Wednesday, July 19, 2023


How can anyone even THINK of putting Trump back into the WH????

"A model prosecution memo recently released by Just Security, an online forum for analysis of U.S. policy on law, rights and security, described how Trump and his cronies organized Republicans in battleground states that Biden had won, including Michigan, “to sign and submit false certificates claiming that they were the authorized to cast votes, on behalf of their respective states, in the Electoral College for Donald Trump.”


  1. The seeds of fascism sprouted. It's now time to cut it off at the very root. Republicanism as practiced by the current gop.

  2. Completely OT, but this caught my eye today:

    "My name is Tonya Bailey and I’m humbly asking for your help. I was diagnosed a little over a year ago with what is now stage 3B Hodgkins Lymphoma. As of today, I’ve been through two full rounds of chemo that unfortunately were unsuccessful, and I’m now a little over half way through my third round, this time a high dose chemo, that will be followed up with radiation because over the last year the cancer has spread and is now in both my upper and lower body. This is my second bout with this cancer. I was previously diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma back in October 2004, but after two surgeries and a successful treatment plan including two cycles of chemotherapy and a round of radiation therapy, I was declared cancer free in April of 2006. Yay! But it’s back again, and with a vengeance. I’ve been unable to work for the last year and have relied on the support from my mom Debra, my sister, and online friends to scrape by. But I’m struggling just to make rent each month, let alone cover my healthcare and basic living expenses. It’s been really hard. My savings is gone and I’m honestly desperate for help. So again, I’m humbly asking for help. No donation is too small, every dollar will help as I continue this fight. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I genuinely appreciate it."

    How can Americans brag about this being the greatest country in the world when a young woman has to beg her fellow citizens for $$$ to help her fight her cancer and pay her bills????

    Answer: America cannot! Other countries smaller than the US manage to cover the costs of saving someone's life who's been diagnosed with cancer.

    Donald Trump PROMISED he would end the ACA and replace it with something better and cheaper.

    He, of course, LIED. He doesn't give a rodent's posterior about people like Tanya. And he'll ignore their plights if he were to win the WH again. He lied to us then and he'll lie to us again. He never had a plan for better and cheaper health care.

    Take a look at America, where Tanya has to beg for money to pay for treatments to save her life, while corporatists earn 1,000 times more than their lowest paid workers.

    You can place the blame for this on the GOP. They're against Medicare for all, they're against any sort of health care for people like Tanya.

    Think about that.

  3. Everyone deserves medical care especially life supporting medical care. Canada has socialized medicine but does not allow anyone to purchase additional medical care and doctors are not allowed to accept private funds if they participate in Canada Medicare. England has public funded medical but physicians are allowed to accept private funds and it seems to work fine. GP's in the UK make 120,000 a year while in the US it is an average of 294,000. Are we going to attract the best and brightest and is that what we want to settle for.

    In part our healthcare system is way to expensive. We have architectural awarded hospitals instead of using those funds to build functional facilities at a reasonable cost. In the US you can sue anyone for anything and the loser doesn't pay for both sides. We have attorneys that rely on the pitch if you don't win you don't pay. What they don't say is that the person being sued still pays attorney fees win or lose.

    Obamacare is not successful and not because it is not a good idea but wasn't well thought out. It penalizes those who have coverage to pay for those who don't and people who want coverage won't or can't pay for it. 13% aren't covered yet only 9% enrolled. If we adopted universal healthcare what would they pay for and would the 87% who are covered be willing to accept having everyone covered and the issues associate with it. Canada manages healthcare by managing services. Are we willing to do elective procedures like gender reassignment surgery or abortions. A deviated septum is not life threatening and neither is having both cataracts fixed. We could do what Canada does and if you want something done that is not life threatening you will wait perhaps a year or longer.

    Everyone deserves basic healthcare but what will be the reaction of the American people with a shortage of doctors, nurses, and facilities making wait times much longer than we are use to will accept. Blame the republicans all you want but it is our elected elite who spend no time thinking about a solution.

  4. skud, i worked alongside a manager who had quite a bit of family who live in Canada. As a result he had a lot of direct accurate knowledge about the Canadian health care system. His view was as follows:

    I) The propaganda that conservatives and republicans blanket America in about Canada's HCS is pure BS.

    2) That the Canadian system is superior to the US system and if the US were actually smart we'd put aside greed and ego (pharmaceuticals, and ignorance (politicians) and do what every other advanced industrialized nation on the planet has done.

    But of course we're Americans. We know BETTER. Right? Well, maybe it's time to forget what we thought we knew (politicians), and stretch the boundaries of creativity and imagination.

    Again, that gentleman's view is that we have our heads up our a**. I think many if us agree with him. It's time for medicare for all.

    I'm glad you agree that "everyone" is at least entitled to basic healthcare services.

  5. Update on Michigan. Ginni Thomas will be implicated in the conspiracy and her turn is coming.

    1. Dave, ALL of your posts were deleted from Ed’ B’s blog.
      Thought you would like to ky!

  6. Skud... most here would agree that the ACA, known as Obamacare, is not perfect. The Obama Admin had hoped the GOP would work together with the Dems to improve it. Like the Dems did when the GOP passed prescription drug care.

    But they did not. In fact they work to kill it for years.

    In my case, it saved my life and my wallet. My insurance was a God send and the 11 days I spend in the hospital, racking up almost 250K in expenses was almost 100% covered.

    Just think how much better it could have been and could still be if the GOP worked with the Dems to improve it. But sadly, the GOP does not believe EVERYONE in the US should have realistic access to quality health insurance and the medical care it can provide.

  7. I have 4 blogging friends that live in Canada -- one near Toronto, one outside of Ottawa, one near Calgary and one on PE Island. All are in the senior citizen category (when things start to go wrong with your body) and they are all very happy with their system and feel very sorry for their friends in the U.S. My brother in law here in the states has had multiple health issues--some serious (heart attack, stroke, prostate cancer) and some not so serious -- gallbladder attacks and hernias. For the not so serious issues, he had to wait almost six months to get a procedure done.

    When I was laid off in August of 2020, I was 61 years old. I was "privileged" to stay on my association's health care through COBRA. Instead of paying my usual $230.00 a month, I had to pay close to $600.00 a month. ACA would not have been much better as they base it on how much you made that year, so for me, my monthly cost would have been about the same as COBRA. Thank God there was a provision in one of Biden's bills that paid six months of COBRA for people who were laid off in 2020. Between unemployment payments and that break in COBRA payments, I was truly kept a float until I incorporated myself and found a part time job in April of 2021. I now get my health insurance through ACA and am paying just under $200.00 a month. Very manageable. If there was no ACA, and if I was even ABLE to obtain healthcare insurance (due to my age and a health condition), it would have been a crappy policy that covers nothing with an astronomical deductible. I thank God for the ACA.

  8. Rev, Like most things politicians do, they get something started and then push it down to road for someone else to fix. King obama was a champion of this policy with ACA and DACA. Take a bow for starting it but then move on to the next thing that will promote his greatness. Wouldn't it have been nice for him to tweak the issues with ACA while he had the votes to back him up just as it would have been nice for him to work on immigration reform instead of deferring action. Good idea abandoned so he could not be held accountable for the outcome of leaving people hanging and, like you, he can just blame it on the other party.

    That's the reason I am a confirmed independent because both parties only serve themselves and to hell with the citizens.

  9. I'm going to write this for the last time for skud, who habitually ignores this fact:


    "Total control" of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy's Massachusetts seat.

    The this: Democrats had "total control" of the House of Representatives from 2009-2011, 2 full years. Democrats, and therefore, Obama, had "total control" of the Senate from September 24, 2009 until February 4, 2010. A grand total of 4 months.


    To claim that President Obama did nothing is to disregard facts and history. He did what he could in the short time he had a Democratic House AND Senate.


    Please try to remember this (I've written it for you before) the next time you try to establish the false idea that President Obama could have done all the things you believe he should have done. One he lost the Senate, there was NO COOPERATION ON ANYTHING HE WANTED TO DO TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF AMERICANS.

    Mitch McConnel said the most important thing he would do as the head of the Senate was MAKE OBAMA A ONE-TERM PRESIDENT. That was the goal of the GOP. Not helping to tweak the ACA, not fixing immigration.

    Do you see any problem with that??????

    You're a confirmed Independent? Nothing you write here attests to that.

    1. skud's could be a confirmed cynic that simply accepts the conservative mantras.

      Rarely does he criticize the con narative and almost never does he find a positive thread in anything liberal or liberal leaning.

  10. Skud, of course in his uninformed, snarky way posted...

    "Wouldn't it have been nice for him to tweak the issues with ACA while he had the votes to back him up..." and then immigration.

    Nice try Skud, but President Obama had no votes to spare in 2008. Maybe you forgot that Sen Kennedy died as the Dems were finalizing the ACA and then had to horse trade with the GOP to get what they got.

    What we got, yes, imperfect as it is, was all the GOP was gonna allow. Under any circumstances. You seem to believe the GOP would have negotiated in good faith and was interested in helping provide a health care process similar to the one developed by GOP Mitt Romney in MA.

    You know darn well, they were not. Just as you know darn well the GOP would never have worked with President Obama on immigration.

    So why do you continue that fiction?

    As for your independent BS, where do you spread your anti GOP snark as widely as you do here? Do you have stupid nicknames for GOP leaders that you publish on conservative sites like you do here?

    Doubtful, because I've only seen you use "joey" and Obama slurs there.

    You're a solid GOP voter who I doubt could name a Dem presidential candidate you've voted for in your life. At least be honest about it.

  11. Ms. Shaw, When was the last time an opposing party said after losing, wow we want that guy to be a two term president. The opposing party even went so far as to start impeachment procedures before a president took office and declare he is not my president.

    Instead of developing a plan that was good for all Americans ACA was pushed forth knowing it had significant issues. Be it four months or four years it was a bad bill and another push it down the road and let someone else handle it. Then because it was such a poor special interest only bill they blame the other party for it's shortcomings. During the two years they had house control what did they do about immigration reform, DACA or deferred and pass it on to someone else to fix.

    Yes I see a problem with that!!!!!

    I meant to say I am a committed independent not confirmed but that is what it says on my voters registration card so I can choose which candidate to vote for and not vote along party lines, you should try it.

    It is exciting to see how the party is reacting to kennedy and manchin. Now they are incompetent and should be hung. Doesn't pay to be a good loyal democrat.

  12. Shaw... here's a bit more info for Skud, who just sloughs off real numbers, data and evidence...

    Illegal immigration down... check it out Skud

    Now Skud, I am sure you will not believe this any more than the GOP members of the US Congress will. But unless and until you and that GOP group in DC put up credible numbers to refute the data we actually have, your protestations will not matter.

    Again, invoking Silver, while I may not agree with him, he at least brings data and evidence to back up his stance. You, for some reason, not so much.

    Tell us why that is.

  13. Anonymous,
    They can't handle truth or dissent.

    Some comments that remain:

  14. skud: "Ms. Shaw, When was the last time an opposing party said after losing, wow we want that guy to be a two term president."

    Never. But I never in my lifetime (I'm a grandmother) heard any opposing party, Democratic or Republican declare that the most important thing for them to do is make the POTUS a one-term president. Also, that was the first time we had a bi-racial POTUS, who was also the first POTUS to have his American citizenship questioned by the opposing party. Shameful.

    You call the ACA a "bad bill." Dave Miller said it saved his life and life's savings. I believe him. We know it wasn't perfect. Social Security and Medicare were not "perfect" when they were passed. But cooperation between the Dems and Repubs tweaked both of those programs to make them better. The Republican Party has no interest in cooperating with any Democrat on ANYTHING that benefits the middle and working classes. What did Trump do for them when he was in office? He gave PERMANENT tax breaks to bilionaires and the tax break he gave to the middle class will end in a few years. Those were NOT permanent. The billionaires' was.

    Dave answered you on immigration and your other claims.
