Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Tyranny of the Minority


When you read or hear that it is the Left that wants to hold onto power by fundamentally changing America, look at reality. The facts do not support that, and the facts show that it is the Right.

Jacob Grumbach, a political scientist at the University of Washington, argues in his 2022 book, “Laboratories Against Democracy”: 

"When it comes to democratic backsliding in the states, the results couldn’t be clearer: over the past two decades, the Republican Party has eroded democracy in states under its control. 

Republican governments have gerrymandered districts, made it more difficult to vote and restricted civil liberties to a degree unprecedented since the civil rights era. It is not local changes in state-level polarization, competition or demographics driving these major changes in the rules of American democracy. Instead, it is the groups that make up the national coalition of the modern G.O.P. — the very wealthy on the one hand and those motivated by white identity politics and cultural resentment on the other."


"Grumbach elaborated...observing that the two major elements of the Republican Party — “extremely wealthy individuals in an era of high economic inequality” and “a voter base motivated by cultural and demographic threat” — have a “hard time winning electoral majorities on the basis of their policy agendas (a high-end tax cut agenda for the elite base and a culturally reactionary agenda for the electoral base), which increases their incentive to tweak the rules of the game to their advantage.” 

Pippa Norris, a political scientist at Harvard’s Kennedy School, argued in an email that contemporary cultural conservatism depends on support from declining constituencies — non-college whites (as pollsters put it), evangelical Christians and other ideologues on the right — which places these groups in an increasingly threatened position, especially in the American two-party system."


  1. While RWR started the push for a deeper rightwing shift the duo of GWB and Big Dick Cheney took the ball and started sprinting with it. Trump put the rightwing authoritarian agenda on steriods. And here we are today, a deeply divided nation. It's up to the 60+ percent that has retained their senses that must get serious and turn out in local, state, and national elections to reverse the trend toward republican authoritarianism. Short of that the slide into the tyranny of the minority.

  2. And in this case, the minority has no need to "win" or compete for the hearts, minds and votes of people outside of their party.

    Because their seats are mostly safe, free from general elections, if not primaries.

    But make no mistake, the Dems would do the same, if they could.

    1. True Dave. But we're a quite a way off from a flip where dems have the luxury the reubs enjoy today. If it ever happens again hopefully the dems will recall how THEY felt when the tables were turned the other way. Hopefully they will eschew doing what repubs have done through gerrymandering.

      Some of us will likely be dead and gone before dems are in that position again.

  3. Gerrymandering is deeply undemocratic.

    A pox on both parties for engaging in it.
