Saturday, September 30, 2023



Christopher Titus:


  1. White supremacy (as more than a fringe movement) is the fantasy genre that keeps affirmative action and anti-racism in De4mocrats heads ALIVE!

  2. “White supremacy (as more than a fringe movement) is the fantasy genre that keeps affirmative action and anti-racism in De4mocrats heads ALIVE!”

    Ha! Exactly what a white supremacist would claim. LOL!

    Cultists don’t know they’re in a cult; white supremacist don’t know they’re white supremacists.

  3. And sometimes both apply to the same person. But really it isn't their fault. They simply continue to follow the path of their inbred colonialist mentality.

  4. ...and anti-racists don't realize their own racism which compels them to be anti-racists (a fear of another's racial inferiority requiring their protection, aka "white saviours").

  5. @ Les, You mean that inbred? colonialist mentality that says, "Your culture is sooooo special. We really need to document and PRESERVE it! That way you can remain our INFERIORS, forever?"

  6. "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    ...and anti-racists don't realize their own racism which compels them to be anti-racists (a fear of another's racial inferiority requiring their protection, aka "white saviours")."

    -FJ, Whatevs.

    We all realize that since I've allowed you to post here, you can't help yourself, and so you bombard my blog with your snark, conspiracy-laden comments, and misrepresentations.

    I won't react like Silverfiddle did and close down my blog; but I will just delete your comments.

  7. Am I harassing you? Then delete them. I won't waste my time with you, trying to get you to even begin to perceive your tribes bias' and follies. The prisoner who escapes the cave has a duty to try and save others, but does that duty extend to wasting time trying to save the unsalvageble?

  8. "Whatever" means you don't care enough to do anything other than "swipe right". You don't "engage" with the material offered. you just throw a cloak of Gyges over it, and pretend it doesn't exist.

  9. -FJ: "The prisoner who escapes the cave has a duty to try and save others, but does that duty extend to wasting time trying to save the unsalvageble?"

    -FJ, it never occurs to you that it is YOU who may still be in the cave? And that it is your outsized ego that makes you comment on other people's blog, insisting that you're the one who sees reality -- what's real -- the truth? And only you are right, and we can't discover truths and reality ourselves?

    We don't need saving. We are able to discern madness from reason. Trump cultists are not operating in the real world. An awful lot of them are suffering from cultism.

    Unlike you, I've never told anyone I'm trying to "save" them. I've never fancied myself as a "white savior," but I've lived long enough and seen enough to know that white supremacy and racism is real and still alive in America the Beautiful.

    You believe white supremacy is a "fantasy genre?" Tell that to the families who had their relatives beaten, tortured, maimed, and murdered because of the color of their skin. White supremacy is quite real to them, just ask, say, the family of Emmet Till or the young girls who died in the Birmingham church bombing; the Black residents of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and other cities around this country, whose lives and livelihoods were lost to white supremacy.

    How can anyone take you seriously when you call white supremacy a "fantasy genre?"

    When you write things like that, I do respond with "whatevs" because no serious, thinking, attentive person writes such bosh. And that's when I think all you want to do is play with words and ideas, and not really discuss them and their meanings.

    I'd remind you that you've been wrong on many, many of your predictions and conspiracy theories. The Arizona and Wisconsin recounts for example. You predicted those recounts would show that Trump won. Those recounts DIDN'T.

    Your insistence about the Georgia votes? You were wrong. The Durham Report? You were wrong in your predictions on that too. It was a nothingburger.

    Why should I or anyone else believe you're out of "the cave" and living in reality when you've been wrong so many times, despite your telling everyone that the reason you're so often wrong is because of the "Deep State?"

  10. As I've read almost all of -FJ's comments the last few months here and at Silver's now closed blog, here's what I've learned.

    1. -FJ will NEVER answer a question directly.
    2. There is no racism in the US, either by individuals, or systemic.
    3. No matter how hard you may try to be even handed, acknowledge faults of the Dems, or the political system, it's never going to be enough for -FJ.
    4. -FJ does not care to engage in the normal give and take of politics, seek consensus on ideas to solve problems, or compromise.
    5. If there is cynical take to be had on an issue, perhaps more than Skud, -FJ will go there.

    6. He's way snarkier than me.

  11. Why? Because I don't buy all the Ukraine B.S. I'm not a lap dog to corporate and Uniparty globalists. Know what a Thrall is? YOU are ENTHRALLED in a 24/7 media prison.

    Just watch the figures on the cave wall. Interpret the figures. Don't question them, or how they got there.

  12. White supremacy is quite real to them, just ask, say, the family of Emmet Till or the young girls who died in the Birmingham church bombing; the Black residents of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and other cities around this country, whose lives and livelihoods were lost to white supremacy.

    Just how far back do you have to back to find your justifying "victims"? Fifty Years?

    In today's "real world"" White Supremacy qualifies for the fantasy genre. Aside for a VERY VERY LIMITED number (under 50k) of kooks, it's a total FANTASY. And there are over 13 million blacks in this country to whom you sell these fantasies, so that you can occassionaly capture political power. In this "real world" scenario, who are the white supremacists? Those that speak the truth? Or those who preach the fantasy?

  13. Thersites, ya really ought to try getting out of your own head. For it is you who are placing way too much emphasis on your own ego generated thoughts and your own conditioned mind. Try some Eastern philosophy. Perhaps Indian, Tibetan etc. Something other than the Western individualistic self focus emphasis.

  14. Thersites... give it a rest.

    In a court of law, in fact the SCOTUS court, we have seen it adjudicated when they, BTW, buttressed by Pres Trump, decided that the Alabama GOP had acted in a racist manner in their recent gerrymander case.

    We have proof, evidence and a decision by the highest court in the land, dominated by conservatives, showing that at least one state GOP party is racist. Racist White Supremacists.

    And yet Thersites/-FJ/Joe?etc... says it's all BS.

    And yet Thersites believes, without a hint of evidence, without one court victory, after being dismissed by the same SCOTUS, thinks the 2020 election was stolen by Joe Biden and Dems.

    And he accuses us of living a fantasy life.

    That's rich -FJ.. rich indeed.

  15. Shaw!!! I found the whole special by Mr Titus after watching the embedded clip. Lots of uncomfortable truths which means he absolutely killed it. I've not laughed so hard for a while. Thank you for the post.

    As an aside: Thersites asked "Just how far back do you have to back to find your justifying "victims"? Fifty Years?" when Shaw provided examples of white supremacy. For the record - the woman who caused Emmet Till to die lived a long life based on her lie. To me there aren't words harsh enough for what she did. All for a lie and because a white woman was "above reproach".

    We don't have to go back fifty years although finding examples throughout history provides a pattern of behavior. Not sure that's the point you wished to make Thersites - that white male land owning Christians felt entitled by the color of their skin to kill or rape anyone they deemed as other or minority.

    Here are my list of names I remember (#SayTheirName): Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Ahmaud Arbery... and the names keep piling up, innocent Black citizens killed for the color of their skin.

    I watched Tamir Rice die. He was a child. One second he's alive and the next he's not. He didn't make any threatening moves. He didn't even get a chance to turn to see who was coming up behind him. There is nothing anyone can say to sway me different - that child was killed because some white people are so fragile they can't tolerate anyone that doesn't look exactly like themselves. I'd call them Krikkiters but that may be an insult to the Krikketers (H/T Douglas Adams).

    The new trolls spout the white supremacist talking points all while ignoring the data which debunks every word they write. And they accuse others of that which they themselves practice (of course they do).

    Question asked - In this "real world" scenario, who are the white supremacists? Those that speak the truth? Or those who preach the fantasy?

    Ha - the scenario you set up only exists in your brain. For those who fight racism and white supremacy it's not about power, never was. That's your shining prize you keep insisting everyone craves. You don't speak truth Thersites, and Shaw certainly doesn't preach fantasy.

    Our laws reflect our racist past and it behooves We The People to comb through each and every one to ensure the USA lives up to its ideals and potential. Right now I'd say we've earned a grade of Needs Improvement.

  16. Thersites: "Just how far back do you have to back to find your justifying "victims"? Fifty Years?"

    Nah. Let's go back a mere 3 years to May 25, 2020, when a black man was extra-judiciously killed by a white policeman while the black man pleaded for his life. And the white cop walked away from the scene of the crime that day. It wasn't until people rioted in the streets because of that murder in cold blood that the white cop faced justice for what he did.

    Some "fantasy genre," eh?

    It's very telling to read a white man instruct us all how people of color experience white
    supremacy as "fantasy genre."

    That's the very definition of white supremacy.

  17. Why hasn't Thersieties answered your comment, Shaw?

  18. LOL!

    You're evidence of white "supremacy" is that a white person killed a black person?

    How's this. According to the FBI, white people murdered 246 black people in 2019
    ...and black people killed 566 white people.

    So who are the racists?

    Like I said, white supremacy is a FANTASY genre.

  19. The definition of insanity... doing or saying the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results.

    Frankly, insanity is gettins tiring, and so therefore ignoring the delusions, ignorance, white nationalism, and fascism of the MAGA extremes is the smoothest way to tell folks likei FJ to FO.

  20. I didn't pick the criteria for defining racism, pShaw did. And by here very own criteria, she stands "refuted" again as as per always.

  21. No, No, No. But it's fine. Keep believing in your delusions and trying to pass your BS and errors on to others. Your a star tRump pupil and cultist.
