Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Authoritarianism? What Authoritarianism?


The AGs of the following states want to seize the private out-of-state medical records of GIRLS and WOMEN who may leave their states where abortion has all but been banned to go to states where the medical procedure is legal:

Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Alaska, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Georgia, Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, North & South Dakota, Tennessee, Ohio, Texas, South Carolina, and Utah.

That's right. Those states' attorneys general want girls' and women's private medical records.

This is the direction this country is moving in. Don't pretend it isn't happening.



The Tennessean (behind a paywall) reported: 

"Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti wants the state to be able to investigate and compel information on out-of-state abortions, according to a letter he co-signed with 18 other Republican attorneys general in response to a White House-backed federal rules change that would further shield reproductive health medical records."

How is this NOT an egregious invasion of the most private of private personal information? 

This smells of a modern religious inquisition!

And The Party of Trump is all in for it.

I'd like to hear from libertarians on this most recent assault on our liberties.


  1. This ABSOLUTY IS an egregious intrution into the personal medical information of independent women with the intent of exacting punishment on women when they return home after seeking an abortion. An naked attempt by the conservative religous elements to control the lives of women through fear. It is not socialism we need fear. It is the growing rise of authoritarian impulses in the conservative movement and the republican party that must be stopped. Lest we become but a religionist dominated fascist country.

  2. The present day GOP and their supporters can no longer claim to stand for limited government, local control, law and order or even a strong military.

    -They advocate for government intrusion into the private lives of US citizens, a right guaranteed by the SCOTUS in the Griswold case of 1965.

    -They advocate for strong central government control of the citizenry, as shown by decisions in both Texas and Florida to usurp the rights of cities, counties and individuals to make their own governing decisions, so long as they do not contradict federal law.

    -They are openly calling to defund the FBI and the US Department of Justice and have never openly supported the US Capitol officers beaten mercilessly on Jan 6 or urged prison sentences for the perpetrators.

    -They are sacrificing US military readiness by not steam rolling Senator Tommy Tuberville and his "hold" on military promotions, including to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to the position of Commander of the US Marines. All to stop a supposed "woke agenda" that even candidates Trump and DeSantis admit few can define.

    What happened to you guys?

  3. This is from the Louisville Courier Journal about Kentucky's AG Cameron:

    Cameron was one of 19 Republican attorneys general who signed onto the June 16 letter, opposing the change proposed in April by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to amend HIPAA patient privacy rules.

    The rule change would block state authorities from obtaining protected information about reproductive health care services obtained lawfully out of state "for criminal, civil, or administrative investigations or proceedings" against those individuals or regulated entities.


    Please read that last paragraph again.

    The GOP AGs in the 19 states mentioned in today's post want the right to seize protected information on girls and women who obtain LAWFUL health care services in other states that have not banned reproductive rights. And the purpose is "for criminal, civil, or administrative investigations or proceedings" against those girls and women!

    How in the name of the Constitution is this even being proposed by "small government" GOPers? This sounds like something out of s dystopian, anti-democracy, anti-female, anti-liberty hellscape.

    Why aren't people's hair on fire over this?????

  4. I really don't think most libertarians give a damn about women and minority rights.
    Tax cuts, deregulation, and gutting government public services is their agenda.
    Like the radical Right, they are in direct opposition of our Constitutional taxes, Constitutional regulation of commerce and Constitutional provision for the general welfare.
