Sunday, August 27, 2023


"Never Surrender!" 

Says the guy who's surrendered FOUR times to law enforcement authorities.


  1. The left has ZERO knowledge of what the truth is...brainwashed by public universities, Hollywood & media for decades! They've been conditioned to hate anything conservative & is why they hate Trump and those who have already awakened.

  2. Your bogus rightwing meme has remained the same since most of us were kids. Wasn't true back then and it ain't true today.

    Wipe the dust off the face of your mirror and perhaps your view will clear.

  3. To WYD troll, "Mega Mega Man":

    Here's a list of Conservatives we like (all of them DID NOT support or vote for Trump in 2016):

    Jeb Bush
    Liz Cheney
    Adam Kinzinger
    Rick Wilson
    Michael Chertoff
    William Bennett
    Mitt Romney
    Michael Mukasey
    Henry Paulson
    Condolezza Rice
    William Ruckleshaus
    Brent Scowcroft
    Christine Todd Whitman
    Charlie Baker, former Mass. governor
    Larry Hogan, former governor of Maryland
    John Huntsman, Jr.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Susan Collins
    Lisa Murkowski
    Ben Sass

    As is usual for you WYD escapees, you don't know squat. But that never stops y'all from exposing your ignorance.

  4. Shaw,
    I pointed out this fact at MAGA Ed's blog:

    Ed's losing his cool and resorting to intolerance of dissent, facts, and reason.

    Mega Maga Man is allowed to comment by Shaw, your favorite blogger object of hate.

    The radical Right Trumpists are intolerant of any opinion or fact that isn’t in their indoctrination.

    Trumpists are intolerant of debate. Are they blinded by their hate for our tolerance, or for our facts and reasoning they are forbidden to hear?

    Why is that? What are they afraid of?

    The absolute certainty of the tough guy conservative brain shrivels when faced with facts.

    Who are the real sheep?

  5. Sorry, but where are the Conservatives on your list, again?

  6. ...and speaking of "ignorance", how many years will it be until your secular apocalypse happens and the Earth becomes uninhabitable by humans? What's Al Gore say?

  7. M3 said... "and those who have already awakened."

  8. Folks, -FJ has decided in his Trumpian-wracked brain that any Republican who opposes the indicted felon and rapist is NOT a real Republican. Only those who are slavishly loyal to Trump are the true Republican believers.

    Those non-Republicans that Minus Eff Jay disdains would include the highly respected, very conservative retired federal judge, J. Michael Luttig?

    Why? Because, in his Trumpian-wracked brain, Minus Eff Jay is smarter and has more Trump creds than Judge Luttig and all the Americans who see Trump for the Liar, Cheat, Fraud, and Rapist that he is.

    Also, people who are in a cult DON'T KNOW THEY'RE IN A CULT. People who've been bamboozled don't know they've been bamboozled; or, as Carl Sagan so wisely observed:

    “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

    ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

    -FJ and his Trump supporting pals have all the signs of being hopelessly bamboozled. SAD!

  9. Luttig resigned from the court of appeals in 2006 to become general counsel of Boeing, a position he held until 2019.

    A globalist corporatist is your Republican hero and what you consider a "conservative"? What's he interested in conserving, the UN? Who knew?

    But I'll grant you one thing. He'd make a GREAT Democrat.

  10. -FJ: "Luttig resigned from the court of appeals in 2006 to become general counsel of Boeing, a position he held until 2019."

    Well, Golly! That proves he's a Deep Stater!

    Thank goddess you know who's a Deep Stater and who's out to destroy America.

    The bamboozled know EVERYTHING! Believe -FJ, and not what's in front of your nose!

  11. The Deep State is the global corporatist's puppet. They pay the politicians, much like the corporate CEO's, a "surplus salary" so that they'll obey faithfully. They all fly to Davos and collect their orders.

    Now bow to your puppet masters!

    And fly to Davos to network and coordinate the future of maintaining the corporate profit status quo.

  12. Who's going to tell FJ that Trump's base of white nationalists use the term "globalists" for Jews?


  13. Dave,

    I think -FJ already knows that.

  14. The globalists are all Jews? Who knew? Are they all capitalists?

    btw - How's Jeremy Corbin doing? Has he shaken that "anti-semitism" thing yet?

  15. "[Luttig's] duties in the Justice Department included assisting Supreme Court nominees David Souter and Clarence Thomas through the nomination and confirmation process, including their Senate confirmation hearings. Luttig's help to Thomas in his highly contested confirmation hearings and their aftermath was somewhat controversial because Luttig's own appointment to the federal bench had been approved by the Senate, but he delayed taking the judicial oath of office, presumably because he could not credibly serve as a federal judge, who is supposed to be nonpartisan, while fulfilling the task of ensuring that Thomas got a Supreme Court seat."

    "Luttig was among the leading feeder judges on the U.S. court of appeals, with more than 40 of his law clerks going on to clerk with conservative justices on the Supreme Court.[15] Of those, 33 clerked for either Justice Thomas or Justice Scalia."

    You claim Judge Luttig would make a "good Democrat" because he understands the danger Trump poses to our democratic republic, and you only care about your misguided emotional investment with a Liar, a Cheat, a Fraud, and a Rapist.

    All through the history there have always been people like you and others who refuse to see what a corrupt and destructive menace to society a chaos agent like Trump is. IMO, you're too invested in your ego to ever let go of it to see what Trump really is.

  16. Put as succinctly and accurately as possible, Trump is more than an asshole and bully.
    He's an asshole's asshole and a bully's bully.
    Anyone who can't see that is an asshole's dupe and bully's toady.

  17. FJ asks: The globalists are all Jews? Who knew? Are they all capitalists?

    Trump's semi-literate base doesn't know or care. It's about their fabricated "victimization" to support their hate.

    MAGAts are quite happy with Trump cutting taxes for "globalists" and deregulating banks and environmental regulations. Trump is their god and he can do whatever he wants, as long as he stokes hate for the press, educators, democrats, and minorities.

    The same seems to apply to FJ.

  18. I agree, he IS an an asshole AND a bully. But he's MY asshole/ bully. :)

    The globalist Jews"... LOL!

  19. FJ,
    Yes, as I noted.
    Well, then, we agree on something.
    Also the Kochs have people like you to thank for their huge tax cuts.
    And 13-year-old girls have people like YOU to thank for being forced to bear their rapist's offspring.
    Your fellow assholes and bully's like neo-Nazis and racist mass killers really DO love Trump.
