Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Surprise! Surprise!


The states with the most lenient gun laws have the most gun deaths.

It's. The. Guns.


  1. Hope we didn't spend millions on that study. I guess common sense doesn't pay well so we need a million dollar study.

    90% of people who fall off a cliff get hurt. I didn't even have to pay to get that opinion or congress is made up of spineless hypocrites. No Charge

  2. Topic posted yesterday and yet no one has answered you skud. Huh. Wonder why (not really)

    If my memory is correct, back in the day agencies were prohibited from collecting data on gun violence. In fact several blogger/twitter personalities made a name for themselves by combing through local newspapers (yep it was that long ago) to find deaths/injuries. Their pioneer attitude in reporting what the higher ups didn't want revealed makes them heroes in my book.

    I know when I was writing benefits for a major HMO we didn't have any data on gun violence, a topic that was close to many of our clients hearts.

    Millions skud says mockingly. skud doesn't know what they are talking about hence my repeated rejoinder for them to go back to school.

    (I successfully logged onto the new computer. For this dinosaur new tech is hard - further metaphors escape me showing how hard it truly is!!!!)


  3. Grey One talks sass, skudrunner

    May 13, 2013: The NRA has sponsored legislation to stop pediatricians from asking parents about guns in the home -- something that really puzzles doctors who routinely ask about other safety issues, such as using car seats and wearing helmets while riding bikes.

    A federal judge struck down Florida’s 2011 law that forbade doctors to ask about guns in the home, but the NRA has sponsored similar legislation in Alabama, North Carolina, West Virginia, Minnesota, and Oklahoma.


    Yes. That is how much power the criminal NRA wielded over America!

    Can you imagine an organization so evil that they lobbied for legislation to forbid pediatricians asking if GUNS WERE SAFELY STORED AWAY, so that children would not kill themselves or anyone else by accident?

    The NRA used to be about gun safety. Now the NRA is about money, power, and corruption.

  4. This is for you, skud. You tried to blame President Obama for not doing anything about gun legislation while he was president:

    From the same article linked above:

    "Congress had already dropped a wider measure pushed by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden after the December shootings of 20 schoolchildren and six adults in Newtown, Conn.

    Obama has been trying to roll back some of the restrictions placed on gun research by Congress. He’s issued an executive order specifically directing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct research into gun injuries. While the CDC was never banned from doing so, Congress had specifically cut precisely the amount CDC spent on firearms violence research, sending a clear message.

    “If you think that Congress has sort of been asleep…you are wrong,” said Dr. Daniel Webster of Johns Hopkins University, one of the few academic experts who has continued research on gun violence despite efforts to divert funding. “They have been doing a very good job of weakening the laws to make it easier for gun dealers to have the least amount of responsibility. They have made it harder to sue dealers and made it harder to access data on … which dealers are pumping out guns to criminals. They’ve made it almost impossible to prosecute a gun dealer.”

    Pediatricians are puzzled that the statistics aren’t speaking for themselves.

    “Where there are more guns in the United States, there are more people dying,” Dr. Matthew Miller of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center told the meeting in Washington, D.C. “There are more women dying, there are more men dying, and there are more children dying. We are talking about a lot of people who are dying when they live in places with a lot of guns and homes with guns.”


  5. IT'S. THE. GUNS.

    And anyone who says it isn't is lying to him/herself and IMO, a coward.

  6. "Miller’s done research on gun deaths using what CDC data he could get -- dating from before Congress cut its funding.

    He divided the U.S. population in half, classifying half as living in high-gun-ownership states and half in low-gun-ownership states. In the “high gun states,” 21,148 people were murdered between 1988 and 1997, compared with 7,266 in the “low gun states”. He found 369 kids up to 14 of age who were murdered using guns in states with high rates of gun ownership; 97 were killed deliberately with guns in low-ownership states.

    And there were more murders overall, even using weapons other than guns in the high-gun-ownership states, Miller found. Other research finds kids and adults alike are more likely to commit suicide if they have access to a gun."
