Monday, August 28, 2023

GUEST POST BY DAVE MILLER -- "We're all in on it."

 We're all in on it...

We’re all in on it.

Each and everyone of us.

From the most powerful member of the Democratic Party, to the lowliest voter who, in the privacy of his or her voting booth, marked their ballot for the candidate Joe Biden.

We’re all wrong, not interested in justice, hate America or are blinded by our hate of Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome they call it. 

The system is in on it, the FBI is in on it. Congress is in on it and so are the courts. 

The mainstream media is on it, Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems are in on it, and so are every single governor and secretary of state across the United States of America. 

The DOJ of the Trump Administration was in on it. The Trump Administration Office of Cyber Security, which called the 2020 election the most secure in the history of the US, was in on it.

The ultra right Heritage Foundation was unable to find any real fraud or voting irregularities during the 2020 elections, because they too, abandoning their conservative bonafides, were in on it.

What is it that we are all in on?

The stealing of the 2020 election by fraud, subterfuge, ballot box stuffing and thousands of dead people “voting” and the accusing Donal Trump of wrongdoing.

Jack Smith is also in on it. Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg too. Because there’s no way Trump took any classified documents from the White House, no way he encouraged or directed people to mount an insurrection against the US Government on Jan 6, no way he has tried to cover his tracks, no way his aides have lied to US Investigators and no way Donald Trump has defrauded anyone. 

There also is no way Donald Trump is lying when he says he won the 2020 election. So they say.

If you visit the fever swamps of the right wing populace, Donald Trump is innocent of all charges in the 91 indictments across four jurisdictions and should be sitting in the White House today. Because they believe he won the 2020 election by millions of votes.

In spite of all the evidence and testimony to the contrary, anything that contradicts what these MAGA conservatives believe to be true, is false. All that evidence against him they say, exists solely in the minds of liberals, RINOs and unAmericans to end Trump’s reign of terror on the “deep state”, break the back of the political establishment and block efforts to “Make America Great Again”.

So what does America do? 

Literally, we are in the grip of about 40% of the population that for generations has resisted change, loss of power and prestige and refuses to cede any political ground for the common good of America. The difference now is that through the current primary process and because of the proliferation of social media, their earlier efforts, that were once consigned to the dark shadows of society, have gone mainstream and public.

Daily challenges to the rule of law, the will of the majority of Americans, the workings of government and peace and stability in our country are tearing at the fabric of our democracy. And there is no end in sight.

Even the majority of conservative politicians who do not believe someone like Trump should be president ever again, are afraid to openly say it. Because doing so would unleash the wrath of the MAGA extremists and possibly end their careers.

Recent polls show that the MAGA extremists, essentially the “guns and bible” crowd Obama described, the “deplorable” Hillary Clinton described and the “listless vessels” Ron DeSantis described have overwhelmingly decided that In Trump They Trust. By a wide margin over their pastors, conservative media and even their families and friends.

That almost absolute trust, to the exclusion of outside voices and influences, is one the most important distinctions of a cult. A cult that in this case has its hands wrapped around the neck of democracy.

God, if you are there, help us.


  1. This comment I made was posted below, but it also belongs on this thread by Dave M.

    This is why we can't have nice things:

    Written by a Trump Cultist: "Truth to tell, it is possible that by January 2024, Mr. Trump will stand convicted of at least one of 90 or more charges filed against him. Not because he’s guilty but because our land is as corrupt as ever. Mr. Trump will appeal his conviction(s). And for four excruciating years, he’ll be beleaguered by America’s communists (Democrats) in the same way they attacked him between January 2017 and January 2021, who used the power of Congress and the Special Council to defang Trump and his policies."

    That TC believes "our land is as corrupt as ever" but Trump is guilty of nothing?

    That TC calls Democrats "Communists?"

    TCs, like Trump, believe the trouble Trump is in is everyone else's fault but his, and that Trump did nothing wrong and the Communist Democrats are out to get him.

    That TC ignores the fact that Republicans and people IN TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION testified during the Congressional hearings into the J6 insurrection, and it was AMERICANS, both conservative and liberal, on the grand juries that heard evidence about Trump and found that evidence to be compelling enough to indict Trump 91 times. (And once for being liable for RAPE, FFS!)

    But TCs are so marinated in Trump cultism that they ignore reality and convince themselves that they know the truth, which, in fact, is their group delusions and MAGA lies!

    That TC seems intelligent, he can actually express himself in the English language, unlike the Trump Cultist trolls who come here. But how can an intelligent person ignore facts and reality?


  2. Excellent post Dave. Of coutse i share your views. So i'll simply say thank you for your insights and sense of balance.

    I will also add the wish for all sentient beings to one day recognize the essence of mind. So one day the confusions and delusions cease.

  3. A tRUMPer that I know, said a good thing that tRUMP did was move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Different people, different priorities. 🤦‍♂️

  4. Mike Did the tRUMPer you know say how that move helped the American people?

  5. Et tu NewsMax? Sadly, they buckled down to join the intergalactic anti-Trump conspiracy.

    After airing an interview in which Donald Trump denied he lost the 2020 election, Newsmax's Eric Bolling reads a statement from the network:

    "Now just a note. Newsmax has accepted the election results as legal and final"

    And so on Newsmax, Sarah Palin calls for civil war

    ERIC BOLLING (HOST): When you see the former president being fingerprinted, having to show up, turn himself in, you see the mugshots of the other seven or eight who've turned themselves already, do you have concern for the country as I do?

    SARAH PALIN (GUEST): Absolutely, I mean -- I think those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tiered system of justice and I want to ask them, "What the heck? Do you want us to be in Civil War?" because that's what's going to happen. We're not going to keep putting up with this. And Eric, I like that that you suggested that we need to get angry. We do need to rise up and take our country back.

    Treason isn't treason to traitors.

  6. What, not everyone's in the Democrat cult yet? I'm SHOCKED!

  7. ...cuz y'all are making a GREAT Utopia for billionaires.

  8. -FJ

    "What, not everyone's in the Democrat cult yet? I'm SHOCKED!"

    Democrats don't worship and support a twice impeached, 91-times indicted felon, and credibly found liable rapist.

    Democrats don't ride around in big-ass trucks flying American flags with Biden's visage on them SCREAMING "BRANDON WON!" That's what the delusional, indoctrinated Trump minded cultists do. They love their criminally indicted Liar, Cheat, Fraud, and Rapist.

    And all you have is your weak-tea response: "I know you are, but what am I?"

  9. Democrats worship a dementia addled Alzheimers poster child who plays Super-Mario Karts with his grandkids to help him remember their names. They actually prefer to let the Deep State run the country so that we can get into a nuclear exchange with Russia.

    "I know you are but what am I?"

    1. FJ, and you know all this about PRESIDENT Biden exactly how?

      Oh, that's right. If it exists in your relative reality, your own mind) then it's absolutely so.

  10. -FJ keeps coming here with his Trump-rage, insisting everyone is bamboozled but him.

    Yeah. And, of course, all the judges, including the ones appointed by Republican presidents, including Trump, who threw out all but one election fraud cases brought by Trump and his minions were in on the "Deep State." And the Republicans who run the state of Georgia were in on the Deep State plot to steal the Georgia votes from Trump, and all the recounts in Arizona and Wisconsin, etc., were done by the Deep State people who found that Biden ACTUALLY WON THOSE STATES!

    You've got to believe Minus Eff Jay because all of those folks are in a conspiracy to turn this country into a dystopian communist, anti-Christian hell hole.

    Just ask the guy who's been indicted for 91 felonies and also found liable for rape. And Minus Eff Jay.


  11. The "cult" is neoliberalism. The UniParty of Democrats and (R) NeoCons runs the cult. It represents corporate globalism, and America as the global policeman ensuring corporate profits forever.

    Trump wasn't in the "cult". So you destroyed him. And eventually, they will destroy YOU, too. Cuz all your "rights" are but a mere a scrap of paper to them.

    But hey, I'm in a Trump cult and represent "the problem", so in your 24/7 MSM propagandized and deranged minds, everything's PEACHY!

  12. -FJ "The 'cult' is neoliberalism. The UniParty of Democrats and (R) NeoCons runs the cult. It represents corporate globalism, and America as the global policeman ensuring corporate profits forever.

    Trump wasn't in the 'cult.' So you destroyed him."

    Facts don't matter to cultists. But for those who DO care about reality:

    "On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed into law the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 trillion tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans (y'know, the folks who attend the Davos gatherings). At its heart is a large cut in the corporate tax rate. The 2017 law’s permanent corporate provisions are heavily tilted in favor of large corporations and their shareholders, who are disproportionately wealthy.

    Cutting corporate taxes costs significant revenue, and evidence is sorely lacking that the benefits have trickled down. Executives, disproportionately wealthy corporate shareholders, and highly paid employees have reaped virtually all the economic gains from the corporate rate cuts."

    (Those are the sort of folks who attend Davos, and the Americans who are part of it can kiss Trump's prodigious 215 lb. posterior for keeping them privileged and wealthy.

    So let me understand -FJ's reasoning:

    Donald J. Trump who owns several golf courses, mansions, a private jet, and whose daughter and son-in-law accumulated millions and millions and millions of dollars from their ties with China and the Middle East while serving as "advisors" to daddy and daddy-in-law Trump, who pays little to no federal taxes -- cares with all his heart about what the corporate overlords and Deep State are doing/have been doing to the average American?

    The fact that Trump was indicted by average Americans, conservative and liberal, on grand jury panels after reviewing all the compelling evidence is proof that the Deep State is out to get him because he isn't in their "cult?"

    The current Republican Party and its millions of followers is about to nominate Trump as their candidate for POTUS once again and, apparently, -FJ believes that too is proof that the Deep State destroyed him.


  13. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    ...cuz y'all are making a GREAT Utopia for billionaires.

    Once again. Who's the POTUS who gave billionaires and corporations permanent tax cuts?

  14. Trump's tax cuts brought US jobs home. What's Biden done? Has he raised them?

  15. Joe Conservative,

    "As the U.S. economy has healed from the coronavirus pandemic, hiring has surged at factories. Manufacturing jobs have climbed to their highest totals in nearly 15 years. This is the first time since the 1970s that manufacturing employment has fully recovered from a recession, expanding by 789,000 jobs since Biden took office."

    "There are more factory jobs coming because of its infrastructure spending, investments in computer chip plants and the various incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act.

    In April, the Economic Innovation Group, a public policy organization, issued a report that called construction spending for factories a “nationwide boom.” The report notes there are signs that manufacturing gains are most prominent outside the Midwest, which has historically identified with the sector, as more plants open in southern and western states.
    --AP, August 2023

    That's what President Biden's administration has accomplished

    Trump became the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered.

    "Economists say Trump’s economic legacy will be defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies.

    By attempting to implement economic policy through the so-called "art of the deal" and ignoring lessons that many economists have learned over the last 50 years -- such as the importance of Fed independence, the effects of large budget deficits on trade deficits, the value of multilateral institutions such as the World Trade Organization and more -- he failed to achieve his own self-proclaimed goals of reducing the trade deficit with China, controlling the national debt or strengthening the American manufacturing sector." --Catherine Thorbecke, CNN Business writer

  16. lol! You can thank Trump for ALL those manufacturing jobs. They'd all be in China w/o his tariffs.

  17. btw - Has Biden dumped Trump's tariffs yet? Didn't think so.

  18. Dave,

    If you work for a "surplus salary", are you "in on it?"

    If you don't, and "PayPal" or "GoFundMe" cuts off your funding, are "they in on it?"

  19. Dave, Dave, Dave, You're "in on it". And if you're not, why are you consenting to it? Because it isn't happeninbg to YOU?

  20. The fact that -FJ uses the yellow Star of David to represent MAGA, as though MAGA suffer the same fates as the Jews did during the Holocaust is beyond disgusting. It ridicules the actual agonizing torture and deaths suffered by the Jewish people in the concentration camps, and only a colossal egotistical buffoon would stoop to such inhumane mockery.

    That yellow Star of David avatar shows us all that you believe you've suffered, as a MAGA, the same horrifying annihilation as did the Jews. And everyone knows that you DID NOT. You're all over the blogsphere mewling about being treat just like the wearers of the yellow Star of David were!

    What that does is make a mockery of the Holocaust and what it did to innocent people.

    And that disgusts all decent people.

  21. Oh my, did I Misappropriate the Six Pointed Star and re-purpose it? Am I a member of the Lettrist's International? Did I commit an illegal act of Détournement?

    Maybe I should join the group Laibach. Didn't they appropriate and re-purpose all of fascism's symbols? Somebody go arrest Rammstein!

    Don't like my star? Bite me!

  22. -FJ,

    Well there you go again! As usual, you try to highjack a thread with your overweening interjections of preening pedagogy and references to philosophers and YouTube videos no one cares about.

    You have quite an outsized opinion of your brilliance which, BTW, not many of us share.

    Try being a mensch for a change instead of being a poor man's version of Mort Sahl.

  23. And i thought i'd seen the last of FJ and freesoul1957 (one in the same with likely a few more sock p's). Guess i'll need to get used to reruns.

  24. Les "-FJ, Joe Conservative" comment-bombed my blog (as he usually does on other blogs), but I only published a few of his posts.

    He has an annoying habit of doing this to drive home his often incorrect points, while he includes YouTube videos and pedantic references (that he thinks makes him look erudite).

    As I've pointed out again and again, he's been wrong on almost all of his predictions on Trump and the J6 insurrection, as well as the 2020 election that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal from Joe Biden.

    And he blames all of his incorrect predictions and assertions on "Deep State," "neoliberalism," and all the other bug-a-boos that he posts on any blog that lets him do so.

  25. Yes Shaw, FJ, Socks, Joe C does have an annoying penchant for multiple You Tube links, long philosophical diatribes, Plato, etc.

    But what he doesn't have are dispositives for any of the charges of which former President Trump is accused.

    Nor does anyone else apparently.

    Also, no one has any proof of the veracity of the charges of election fraud from the 2020 election. No one. Even Trump's Rudy has admitted, in court, that they have no proof.

    As others have noted, all we ever get are warmed over "it's the deep state", "you've been duped", "our freedoms are being eroded", "there's plenty of evidence in [insert state name here" tropes and more.

    I'm open to seeing the evidence. Real evidence. Not unproven affidavits. I'm open to being wrong on the facts. I'm open to having been mislead.

    Just somebody, anybody who is making the claims, bring some real evidence.

    The apparent evidence that to date, the great majority of the US public has not yet seen.

  26. Personally I have always liked JF and his comments . He is not only very knowledgeable, but has always been a pleasure to read.
    Of course you wouldn’t see it that way, as you are always OBSESSED about Donald Trump , and in your blind way, you can’t see anything else.

  27. ...but I only published a few of his posts.

    That about sums it up. Leftism is an ideology that necessitates omission of inconvenient (aka - "alternative" facts.

  28. This post on Dervish's blog "Whoz Yo Mamma?" tells us all we need to know about -FJ and his predictions that always turn out WRONG!

    "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew
    February 18, 2022 at 5:42 AM

    Call me when Russia invades... if you live that long."

    He also predicted that the Arizona and Wisconsin recounts would show Trump won. They didn't.

    He predicted the Durham Report would blow apart the Clinton/Russia conspiracies. It didn't.
    It was a big, expensive nothing burger.

    This one was one of -FJ/Joe Conservative's predictions that never came true:

    "Joe ConservativeJanuary 5, 2022 at 11:46 AM
    ...and when the fraud convictions begin rolling in, you'll be singing the same tune...


    "Joe ConservativeJanuary 5, 2022 at 8:14 AM
    Obvious FRAUD coming to light, and you pretend it never happened. Sounds like the Jan 6 "insurrection" may have been justified."


    This one's especially rich:

    "Joe ConservativeDecember 28, 2021 at 9:25 AM
    Trump's aide's going to be arrested in Georgia? When?"

    Answer: August 25, 2023, to be exact. Along with the Big Orange Cahuna!

  29. Dave M. "Yes Shaw, FJ, Socks, Joe C does have an annoying penchant for multiple You Tube links, long philosophical diatribes, Plato, etc.

    But what he doesn't have are dispositives for any of the charges of which former President Trump is accused."

    That's never stopped him from bloviating on the blogsphere about the 2020 election.

    I guess once someone makes the wrong decision to claim the 2020 election was fraudulent and that Trump was the winner, you have to stick to that false premise, not matter how many facts, how much evidence points to how wrong you are.

  30. "In the report’s introduction, Durham seems to respond to some Republicans’ disappointment that he failed to secure significant criminal convictions related to alleged FBI misconduct in the Trump-Russia probe.

    “[N]ot every injustice or transgression amounts to a criminal offense,” he wrote.

    Durham brought criminal charges against just three people. He lost both cases that went to trial. In a third case, an ex-FBI lawyer named Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to altering an email that was used to support a surveillance application. Clinesmith was not sentenced to any prison time.

    The law “does not always make a person’s bad judgment, even horribly bad judgment, standing alone, a crime,” Durham wrote.

    He added that the law doesn’t prohibit “all unseemly or unethical conduct that political campaigns might undertake for tactical advantage” and that prosecutors must prove criminal intent to secure convictions. That last line appears to reference the scores of allegations Republicans have leveled at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and its outside allies.

    Durham also seemed to dismiss the idea that the quick acquittals by juries of two of the three defendants his office prosecuted suggested his team’s efforts were misguided. It’s particularly hard to secure convictions in politically sensitive cases, the veteran federal prosecutor wrote."
    -- Politico

  31. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    ...but I only published a few of his posts.

    That about sums it up. Leftism is an ideology that necessitates omission of inconvenient (aka - "alternative" facts.

    August 29, 2023 at 12:38 PM

    No, -FJ. My blog; my rules. Just like the blog mistress AOW used to say, and I don't recall your ever being bothered by it there.

    Also, your manic posting on my blog as well as others is not omitting "inconvenient/alternative facts." It's taking back control over my own blog and exercising my prerogative as the blog administrator to not allow one person to overrun the comment section.

    If you can't control yourself, someone has to step in and do it for you.

    You had your say. And I published it. Stop playing the victim. "I'm not your bitch."

  32. Everyone know the election was fair and that joey b won otherwise how would a person with dementia who campaigned from his basement couch win if it was not a fair election. Was there voter fraud, sure and on both sides just not enough to change any results in any election. If there wasn't voter fraud how did all those dead people vote in chicago but again not enough to change the results.

    Now we have the DNC leaders pushing for masks again and next will be voting from your couch. If trump wins the nomination than joey b will win the election. That is not because he is lucid or capable but trump has to many haters who will vote against him no matter who it is against. So far basement joe has spent trillions, sorry given away trillions and demanded that everyone pay for other peoples electric cars and their kids education. He takes credit for creating millions of jobs yet he doesn't say that it was his lock down policy that created massive unemployment which are now going back to work.

    If the press were non biased people wold know the facts but few will bother to look further than their own biased. Unless Nikki is the nominee we will have a choice between a indicted crook and should be indicted crook. At least joey b is only accused of selling his influence to enrich his son and his family and not for giving tax breaks to people who earned it.

  33. skud, No matter how many times you come here to trash President Biden with your unfounded claims that he's suffering from dementia (are you a medical doctor?) And no matter what you throw at my blog wall, hoping your insults stick, no one, I repeat, NO ONE will EVER say this about Joe Biden -- especially no one from his own party.

    Former GOP Official Slices Trump With Brutal 'Ax Murderer' Comparison

    Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) urged his party to ditch Donald Trump before it’s too late.


    He called Trump a “fake Republican” who racked up $8 trillion in debt in the White House and 91 indictments in four separate cases after leaving.

    Duncan said Republicans have all the evidence they need to not make him the party’s 2024 nominee “including that fact that he’s got the moral compass more like an ax murderer than a president.”

    But he warned that time is running out.

  34. You're really serious aren't ya skud? I thought maybe you were just playing devil's advocate with some of your comments. But it is apparent you're dead serious.

    Well, given the supremes (such as they are) just seriously diluted the EPA's ability to manage wetlands and other waterways i'm guessing you're delighted with that one too.

    Whar's coming done the pike of life if we keep being stupid ain't gonna be pretty. But hey, the MAGA's and conservatives aren't concerned with the planets health or much else of importance to life. Unless it feeds their greed.

  35. Wow, one more repub willinging to speak truth about The Orange Guy.

    Maybe....... but, not holding breath for a real break from the one who is obviously suffering from great efforts to avoid reality. At any cost.

  36. -FJ wrote on a Trump cultist blog:

    "How do you get 90% of Blacks to vote Democrat? Tell them White racists (aka “Republicans”) are out to get them."

    -FJ has no idea that what he said is a wretched insult to those African-Americans who align with the Democratic Party. By stating what he did, he believes that the African-American community is unable to objectively decide to vote for Democratic candidate on the merits of what their policies are.

    -FJ has such little regard for our African-Americans that he wrote that someone or some group (he doesn't say who) "tells them White racists aka "Republicans" are out to get them." And that's why African Americans vote for Democrats.

    -FJ is a White male who thinks he knows EXACTLY how every Black man and women thinks before making their political decisions, and he shows us how little regard he has for Black voters' intelligence with that stupid remark.

    BTW, because people like -FJ are too marinated in the Trump cult to figure this out, Trump himself has said this to his cultist base to make sure they'll vote Republican:

    “In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you — and I’m just standing in their way,” Trump said.

    How's that for appealing to Trump cultists' fears so they'll vote Republican?

    Irony is dead, and -FJ killed it!

    1. FJ has likely been marinating in a lot more than simply the Big Orange Guy's lies and BS. No doubt for a very long time and he saw the BOG as just the thing America needs to push us backwards. The direction the gop is heading.

  37. Leslie, Not sure where you were going with your rant about me because to go from joey b is suffering from dementia to I want to eliminate the epa is going off the deep end.

    Ms. Shaw, 73% think joey b should not run again 52% was from democrats so tell me how much support he has. Falling, shaking hands with no one, babbling are all signs of dementia. Dr jillian leads him around so he doesn't get lost. The democrats have several great things to run on. The economy which is weakening, crime which is up, the border which is open (just ask NYC, Boston, LA) we are being threatened by china, iran NKO, we have a leader who was directly responsible for American soldiers deaths, and I don't mean -H-, with the current policies we will eliminate all female sports but the big one is we hate trump. The evidence is mounting that joey b sold influence to provide for his family and son but I doubt anything will happen with that news.

    Yep, trump is the democrats gift that keeps on giving and they have little else.

    I still maintain that if he is the nominee basement joe will sail to victory

    1. Well skud, stay in the shallow end since you appear to have trouble staying above water.

  38. Hey Fj, you posted this critique...

    "That about sums it up. Leftism is an ideology that necessitates omission of inconvenient (aka - "alternative" facts."

    What does that say about Geez site you frequent? We're not allowed to get any posts there. Are they too leftist censors? Is it possible that there are partisans on both sides?

    I don't blame Shaw for not posting off topic, non specific stuff. Not at all. But, if you are not vulgar, don't swear or cuss, stay on topic and can support your points with actual evidence related to the post, you get posted here.

    That's not even remotely true on some of the other sites you frequent.

    Why is that?

  39. Shaw... they have no desire to appeal for votes from the left.

    Biden has largely continued Trump's policies towards China. Do we hear any praise? Nope... just condemnation of his policies by people too stupid to see what's in front of them.

    Energy production is online to be the greatest ever by the US... any praise? Nope, just more stupid comments.

    Bringing Hi-Tech jobs back to the stats, like semi conductors? Biden is making it happen. Any praise? Nope. Again, just stupid uninformed comments.

    And part of the reason for those uninformed comments is because the MAGA folks, refuse to even consider, or read much of anything that contradicts their mostly fact free world.

    FJ used the term "alternate" or "alternative" facts earlier. FJ... where did that phrase come from? Was it a Dem? A lefty? Or someone defending our former President, whose struggles with the truth are going to land him in jail?

    You tell us.

    And then tell us what Lisa meant on her now shuttered Stench Trench WYD when she said she posts a mix of true and "false" facts.

    You see Shaw, they have no want, wish or desire to enter the arena of facts, reason, compromise. They do not want to appeal to us lefties, on any level.

    Because they know America does not want the dystopian version of our country they favor.

  40. Hold your horses folks... maybe it's not us lefties who are being duped, or are in on the scam after all.

    Ray Smith, a conservative "Georgia-based lawyer who was indicted for his role in a scheme to undo Joe Biden’s win in the state in the 2020 election, on Monday pleaded not guilty to all charges and filed an arraignment waiver." According to various news sources.

    The charges against Smith include violation of Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, solicitation of violation of oath by public officer, and conspiracy to commit false statements and writing.

    So... at least one of Trump's lawyers has admitted guilt. He lied. He BS'ed the American people. He has admitted his story of at least 10,315 dead people voting in the state during the 2020 election was a lie.

    A lawyer, working for the president of the US, lied to spread a false story for the benefit of that president. A false story designed to obfuscate and subvert the Constitution and bring havoc into the US election system to steal an election for the defeated president.

    It has now been admitted.
