Thursday, June 22, 2023

Yes, this really happened!


A House Republican who said, "We will hold members accountable," was quoted by New York Representative Dan Goldman.

Dan Goldman:  

"You are the party of George Santos! Who are you holding accountable?! Don’t lecture us with your projection. It’s pathetic."

The Party of Abraham Lincoln has become the Party of Jefferson Davis and Benedict Arnold.

You can't make this stuff up! 

The GQP censured Adam Schiff for doing his job. When the House failed to censure Rep. Schiff, Trump told those who voted with the Dems that they'd be primaried. They held another vote and did the bidding of the felony-indicted Party Boss, Trump. 

And yet the GQP  won't expel George Santos, an impostor with 13 federal indictments of THEFT, MONEY LAUNDERING, FRAUD and GIVING FALSE STATEMENTS. 

Shame on the Republican Party! Shame on Republicans!


  1. They're the part of cowardly appeasement of Trump. That's pretty much it. If Trump told them to vote censure against their own grandmothers, most of them would do it.

  2. Shaw, this is the reality of America in the early 21st century.

    One party, infected by attachment to a myth and the fear their way of life is being taken from them, will stop at nothing to regress and try to force their beliefs on all.


  3. And yet the DEMOCRATS won't IMPEACH JOE BIDEN an impostor with 13 federal indictments of THEFT, MONEY LAUNDERING, FRAUD and GIVING FALSE STATEMENTS.

    Shame on the Republican Party! Shame on Republicans!

  4. To "idol Gossip"

    For a half-witted troll, that's damn funny. A great parody of a Trumper on a diet of funny mushrooms.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  5. I've seen more backbone on a Slinky.

  6. The GQP is the party of master hypocrites.

  7. bluzdude, Mike

    Spineless master hypocrites!
