Monday, October 31, 2022

"Where is Nancy?"

BREAKING:  I just heard that Paul Pelosi is in the ICU and his family has gathered around him. I don't know anything further than that, and I don't know what the implications are in the report.

That's what the attacker who bludgeoned Paul Pelosi in his home called out. 

 SAN FRANCISCO — Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, was violently assaulted by a man who broke into the couple’s home in San Francisco early Friday morning, the police said. 

The authorities identified the suspect as David Depape, 42, and said they were investigating a possible motive. 

The details: The San Francisco Police responded to a break-in at the Pelosi residence at 2:27 a.m. on Friday, Chief William Scott said in a news conference. The assailant, who pulled a hammer from Mr. Pelosi and “violently attacked” him in front of police officers, has been charged with attempted homicide, the chief said. 

The intruder was in search of Speaker Pelosi, according to a person briefed on the attack, and confronted Mr. Pelosi in the couple’s home shouting: “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?”

"The police said the intruder was David DePape, a 42-year-old from Berkeley, Calif. CNN reported that DePape’s relatives confirmed that a Facebook account spewing Trumpian conspiracies on topics ranging from climate change to Covid was his. In his posts, he cast doubt on the validity of the 2020 election — sharing pillow pusher and Trump lickspittle Mike Lindell’s absurd videos. And he defended the Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol. 

 With his usual level of class, Donald Trump put out a message of sympathy to the family of Jerry Lee Lewis, “the Killer” of rock ’n’ roll, who died Friday at age 87, but said nothing all day about the Pelosi family."

Since the odious Trump descended the escalator in 2016, we've seen the descent into violence and mayhem in America. I don't believe we'll recover from the destruction to our republic Donald J. Trump and his MAGAts have caused America since his ascent to power. 

The GQP has fundamentally changed America. 

For the worse. And IMO we will never recover.


  1. My money is on one of tRump's insurrectionist minded sycophants following tRump the criminal direct order.

    Consiracy? Maybe. But given recent history, entirely plausible.

  2. There was a time when conservatives claimed words mattered and that calls for violence, be it through video games or in music, caused young people to act on those calls.

    As one who believed they were mostly correct back then, why the silence today? Why can't, or won't conservatives either admit they were right back then and words celebrating violence can create a climate that encourages violence, or admit they were wrong.

    Because it can't be both.

    Again, when you encourage and call your supporters to violence, and use the language of conquest and refuse to accept defeat in a fraud free election, you should be held responsible when those supporters resort to potentially deadly violence.


  3. In the five years since Trump was elected in 2016, the number of recorded threats against members of Congress increased more than tenfold, to 9,625 in 2021, according to the Capitol Police.

    White Nationalist Christians, (NAT-Cs) are more radicalized than ever.

    Trump is a criminal and stochastic terrorist. His legacy of lies, division, hate and violence has only begun. His party is totally corrupted and is waging war on our democracy.

    The radical Right will not stop, even when they get their one-party dictatorship. They want to rule, not govern. And their authoritarian rule means punishing everyone who opposes them.

    This radical Right hate and madness will only get worse.

  4. The attempts at deflection about this have been interesting. On Fox News, they are using the attack to say Vote GOP because this is an example of the random crime you get when Dems are in charge.

    But hey, let's just ignore the police who said the was "not random" and instead was a targeted attempt to kill the Speaker of the House of the US Government.

    Now, whatever criticism you have of the Dems, and they are many, Kathy Griffen aside, we just don't see the same level of unhinged violence from the left. Yes, there have been protests that became violent and even damaged some federal buildings, but those pale in comparison to Malhuer, the Capitol invasion, numerous mass shootings, targeting VP Pence and Speaker Pelosi and more.

  5. The conservative movement (or more accurately put fascist movement) in America has put hypocrisy and violence on their gold standard.

    I fear great violence is on its way. I ncited and encouraged by tRump's so called conservatives.

  6. Their disturbing plan for one-party rule is being developed in Wisconsin.

    Ari Berman on “How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy”

  7. Dave Dubya, Dave M., Les

    This sort of political violence against the leaders of the country's government is just another example of how America is a failing democratic republic, thanks to Trumpism, FAUX NOOZ, and the politicized SCOTUS.

    We're on a downward spiral, IMO, and this coming election will push us over the edge.

    I have no faith anymore in this country, a country that would propose a person like Herschel Walker or Kari Lake or any other proto-Nazi for a serious political office and who could possibly win a seat in the US Senate, governorship, etc., a country where 30 to 35 % of the voters think Trump should be president again. Trump, who is facing numerous criminal charges.

    That a part of this country could even THINK about, never mind vote for these sort of crooks and unqualified people proves to me that we are in decline.

    We can thank the GQP for this disaster.

  8. Seen on the Mother Ship:

    This is a good article on Democrats and their ‘saving democracy’! There’s not a whole lot that most of us don’t know, but it’s worth the read. And so true.

    Speaking of Democracy, Tulsi Gabbard went up in my estimation recently when I heard her say “the DEMOCRAT Party” (Not Democratic), and “So CALLED” Progressives, a term I never use but she has to and I loved her prefacing it with “so called”….

    Democrats saving democracy; what a joke.

    Nope. The joke is that the GOP and Trumpers attacked the US Capitol and wanted to hang Mike Pence, and just the other day, a Trumper wanted to kill Nancy Pelosi, 2nd in line for the presidency.

    The GOP wants to destroy democracy. The only chance to save it is with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY!

  9. Anon

    "Nearly two years after supporters of former President Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, inspired by his lies of a stolen election, sending members of Congress and the vice president fleeing for their lives, the toxic stew of violent language, conspiracy theory and misinformation that thrives in digital spaces continues to pose a grave threat.

    “When we see things like what happened last night at the speaker’s home; when we see things like plots to kidnap governors; when we see overt acts ramping up; we see, frankly, a whole host of indicators suggesting that we’re really at a crisis point,” said Peter Simi, an associate professor at Chapman University who has studied extremist groups and violence for more than 20 years.

    Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, who is among the most threatened members of the House, said the attack on Friday was a “realization” for her and her husband.

    “We used to theoretically talk about what would happen if they found our children when they came to look for us; what would happen if they found our loved ones when they came to look for us,” Ms. Omar said on MSNBC. “Now we know.”

    While threats have proliferated from every corner of the political spectrum, the Department of Homeland Security has warned that the United States faces growing danger from “violent domestic extremists” emboldened by the Jan. 6 attack, and motivated by anger over “the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives” — a reference to Mr. Trump’s claims that have been echoed by Republicans and right-wing activists."
    --C. Edmonson, NYTimes

  10. "The number of recorded threats against members of Congress increased more than tenfold in the five years after Mr. Trump was elected in 2016, according to figures from the Capitol Police, the federal law enforcement department that protects Congress, with more than 9,625 threats reported in 2021."

  11. Republicans haven't made an honest case for any policy in 40 years. As of now, they’re running on crime and inflation, with no plan to address either. Once in power, they will "investigate", a la Benghazi, nothingburgers and grandstand about the national debt. Any solution they propose will inevitably be a tax cut. I see no advantage to rewarding their dishonesty and disingenuousness, none.

  12. The guy who was looking for Nancy lives in a world where Fox News is the mainstream and from those bits of misinformation he searches for more and is in a narrative that demonizes all Democrats, especially The RIght Honorable Mrs Pelosi who is made out to be an evil plotter against all that is good.

    Add to that Trump who doesnt care for the truth; the only reason to accept or reject anything is if it does or does not favor him, and you end up with too many people living in a fantasy world where opponents are mortal threats and inevitably some will act, as we saw yesterday and on Jan 6th 2021.

  13. Ray, Paula

    Who's surprised? Headlines from the WaPo:

    Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP demonizing her

    This year, the House speaker emerged as the top member of Congress maligned in political ads.

    Assault of Paul Pelosi was attack on democracy. The risks keep growing.

    What was the motive of the attack?

    “This was not a random act. This was intentional,” Scott told reporters. However, he said police were not yet at a stage where they could publicly confirm what the motive was."

  14. More from Dan Balz, WaPo:

    "...there is the issue of proportionality and no doubt that the single biggest contributor to the declining confidence in the electoral system and the related threat to democratic processes is Trump and those who spread his lies. The 2020 election was securely run and fairly counted, no matter how often Trump and his acolytes — elected officials, candidates and ordinary citizens — spout the opposite. No credible evidence was presented to support Trump claims of widespread fraud."

    And then there's this guy who is part of the mob that keeps repeating a damnable rotten lie that contributes to the distrust and malice destroying this country:

    "Good afternoon and welcome to the new and improved Your American Heritage!

    Now with more MAGA!

    My name is Ed Bonderenka. My pronouns are “Thee” and “Thou”.

    And I am Not your Warm and Fuzzy Insurrectionist.

    It’s Day 619 of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.

    Our federal government has been stolen by the illegal actions of leftist politicians.
    And they have no regard for you or yours. Only they and theirs.

    We have been the victims of a vast criminal enterprise."

    He is, of course, totally wrong and deluded and is proud to stay that way. No amount of evidence (and there is a mountain of it) will dissuade him and thousands more like him from his sad delusions.

    And because of that, our democracy is in peril.

    I blame him and the thousands of other people who stubbornly cling to a damnable lie.

  15. Dan Balz:

    "As shocking as the attack on Paul Pelosi was, there is a danger it could happen again. As repulsive as Trump’s (and E.BONDERENKA'S) claims of a stolen election were and are, there is a danger that too could happen again.

    The balance of power in Washington could shift with the results if the November elections. The responsibility for safeguarding democracy — and elected officials — should belong to no party."

  16. Never thought in America that at my age I would need to become a guerrilla fighter to fight and protect our democracy and the republic againt fascist as*ho*es like tRump and the idiots who support him and facism.

  17. In the "30's" and "40's" America sutood TALL AGAINST Fascism and defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Today 30-35% of America suports the same ideology with their support of tRump and the tRumpublican Insurrectionist Party of America. Who's goal it is to bring authoritarian one party rule to the USA.

    Willfully ignorant people are more tham happy to be told what to think and what to say. And tRump, a fan of Adolph Hitler, is the narcissistic idiot they apparently adore.

  18. And they keep blaming Democrats for the break down in criminal justice and crime.
    They can't see or refuse to accept that Trump is the cause of division and violence ever since he ran for president.
    No matter what Trump says our election system reflects the will of the people which is why he is no longer president; and if people will get out and vote we can change this sad situation.
    The people helped create this situation through their vote and we can correct it through that same vote.

  19. DwtT,

    So the woman who brags about being a fine Christian makes a joke about an elderly man being bludgeoned with a hammer with possible brain damage resulting?

    Yeah. Isn't there something in the Bible she reads where Republican Jesus says "Make a joke and laugh when an old person gets brutally attacked, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours?"

  20. "Even before Pelosi became speaker, Republicans in the party and those adjacent to it have demonized her regularly, featuring her in attack ads and lambasting her on Fox News. At least one of her colleagues in the House, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), has directly indicated support for violence against her. And members of right-wing militia groups such as the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters have sought her assassination.

    Police haven’t gone into further detail about the attacker’s motivations, but his Facebook posts on conspiracy theories around Covid-19 vaccines, the 2020 election, and the January 6 attack provide a window into his radicalization.

    Other blog posts under his name contained screeds against minorities, politicians, women, and global elites, and content related to QAnon — the false pro-Trump conspiracy theory that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, including prominent Democrats like Pelosi, are running the world."

  21. Shaw... she did indeed make the joke. A few days back. But no one commented, so she brought it up again, patting herself on the back for her cleverness.

    Speaking of narcissism and a need for affirmation.

  22. Dave M. "Speaking of narcissism and a need for affirmation."

    Pathetic, isn't it.
