Tuesday, June 20, 2023



  1. So much to do about revenge. Hunter is just a drug using sleaze bag not a politician. If he was anything other than the son of a lifetime politician he would not have received such a mild judgement. The republicans are all about protecting trump who was a criminal, like hunter, but was also a politician unlike hunter. If they catch saint joey participating in criminal acts like bribery then go after it but try doing you job of representing the people you are suppose to serve. They will never pin anything on saint joey s just move on. Gets old to see jordan say anything about the people he represents then spend hours talking about hunter. The majority of the country don't really care about hunter.

    1. You said skud that Hunter is just a drug using sleaze bag.

      In other words in your constricted view an emotionally troubled human is a sleaze bag, regardless of any other consideration or whether they have acknowledged their problems and sought professional help to gain balance and overcome their addiction.

      Did i get that right skud? Because if i did it seems you just might be just a narrow minded judgemental a*s.

      As for President Biden, you essentially give Trump a pass with your false both sides are the same bulls*it and you never check facts or provide credible links that support you opinions.

      You're not a serious person skud. Notat all.

  2. Actually, skud, I read a retired federal judge, can't remember her name, on the internet say that he actually got a slightly harsher judgement than is usual in these cases. He had no previous record, he paid back in full what he owed the IRS, and he is in a rehab program.

    A compassionate person would at the very least take into consideration the trauma this man has faced in his lifetime. Hunter Biden saw his mother and sister killed in an horrendous automobile accident when he was a child. Childhood trauma can permanently alter one's brain, and that trauma can affect that person's life even into adulthood. I'm assuming you know nothing about being traumatized as a child, otherwise, you might have had a tad bit of understand about why Hunter turned to drugs Hunter also lost his closest friend (who also survived the death of his mother and sister in the accident, Beau Biden, to brain cancer.) Another trauma. Some people can deal with personal trauma, and some people do not have the ability to do that, and so they use drugs and alcohol to numb their pain.

    But I do understand your hatred toward someone you know nothing about, except what's been reported. Lots of people can count themselves lucky that a life-altering tragedy never happened to them or a loved one.

    Hunter was charged with a misdemeanor. In American law, a misdemeanor is “a crime less serious than a felony.” A felony is defined as “a federal crime for which the punishment may be death or imprisonment for more than a year.” As misdemeanor became more specific, crime became the more general term for any legal offense.

    I do know this: Hunter Biden is a fortunate human being to have been blessed with parents, Joe and Jill Biden, who have given him unconditional love as he fought his demons and clawed his way out of the hell of addiction.

  3. Skud... in interviews this week, former President Trump admitted he moved boxes of classified materials and kept them from the FBI, DOJ and the National Archives, so he said, that he could his personal items out of those boxes.

    It's an admission of guilt.

    Now if he would've just done the right thing and said that months ago and returned the documents, we would not be where we are now.

    At least Hunter admitted guilt and is accepting his punishment.

    Hunter is a troubled soul with issues. But it does not excuse his actions. He's guilty and has admitted it. Let's move forward on his issues.

    And when trump does the same, we'll do so with him too.


  4. Ms. Shaw, I expected you to defend hunter but not to the extent that he lost a loved which made him use drugs, have an affair with his sister in law, deny support to his child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have grand dad acknowledge her. I don't blame him for taking millions for doing nothing except using his family connections. If he paid his dad that is different for both of them but that will never be proven.

    Guess you people in low places. I lost my mom when I was ten and never used her death to do disgusting stuff but that is a personal decision.

    What is the sense of tightening gun regulations if you can lie to get a gun with no repercussions. What else could explain Hunter Biden's unusually generous deal with the prosecutors who work for his father? They whittled down $1.2 million worth of tax fraud to two misdemeanors. The gun crimes Hunter ducked are serious federal felonies. One is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and the other can incarcerate violators for up to five years.

  5. skud: "Ms. Shaw, I expected you to defend hunter but not to the extent that he lost a loved which made him use drugs, have an affair with his sister in law, deny support to his child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have grand dad acknowledge her."

    S.K.: I didn't excuse him. I explained that some people are permanently damaged from childhood trauma and use drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain. Not all. Some. You lost your mother at 10? That's a tragedy. And I commend you for getting through life despite that trauma. I lost my mother when I was 15 months old. And spent 3 years in an orphanage. I, too, came through that trauma with minimal damage to my psyche.

    But permanent damage from trauma in childhood is a fact:

    Children don’t magically “get over” trauma when they turn 18.

    Trauma, toxic stress, and adverse childhood experiences permanently change a child’s body and brain, which can have serious, lifelong consequences, according to a recent report from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University."


    skud "I don't blame him for taking millions for doing nothing except using his family connections."

    S.K.; You mean like Trump's daughter and son-in-law? Because that's EXACTLY what they did.

    skud: "If he paid his dad that is different for both of them but that will never be proven."

    It'll never be proven perhaps because it never happened. The Republicans have been looking into this for years and have come up with nothing. Is that because they're all incompetent? or maybe because they didn't find what they so desperately wanted to find?

    skud: "They whittled down $1.2 million worth of tax fraud to two misdemeanors. The gun crimes Hunter ducked are serious federal felonies. One is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and the other can incarcerate violators for up to five years."

    You sound so upset because they didn't throw Hunter Biden in the slammer! However, he pled guilty, he had no previous record, he paid back the taxes owed, and he's in rehab.

    "The gun charge states that Hunter Biden possessed a handgun, a Colt Cobra .38 Special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. The count carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison, but the Justice Department said Hunter Biden had reached a pretrial agreement. This likely means as long as he adheres to the terms of the agreement, the case will be wiped from his record."

    Not all cases are exactly the same. You should know that. The case was thoroughly investigated over five years by U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Delaware prosecutor judge appointed by Trump.

    Reality Winner had been held in jail without bond for more than a year and then went to jail for mishandling top secret documents. Trump is still free and probably will not face any jail time.

    I wonder how angry you'll be with that whittling down for his crimes?

  6. Rev, Trump will never admit he did anything wrong and I agree trump admitted he broke the law and should be punished. Hunter is a troubled soul is a real stretch. Did you get that from the DNC play book because he is pond scum for many of the things he has done. He equals trump in being disgusting only younger with the press supporting him. Hunter admitted he broke the law and should get what others who did the same thing. Look to kodak black and see what non privileged people get. Is the law fair or does power equal punishments, looks like the latter because hunter got a slap on the wrist, black is in prison.


  7. skud "Look to kodak black and see what non privileged people get."

    Non-privileged? Looks to me like Kodak Black got a real good deal for raping a young girl. Also, you failed to state that Black had this previous serious criminal record -- rape. That's why he had to spend time in prison for his gun charges. Hunter Biden DID NOT have any criminal record, and he had the gun for exactly 11 days. In 2019, Black pleaded guilty to federal weapons charges, admitting that he lied on background check forms while buying firearms earlier that year. Prosecutors said two of the guns were later found at crime scenes.

    You maybe should have researched Black's background before trying to compare his and Biden's cases. They're not at all alike. Not even close.

    "FLORENCE, S.C. (AP) — Rapper Kodak Black was sentenced to probation Wednesday for assaulting a teenage girl in a South Carolina hotel room.

    Black was originally charged with rape, but accepted a deal and pleaded guilty to first-degree assault at the Florence County courthouse.

    Black, whose legal name is Bill Kapri, faces a 10-year suspended prison sentence. He won’t have to go to prison on the charge as long as he completes 18 months of probation, media outlets reported.

    The assault happened in 2016 when Black was in Florence for a performance. The girl said the rapper attacked her at a hotel room after the show, biting her on the neck and breast and continuing even after she told him to stop, authorities said.

    Black is not in prison. Trump pardoned him. After less than a year in prison, Black's sentence was commuted by former President Donald Trump in January 2021.

    So after rape, illegal drug and firearm possession, Kodak Black was pardoned by Trump.

    Hunter Biden went through the justice system, presided over by Donald Trump appointed US attorney for Delaware and made a plea deal, JUST LIKE KODAK BLACK DID on the rape case.

  8. From NBC News:
    The federal gun charge, which makes it unlawful for a drug addict to possess a weapon, is a rarely used statute that is facing legal challenges and has recently been used as a catch-all charge against white supremacists.

    Like the gun charge, the tax charges are rarely brought against first-time offenders and even more rarely result in jail time, Andrew Weissmann, a former FBI general counsel and NBC News contributor, tweeted Tuesday. "This is if anything harsh, not lenient," he wrote.

    Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti agreed. "It insults the intelligence of the American people to compare misdemeanor tax charges to a scheme to steal Top Secret documents and obstruct justice when the government asked for them back," he tweeted, comparing the charges against Hunter Biden to the recent federal indictment against former President Donald Trump. "If anything, Hunter Biden was treated harshly — those crimes are rarely charged."

    The gun charge itself is under legal threat. A federal appeals court ruled in June that the government cannot ban those convicted of nonviolent crimes from possessing a weapon, and a federal court in Texas recently ruled — following a major Supreme Court case last year that expanded gun rights — that the ban on drug users possessing weapons violates the Second Amendment.



  9. Possumlady

    I doubt very much that our friend, skud, will reply.

    He must have heard something from Trumplandia about Kodak Black, but not all the relevant facts about what Black did compared with Hunter Biden.

    skud wrote that Black was in prison, but didn't know he'd been pardoned by Trump in 2021, and that he got to plead down a RAPE CHARGE! to first degree assault.

    Late filing tax returns and purchase of a gun will on drugs vs. RAPE? Illegal possession of a firearm that was later found at a crime scene?

    This is sadly how the Right operates and spreads disinformation because most people don't bother to read the facts.

    Today the House censured Adam Schiff for telling the truth. Durham, of the Durham report, backed up what Schiff had said in the past about the Trump campaign getting help from Russia.

    It did. Durham and the Mueller Report corroborates those facts. It happened today.

    The House Republicans are dishonest cheats who have no interest in helping the American people. They're nothing but Trump ass kissers.

    He told the 20 or so Republicans who did NOT vote to censure Schiff last time that they would be primaried. They cowered before Trump, and reversed their vote from the last time.

    A bunch of lily-livered cowards, afraid of a weak and stupid Trump.

  10. Ms. Shaw, I don't know what Trumplandia is so I can't comment on that. You are correct I didn't do enough to see what black's history was and that he was released so that is on me. Guess people can't change like black did, doesn't say much about funds to mental health.

    You must have listened to a different durham report than I did because shitf spent millions and years to prove nothing.

    If as you state a weak and stupid trump why are all of the candidates on both sides talking about nothing else but trump. I wish he would go away but that won't happen, of course I think saint joey is incapable of doing his job so we differ in our opinions.

  11. skud "You must have listened to a different durham report than I did because shitf spent millions and years to prove nothing."

    These are ACTUAL on-the-record quotes from the hearing in the House between Rep. Schiff and Durham.

    Read it carefully. Because it contradicts what you posted:

    “I don’t think there’s any question that Russians intruded into —- hacked into the systems, they released information,” Durham said.

    “And that was helpful to the Trump campaign, right?” Schiff asked.

    Durham agreed the Russians had been helpful to the Trump campaign.

    “And Trump made use of that, as I said, didn’t he, by touting those stolen documents on the campaign trail over a hundred times,” Schiff said.

    Durham said he didn’t “really read the newspapers, or listen to the news.”

    At one point, Schiff asked Durham whether he was aware that Robert Mueller’s investigation revealed that Donald Trump Jr. “was informed that a Russian official was offering the Trump campaign 'very high-level and sensitive information" that would be incriminating of Hillary Clinton.”

    “Sure, people get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that,” Durham claimed.

    "Really? The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent. Is that what you're saying?" Schiff replied.

    “The only distinguishing thing between [Mueller's] investigation and yours is he refused to bring charges where he couldn't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and you did,” Schiff said.

    Durham brought three charges forward, went to trial with two, and won convictions on zero—a point Democrats repeatedly brought up during the hearing.

    Mueller’s investigation concluded that there were “multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.”

    “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied way," the Mueller report said.

    The Mueller investigation ultimately brought forward roughly three dozen charges and about a half-dozen convictions."

    I'm wondering where you got the information that claims Rep. Schiff proved "nothing." That's not what Durham himself is quoted saying.

    Just in case you missed it upthread, Durham himself testified that what the Russians provided to the Trump campaign helped Trump. One could establish that that is foreign interference in a presidential campaign.

    Rep. Schiff was CORRECT. And the House Republicans censured him, but still support George Santos! It's an upside down world where McCarthy and his gang embrace and prop up a Liar, Cheat, and Fraud, and censured a man who told the truth!

    “I don’t think there’s any question that Russians intruded into —- hacked into the systems, they released information,” Durham said.

    “And that was helpful to the Trump campaign, right?” Schiff asked.

    Durham agreed the Russians had been helpful to the Trump campaign."

  12. Just for the record:

    Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and companies during the investigation, including 6 Trump advisors, 26 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies. Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulus and Michael Flynn all involved, caught lying to the FBI about their involvement with the Russians. Rick Gates too.

  13. All this and somehow shift spent years and millions and trump was not charged, except by the press. Oh well we will spend millions more investigating saint joey, trump and countless other crooked politicians which will result in nothing. Wouldn't it be better to spend time and money on violence in cities, non invited people crossing the southern border, fentanyl addiction primarily coming from china and all the other issues we have in the country. We can never expect our elected elite to do their jobs because there is far to much money involved and they want their share.

    It is encouraging to see saint joey going to California to raise money. Not visit the southern birder or going to the homeless areas in LA and San Francisco because he would have to answer a question which may be in-prompt which he is not allowed to do.

    We should demand better from the political elites

  14. skud: "Oh well we will spend millions more investigating saint joey, trump and countless other crooked politicians..."

    Could you elucidate for us and reveal the criminal indictments against President Biden?

    You keep saying he's a crooked politician, but you never present any evidence for that slander.

    PS. Trump has been charged -- not by Rep. Schiff, but by the DoJ -- 37 felony counts, and by the state of New York -- 34 felony counts, and he was found liable in a sexual assault case.

    When it comes to crooks, the Republican Party leads all the rest.

  15. What is frightening is that saint joey is sinking in the polls and his fund raising trips are not doing well. The democrats need to come up with a decent candidate because the idea of a trump win is something that is unacceptable for the country. Hopefully kennedy or desantis can rise in the polls and trump will drop out. There is enough doubt about bidens ability to lead and it will only get worse.

    I doubt that the investigation into saint joey even though there are mounting sources saying saint joe interfered with hunter's investigation from IRS agents to staff members. You can state that trump is guilty because he is but so is the administration.

  16. Hopefully desantis and kennedy drop out and trump is in prison.
