Wednesday, April 12, 2023



We live in a country where 30+% of the voting public want this maniac back in the Oval Office. He's the living, breathing example of a man-child. 

This is what one would expect from 8-year old schoolyard bully:

Beyond pathetic.

Apparently, there's no one in his family who loves him enough to stop him from exposing himself as a paranoid, delusional, and paralyzingly inadequate human being. 

(Apparently, he has no friends either.)


  1. Apparently, all it takes to entertain the right is someone who can talk continuously whether they make any sense or not.

  2. Mike,

    My second post of the day is about Missouri. I know not everyone is as crazy as the Trumpers running the state legislature.

    I also know there are many, many sensible, good people in your state.

  3. Here's Trump speaking of Chinese leader Xi, NK Dictator Kim and of course, Putin, all after he criticized Biden as being not up to the game...

    Top of the line. Top line. They’re all [XI, Kim & Putin] top of the line.? Are our guys not top of the line? Never was.

    These are top of the line people at the top of their game.

    President Xi is a brilliant man. If you went all over Hollywood to look for somebody to play the role of President Xi, you couldn’t find, there’s nobody like that.

    The look, the brain, the whole thing. We had a great relationship. You know, when he first came to Mar-a-Lago, It was so organized by them and by us, but by them very pom, pom, pom. Everything’s like business. No games, you know.

    We got along so well.

    People ask how smart is Kim Jong Un? Kim Jong Un is smart too.

    You know, when you come out and as a young man at 24, 23, even though he sort of inherits it, most people when they inherit, they lose it [like Trump and his money]. And that’s easy stuff.

    He took over a country, a very smart people, very, very energetic people, very tough people at a very young age. And he has total dominate control. That’s not easy. These are these are very smart.

    Putin, very smart.

    Now, he’s had in and probably a bad year. If he took over all of Ukraine and what are we going to do because Biden is so committed to Ukraine. What happens if it’s a not winnable war?

    You know, there are people that say Ukraine cannot win.

    You can’t beat Russia. Russia right now, I’m not saying anything out of school. I read it in one of our newspapers. So, you know, it’s probably fake news, but maybe not. I don’t think it is.

    Russia right now is making massive amounts of ammunition. Sounds simple, right? But they’re making massive beyond anything they’ve ever made before. We don’t have any ammunition. We’ve given it to Ukraine.

    We’re not we’re not prepared to fight. I rebuilt our military, new planes, new tanks, new everything. They’ve taken, the military that I’ve rebuilt, and they’ve given it all to Ukraine. I mean, massive amounts.”

    Pretty amazing stuff from the former president. He really seems to love the strong arm leaders in the world.

  4. BTW, off topic, but...

    Unemployment among African Americans hit it lowest point in the, wait for it... the history of America.

    Under President Biden.

    But I'm sure the Mothership sailors will never see it because FOX News will broadcast it.

    Why again would anyone want a President Trump Redux?

  5. Trump, MAGAts, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, the Klan, and other radical Right authoritarian racists and bigots all have one thing in common.

  6. Trump attracts people just like himself. Ignorant and delusional.

  7. A few paid protesters do not equate to the entire state of New York. I'm always happy to explain things to you

  8. Hello Anonymous,

    Here's an explanation that you obviously are totally unaware of, so I'm happy to enlighten you:

    2020 Election results from the state of New York:

    Joe Biden: EV votes 29 Trump: EV votes 0

    Joe Biden: Popular vote 5,244,886 Trump: Popular vote: 3,251,997

    Joe Biden: Percentage 60.87% Trump: Percentage: 37.74%

    The entire state of New York went for Biden almost 2 to 1, and it was even better in NYC, except for Staten Island (bless their little Trumpian hearts.):

    Biden won Manhattan by 84.5%-14.5%;
    the Bronx 82.5%-17%;
    Brooklyn 74%-25%;
    and Queens 69%-30%.

    Queens, where Trump was born, went for Biden, Bigly.

    New York State and New York City clearly rejected their native-born son.
    That says volumes, because they knew him best.

  9. Dave,

    "Unemployment among African Americans hit it lowest point in the, wait for it... the history of America.

    Under President Biden."

    Yeah. I remember Trumpers touting this when he was in office. They cannot say he did more for African-Americans than any other POTUS now. Joe Biden has that bragging point now. LOL!

    The Mother Ship captain never goes outside her or her followers' comfort zone. Most of the time their information is wrong. They're FAUX NOOZ consumers.

    Imagine making a decision to continue to watch a cable "news" outlet that admits to blatantly lying to its viewers. The Mother Ship and millions of other FAUX NOOZ consumers knowingly consume lies, even when the FAUXes tell them they're lying.

    Stop and think about that tragic fact.

  10. Dave M. and Dave D., Les

    There is no doubt that Trump admires and envies undemocratic authoritarian strongmen and disparages our own American president (out of raging jealousy and anger because he lost).

    I never in my life ever thought I'd hear an ex-POTUS praise international killers and enemies of the US over the American president. But here we are.

    And millions and millions of Americans (cultists) want Trump, who prefers our enemies over our own country, back in the Oval Office.


  11. Jon Cooper

    Trump’s slurred words and increasingly psychotic rants in recent days only highlight the growing likelihood that he’s going to fall apart mentally under the onslaught of serious, concurrent legal threats — the multiple criminal indictments, the E. Jean Carroll rape trial, and the NY state business fraud trial.

  12. The leading GOP candidate for 2024 presidential election is a twice-impeached, indicted ex-president who staged a violent coup to overthrow the gov't & is currently the subject of several ongoing state/federal investigations.

    That speaks volumes about the moral rot of the GOP.

  13. Shaw... that crowd has not heard that FOX lies to their viewers, because, they don't cover it!

    And their default is this... if it ain;t on FOX, it's fake...

    I've wondered why they are not mentioning Thomas, the Trump trials, his taking the 5th, the extreme abortion rules and more.

    I've come to the conclusion that it's not a lack of interest, it's a lack of knowledge. They silo themselves into news groups that only report what their people want to hear.

    And that's a proven fact, admitted to by FOX news leaders, reporters and opinion folks in the Dominion lawsuit.
