Monday, October 31, 2022

From The San Francisco Examiner


(I had a Trump troll come to this blog today and lie about what was behind the Pelosi attack. The troll "Anonymous" repeated a lie and a Qanon conspiracy theory it heard on some Right Wing talk show or read in a Right Wing rag. This report is from the San Francisco Examiner, which includes what the SF police reported.)

The man accused of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer after breaking into their San Francisco home told police he planned to hold her hostage and break "her kneecaps," targeting her because of her leadership within the Democratic Party.

David DePape, 42, told the San Francisco Police Department in an interview on Friday that he didn't leave the couple's Pacific Heights home after Paul Pelosi called 911 because he viewed himself as a freedom fighter without the option of surrender, comparing himself to the American founding fathers in the Revolutionary War. 

A summary of DePape's police interview was filed in U.S. District Court on Monday as part of an affidavit. Prosecutors charged DePape that day with assault on the immediate family member of a federal official and attempted kidnapping of a federal official. 

The San Francisco District Attorney's Office said earlier on Monday it would file charges against DePape, a Richmond resident. He is expected to appear in court on Tuesday. 

DePape told police he broke into the Pelosis' home by breaking a glass door with a hammer, seeking out the San Francisco congresswoman because he saw her as the "leader of the pack" of the Democratic Party's lies, FBI Special Agent Stephanie Minor wrote in an affidavit. 

He claimed he wanted to hold Pelosi hostage and would only release her if she told the "truth," which DePape said he didn't expect. As a result, he told police he planned to break her kneecaps, so Pelosi would need to enter Congress in a wheelchair and show her colleagues there were consequences for her actions. 


  1. The America we grew up in is dying. Unless the American majority, which remains opposed to the fascist right's agenda and tactics, stands up tall and proud and soundly defeats evil this nation as we've known it is dead.

  2. When Steve Scalise was shot at a Congressional Softball game in 2017, the next day, Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan, the two leaders of their parties held a joint news conference where they both condemned the violence that had happened, expressed concern for Scalise, mocked on one and tried to bring America together after a terrible act of violence.

    The question we should have today is where is the leadership of the GOP today?

    Where are their expressions of concern for the Pelosi family? Where is the outrage from fellow Congressmen and women towards someone who would attack one of their co-workers?

    It does not exist.

    And in that vacuum, we get the Roger Stone, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and Z jokes, obfuscation, mocking and lies about what is a very serious problem here in the United States.

    Why would anyone lie, make jokes and mock victims of crime, even if you happen to disagree with them?

  3. Sometimes when things are falling apart they are really falling into place.

    The very human white land owning men had a great idea which was hampered by their social status. We The People have the very unique opportunity to reboot the USA to not only implement the founding fathers brilliant take on democratic self rule but this time to include everyone.

    Or at least that’s my hope.

    Grey One Talks Sass

  4. Dave M.: "Why would anyone lie, make jokes and mock victims of crime, even if you happen to disagree with them?"

    Maybe because the current GOP has taken as its model and leader a man -- Donald J. Trump -- devoid of any human decency and compassion. For the weak-minded (See, The Mother Ship), Trump made is acceptable to be anti-democracy, anti-human decency, and anti-everything else that made us a decent society.

    Sure, we always had crime and unrest as every society on this planet has, but Trump took this to a new level because he was the leader of this country and the free world, and he made it acceptable to small and weak minds to be our WORST selves.

    Trump will be remembered for dragging America down into the sewer and being proud of its descent into lawlessnes, bigotry, and dishonor.

  5. Les, Dave, Anonymous,

    I live in the city of Boston, but keep an eye on what's happening in our neighbors to the north, New Hampshire.

    This guy is running for the US Senate from NH, and here he is talking about women:

    GOP New Hampshire Senate nominee Don Bolduc says abortion decisions “belong” to Republican “gentlemen” state representatives, and that women “get the best voice” when "men decide how to regulate their rights."

    That sounds like it came straight out of the 19th century. As we've read many times, the GQP wants to take this country BACKWARDS. And one way of doing that is to suppress women and women's rights.

  6. No decent person anywhere in the world respects what the GQP has become -- a receptacle of heartless thugs, know-nothings, and Christo-fascistss.

    Congrats! The GQP has earned every bit of that reputation.

  7. Fred Wellman

    I don't want to hang out in a political party or with people that think an elderly man being beaten is funny, an attack on our Capitol was free speech, smearing POW's is fine, or that Donald Trump and Herschel Walker are "Godly" men.

  8. When did Republicans become such crass, soulless, hateful, and spiteful human beings as to laugh that an elderly gentleman is in the ICU because of a violent assault? Disgusting.

    “I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.” - Jonathan Swift
