Saturday, September 30, 2023

Trump promises his cultists a fascist regime if he is re-elected in 2024:


On Friday, Trump exercised his right to free speech. 

Seeking to win over California’s Republican voters, he announced in the second Trump administration:

“We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply…if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store.  Shot!” 

The crowd loved it and began to chant his name.

This should terrify every law-abiding American. Trump's cultists are too stupid to understand what he is selling them. They chanted his name like a mob of drugged animals.

Shoot on sight anyone looting? This is exactly how authoritarian regimes handle problems they don't know how to handle. Shoot on sight!

Trump feels perfectly free to tell his blood-thirsty cultists he will kill anyone looting without due process, as is guaranteed in our Constitution. He said it; they cheered.

I remember when Republicans were enraged because they said President Obama was going to fundamentally change America.

What the hell do they think Trump has done?


Trump is anti-democracy, anti-American. And he's already fundamentally changing America.

When Americans cheer shooting other Americans on sight, that is a signal that we've lost our way.

And we are fundamentally changed by the evil that is Trump.



  1. Hasn't tRump already fundamentally rewired the minds of 35 to 40 percent of Americans? Does anybody remember experiencing the sh*t we're seeing today before tRump? I don't. And 35 to 40 percent is going to fundamentally change how we do business. Cause and effect.


  2. -FJ: "Declaring Martial Law to restore order? Sounds like the s.o.p. of ANY competent democratic regime, ever."

    Trump: “We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply…if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot!”

    Let's see if Trumpy agrees with his statement in this circumstance:

    "We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply...if you rob the United States government of its top secret documents, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving the White House with boxes of stolen US property. Shot!"

    Trump has been indicted for looting and pillaging from the United States government.


  3. Les,

    Trump's too stupid to understand that he actually declared how he should be punished for looting and pillaging United States property from the White House. He is actually under indictment for LOOTING AND PILLAGING!

    His gullible deplorables, of course, didn't understand the irony of his words.

  4. Trump was the classification authority (the guy her gives permission) for every classified document to be considered "classified". Do you think he should be shot for NOT still being so "authorized"?

    In other words, all that classified material was HIS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.

    G_d you people are dumb!

  5. The classification system for national security information is principally a function of the president’s authority under the U.S. Constitution as commander in chief, which gives the president broad powers to classify and declassify such information.

  6. -FJ,

    You’re incorrect, as usual. But you do you. And continue to cling to your delusions.

  7. September 2022:

    “WASHINGTON — Former President Donald J. Trump claimed on Wednesday that when he was in the White House, his powers were so broad he could declassify virtually any document by simply “thinking about it.”

    That argument — which came as he defended his decision to retain government documents in his Florida home in an interview with the Fox host Sean Hannity — underscored a widening gap between the former president and his lawyers. By contrast, they have so far been unwilling to repeat Mr. Trump’s declassification claim in court, as they counter a federal investigation into his handling of government documents.

    Over the past week, a federal appeals court in Atlanta — along with Mr. Trump’s choice for a special master to review the documents seized last month — undermined a bulwark of his effort to justify his actions: Both suggested that there was no evidence to support the assertion that Mr. Trump had declassified everything — in writing, verbally or wordlessly — despite what the former president may have said on TV.” — NYTimes

  8. "The system of classifying national security documents is largely a bureaucratic process used by the federal government to control how executive branch officials handle information, whose release could cause the country harm. The government has, however, prosecuted cases for both mistaken and deliberate mishandling of information. Under the U.S. Constitution, the president as commander in chief is given broad powers to classify and declassify such information, often through use of executive orders.

    Some secrets, such as information related to nuclear weapons, are handled separately under a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act. Those secrets cannot be automatically declassified by the president alone and require, by law, extensive consultation with executive branch agencies."


  9. The Constitution established special powers for the bureaucracy? Who knew? Can Agencies and Departments legally write laws, too?

  10. ...or must they do so under some other power's "regulatory authority"?

  11. -FJ, Whatevs.

    We all realize that since I've allowed you to post here, you can't help yourself, and so you bombard my blog with your snark, conspiracy-laden comments, and misrepresentations.

    I won't react like Silverfiddle did and close down my blog; but I will just delete your comments.

  12. -FJ hates agencies for having rules and regulatory power. Guess what? The Constitution gives it to the federal government. Taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare are all Constitutional.

    -FJ LIES. "In other words, all that classified material was HIS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY."

    -Fj is just another neo-Nazi. No doubt, everybody he disagrees with or hates is a "commie".

    This is what we've come to expect from all neo-Nazi Trumpists who are good with summary EXECUTIONS and their Fuhrer declaring HE is above the Constitution: "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

    The worship Trump like Hitler Youth worshiped Hitler.

    I'd like to see -Fj's evidence that proves Biden stole the election.

    I'd like to hear his inane rationalization that Trump upheld his oath to the Constitution by allowing his mob to storm the Capitol, terrorize Congress, and beat cops to overturn the election.

    I'd like him to explain how he thinks Trump has the character and decency to lead our country after PRAISING his mob of insurrectionist thugs with, "You're very special. We love you."

    I'd like him to explain why he thinks Trump is above the law and Constitution?

    In a pig's eye.

    He thinks Trump alone can ignore and dictate laws at his whim and compulsion.

    The Nazis of the Third Reich eagerly gave Hitler those same powers that American neo-Nazi MAGAts would give Trump.

    This is why they hate democracy and our founders' ideal of "consent of the governed". Here's what they ALL really want. They want wealth, POWER of one-party authoritarian rule, and PUNISHMENT for people they hate.

    And this is what they call "freedom".

  13. The Constitution gives it to the federal government. Taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare are all Constitutional.

    No, in the case of the Executive branch, the Constitution gives that power to the President. And in the case of legislation, to the Legislative bodies of Congress (house/Senate), not bureaucrats in the Executive Branch.

    Article II Section 1:
    The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

    Article I Section 1
    All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

  14. We have a "separation" of powers into 3. The Government is NOT a unified entity. It's 3 separate entities.

  15. Therefore it's an "improvement" over Sparta's "two kings" and Rome's "two consuls". Separation of Powers. It's what was supposed to prevent "tyranny" (before Democrats came along).
