Tuesday, April 11, 2023


BREAKING: Another Mass Shooting. At least 3 people shot outside of the Stewart Funeral Home in Washington DC on the 4000 block of Benning Road Northeast. Minnesota Avenue NE East & West is also CLOSED. No word if the shooter has been apprehended. Details are coming in. We will update you as more info comes in.

UPDATE 2:15PM ET: It’s now confirmed that one man is dead and three others have been injured following the shooting that took place a little before 12:30PM ET today.  


  1. To sadly quote Sonny and Cher...

    The beat goes on...

    To quote the ancient prophet...

    Even though the dog may bark, the caravan moves on...

    To quote the good book...

    There's nothing new under the sun... it's utterly useless.

    'Cause nothin's gonna change.

  2. We've had a few funeral home shootings here in the St. Louis area.

  3. From the Mother Ship's blog host (and she teaches English?):

    HAS ANY OF YOU EVER EVER THOUGHT THAT ALL THESE SHOOTINGS COULD BE INSTIGATED BY THOSE DESIROUS OF DISARMING OUR COUNTRY? Could people be convinced dying ‘for the cause’ is a good thing? Could people be threatened to do so? And yet ANOTHER question:
    Am I becoming unhinged? !!!

    Becoming? You already are, lady.

    And learn how to write in the English language before you mess up your students.

  4. Ray,

    I checked that post out, and saw an otherwise rational person posted this:

    "I doubt its a coordinated conspiracy. I think our society is toxic and is pushing people over the edge. Where my conspiracy theory mind does go… I wonder if forces are using media, etc to to goad, poke and troll people to the snapping point."

    Again, these are people who REFUSE to acknowledge that a country of over 340 million people with more than 430 million firearms in circulation -- that country that's soaked in gun culture will ALWAYS have massacres and suicides above and beyond any other country on the planet.

    The "blame the media" is a trope as old as dirt, and it shows a complete lack of understanding. Other countries have mental health problems, disaffected people who are angry at their co-workers, family members, the government, etc. We're not the only country that has these sorts of malcontented and probably mentally unbalanced people in our population.

    What that commenter is doing is deliberately not seeing what is in front of his nose.

    We have the most gun massacres and suicides because we have the most guns. Period.

    It's not the media's fault; and it's not the fault of unhappy, disaffected, mentally unbalanced people in the population. All countries have those sorts of people.

    IT'S. THE. GUNS.

    And the carnage will continue because of the willful blindness of people like the ones quoted in the above comments.

    I've said it before: Once we decided that the massacre of kindergarten babies was a price we're willing to pay for the right to purchase and own weapons of war, I knew that more of this preventable carnage would happen.

    And it did.

  5. Which is the greater Republican crime against American humanity?

    Serially gutting and denying democracy across the country?

    Or serially aiding and abetting the slaughter of innocent Americans by refusing to consider implementing even the slightest, sensible hun control measures?

    One thing is always worse than the next with these serial retrogrades.

    I’m just amazed they’re able to live with themselves given their comprehensive moral bankruptcy.
