is pissed because a non-white female was nominated for a SCOTUS seat when all through the history of this country except for 6 times, it's always been WHITE MEN! And now that a$$hole is beside himself with angst and outrage! But wait, there's more, he's also pissed because of "miscegenation?" How old is this racist jerk anyway? 90? what year is he living in? Does he want to go back to the good ole days when people were murdered for wanting to marry the person they love?

    Dear God save us from ourselves. The guy who wrote the above is the reason we're a failing state. One good thing is that he's probably older than dirt and won't last much longer!

  4. I'm not surprised to read that it came from that blog. People there refer to former President Obama as the "Halfrican," as an insult. Mostly what I've read there is racist garbage and poorly written texts from the hostess. And she teaches English? OMG!

  5. Only goes to show facts, figures, and polls don't tell the whole story.

  6. Along with those good economic numbers, President Biden has, more importantly, restored our relationships with our allies and our place as a leader of the Free World. The GQP and their idiot boy king Trump did everything they could to destabilize the world (hence Ukraine) by cozying up to murderous dictators around the globe, and now they are back to being outcasts by President Biden and Kamala Harris.
    Regret my vote? Not for one tiny second. I only regret that we had to endure those God awful four years of right-wing Hell before that.

  7. After tRUMP gave billionaires their tax theft, inflation was a given. COVID and Russia are the main drivers right now. COVID has not gone away. Wear a mask!

  8. For skud... for a market to be free it MUST be regulated. Otherwise monopoly prospers. The market needs more consistent regulation as well as increasing corporate taxes. That and getting rid of lobbyists entirely.

  9. Anon, Take an intro to economics class. Corporations do not pay taxes they pass them on. Increased regulations adds to the cost of everything and many of the regulations are just feel good. I will have to assume since you don't know anything about economics you also don't know anything about business.

    The president is going to bring down inflation by giving money away, how bright is that. Why doesn't he open up energy exploration instead of squeezing it. In case you don't know fuel costs affect everything and by buying petroleum from off shore including russia we just increase the cost of everything. I know biden doesn't understand and I guess you don't either.

    Get rid of lobbyists will never happen. Our elected elite rely on them to increase their wealth and provide them with corporate jets to go on fact finding trips to the Bahamas in January. There was a president not long ago who wanted to restrict lobbyists and despite him being a swell guy, he failed.

  10. So I guess the 14 Nobel Laureates in Economics don't know as much as little Skidmark since they all disagree with his assessment of the presidents plan. Who knew?

  11. skud, well I need not, at this time in my life, take course in economics. At 70, after a successful career in mfg. management I now just train folks in the gym and conduct mindfulness raining at a CT senior center. But thank you for your backhanded feign of concern for that which I do not need.

    I'll trust our current real president, President Biden and his team of advisors over your misgivings of their recommendations. Hands down!

    Never said getting rid of lobbyists would happen. Simply that it is absolutely needed and necessary for much to change. But, as I've often said many times to many people, ignorance and greed are the world's two BIGGEST problems.The election of tRump in the USA proves that point in spades!

  12. If we as a country believe in buying American why is the current regime curtailing exploration of oil and in turn buying from the middle east, russia and other foreign countries. Doesn't that seem absurd to you? Russia sells oil, dirty as it is, to several countries, why don't we compete with them. Oh that's right, that would piss off AOC and we can't have that. Maybe gretta can pay another visit and scold the elected elite on how they are responsible for ruining the planet.

    No backhanded concern just a suggestion and I am glad you are part of the 40% who think the president is doing a good job, which is about the same as the hated trump. Even a parliament member of Ukraine thinks he is a total disappointment as do the majority of the American people. Give money away to lower inflation is one of the most inept statements he has been told to make.

  13. . Corporations do not pay taxes they pass them on

    Perfeser Skud, If that's the case, why do they spend time and money (to lobbyists)to avoid taxes? Why move HQ to an address in the Caymans? I don't think it works like you think it works.

  14. But, but, but Craig, you know of course skud is a deep red right wing genius, right? I understand he graduated with honors from the Academy of Right Wing Special Interests and Trickle Down Economics.

  15. Craig, The same reason everyone want to pay as little in taxes as they can. That statement may not apply to you but is true for the majority. A corporation is tasked with making a profit and returning some of that to their shareholders. Paying taxes is a zero point gain for any company.
    The federalists have admitted their is to much of a tax burden and now want to suspend fed taxes on gasoline. Of course they also want to release 60 million barrels of crude from the reserves so we can supply 1 1/2 days supply. We cannot afford to piss off AOC by drilling, better to let the poor starve.

    1. Keep deluding yourself and paying homage to the greed masters skud. I'm sure they'll reward you. In your own mind anyway.

  16. What skid knows of economics could half fill a miniature thimble, obviously. Still, it is good to see that Skid and the rest of the right wing cranks all live rent free in the head of thier better, AOC. I laugh at how much of a tizzy they get into just thinking of this bright, classy young woman. Meanwhile, they are stuck with MTG and Bobonotsmart, both of whom are clearly void of brains and rely solely on bumper-sticker slogans from a Q anon meeting to express the GQP positions. I'll stick with being proud of AOC thanks.

  17. Craig, The same reason everyone want to pay as little in taxes as they can
    You just said, "Corporations do not pay taxes they pass them on". You're refuting your own premise.

    We cannot afford to piss off AOC by drilling, better to let the poor starve.
    The Biden administration has approved 3,091 new drilling permits on public lands at a rate of 332 per month, a faster pace than the Trump administration’s 300 permits per month. The administration recently opened more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico to auction for oil and gas drilling, a record offshore sale. Oil production in the U.S. has increased 5% under Biden.

    When oil prices were low, investors dropped out. Oil co.s are plowing profits into stock buybacks, not exploration. Biden can't do anything about that, oil prices are set by the world market. Govt. can't force them to drill more. Do you think oil producers are interested in lowering the price of a barrel of crude? Maybe you'd like to see our govt. control the means of production.

    Willful ignorance and intellectual laziness are no excuse, Skud.
