Tuesday, November 1, 2022

THE EX-preznit, Donald J. Trump, lying and crying AGAIN about his epic loss to Joe Biden.



 And this: 

"The attack on the morning of Oct. 28 came amid an increase in politically motivated violence just ahead of next week’s midterm elections. And the Justice Department’s swift action in bringing criminal charges on Monday against the suspect reflected the sense of urgency at the highest levels of the American government to confront an issue that officials view as a stark threat to the nation. 

There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats."

(But wait! There's a good Christian woman who runs a blog on the internet who made a joke about an attempted murder on an old man; because in her version of Christianity, that's hilariously funny. 

But we must give her credit where credit is due: She's now worried about the "homosecshuals!" Again. So, her god is pleased with her fine Christian values.)


  1. A couple of thoughts...

    1. We've learned that many in the GOP will make up anything, lie and distort whatever they need in service of their ideals.

    2. We've learned that no one in the GOP will stand up and say "The violence against Paul Pelosi family was terrible, wrong and should not be tolerated. Full Stop."

    3. We've learned that any official source from government, DAs, Sheriffs and more are immediately distrusted when the news they bring, the facts they have potentially make the GOP look bad.

    4. We've learned that the GOP is a party that is sure kids were going to die from Fentanyl laced candy, kids need litter boxes in schools because they believe they're cats, children are being raped in pizza stores and gay sex happens with hammers.

    These are not the fringes. These are positions held and expressed by candidates for local, state and federal offices. And there is just no equivalent from the Dems.


    But, as it relates to the elections, Salon has a great read on why we're at where we're at right now. It's balanced, well researched and a must read if people want to understand part of why we're at where we are.

    Commentary on the Big Lie

    Sadly, none of this is going to matter come November 8. From all viewpoints, it appears the GOP will win the House, gain control of Senate and start a year of hearings not to get us better government, but to own the libs and give the Jim Jordans MTGs and Lauren Boeberts an even bigger stage.


  2. andrew kaczynski

    Marjorie Greene’s deleted FB video where she suggests Pelosi be executed for treason is getting a new look after saying she filed a police report over a Jimmy Kimmel joke.

    "It's a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Pelosi is guilty of treason.”

    I heard a rumor that if DJT runs again, he may choose MT Greene as his VP.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress
    It makes perfect sense in this crazy political environment.

  3. Shaw... there indeed has been talk of MTG as a running mate for Trump.

    Crazy? Of course. Unlikely? Maybe. Possible? Of course.

    If trump runs.

  4. Dave M.

    How does a country survive this?

    Marjorie Taylor Greene called for the execution of the 2nd in line to the presidency BEFORE she became a US Rep., and people voted for her!

    Greene also asked for a pardon (according to Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony under oath to the J6 Committee), after being sworn in as a US Rep. only days before the J6 insurrection.

    And the rumor is that Trump, who admires Greene, would consider this awful woman as a vice presidential candidate?

    What the? This is really where we are as a country?

  5. Shaw... as if on cue, Trump has joined the crazies in saying law enforcement is not telling the truth, the house was broken out of, etc., etc.

    Where does it all end?

  6. 🤦‍♂️ I've done so many facepalms lately I'm afraid I'm going to have to follow the NFL concussion protocol.

  7. "How does a country survive this?

    One only need look to every authoritarian oppressive government to know just how people survive "this".

    Right now 155 Buddhists have set themselves on fire in protest of the brutal treatment and violation of human rights by the Communist Chinese government against the peoples of Tibet.

    Perhaps it is our destiny if Trumpublicans win both houses on Nov. 8, 2022. Right now America's future looks bleak.

  8. Dave, Mike, Les

    Trumpublicans are promising to impeach President Biden as soon as they regain the House.

    They govern through revenge, and that's not governing at all.

    Trump's implying that the police are not telling the truth is what authoritarians do to turn the population against law enforcement -- and that purpose is to sow distrust and chaos.

    Trump is an evil, evil man.

  9. Mike... Amen to that. Make sure to get the Dolphins MD so you can get back to blogging quicker.

  10. Here's what real leadership looks like in times like these... Sen Bernie Sanders after the attack on Scalise, by one of his supporters, had this to say...

    "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign... I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."

    Both parties, including their leaders came out and unequivocally condemned the attack on Steve Scalise, as Bernie Sanders did.

    Can anyone tell me why not one national GOP leader has stepped forward to offer anything like this instead of jokes, lies, innuendo and smirks? Can anyone explain to me why, in the face of a Mirandized confession by Depape, there are leaders of the GOP, including the Former President, calling BS on this, denying that the SFPD has a confession, gaslighting us and mocking Pelosi?

    We can say it's not who we are, but apparently, the group that calls themselves true patriots and real Americans is exactly like that.

    And we all suffer.

  11. The Buddha addressed folks like tRump over 2500 years ago.

    And still egotistical self centered humans suffer from the malady of which tRump has suffered from his entire miserable life.

    He has a multitude suffering from the same malady he is supporting him. And they will willingly elect those who will, when it serves only them, suppress the voices of dissent.

    America is looking straight down the barrel of oppressive authoritarian government and a very large minority is doing so with a grin as they lick their chops .

  12. Why do you pay attention to anything this criminal says?

  13. Dave M.

    Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz and Rona Daniels (Head of the RNC) have come out and condemned the attack on Pelosi. I think a few others have as well.

    I did not, however, read or hear anything from Donald Trump or Kevin McCarthy.

    Trump, of course, has no human decency, so that doesn't surprise me at all. McCarthy, who'll be the next Speaker, is just a sniveling little coward, too afraid of Trump's cultists to do the decent and human thing.

  14. Les,

    You are so correct, I'm afraid!

  15. Anonymous said...

    Why do you pay attention to anything this criminal says?

    Anon, I'm assuming you mean Trump. He is the head of the GQP and may very well be on the 2024 ticket for the presidency. We should pay attention to him.

  16. Shaw... Ted Cruz has retweeted untrue BS, so who knows about his statement.

    McConnell yes. Pence and Scalise yes. Crus no. McDaniel complained that GOP rhetoric was connected to what happened, as if the GOP had no role in what this idiot did.

    But it's all undone by Trump.
