Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Breaking News - After an Angry Truth Social Post from Donald Trump, Tom Emmer has withdrawn from speaker of the house

Observation on the current state of the Trumpublican Party:


  1. Who else? The esteemed Elephant's ass, Donnie J. tRump. The delusional loud mouth insurrectionist.

  2. He probably thought that there are enough bat s--- crazies in the house that he would lose anyway because he is not pro trump. We have one year to pick a sane person to run for president but it looks like neither side will do that. We do seem to have enough crazies on both sides to split off to form their own party.

  3. Well, that would be true if Biden was crazy. But he is not. Old, tired, and losing a step of two now and again yes. But crazy, bot at all.

  4. Meanwhile we are on the verge of a world conflict. Who didn't see this coming?

  5. Sure Skud, there are extremists on both sides of the political aisle. The difference though is this...

    Only one side violently attacked the US Capitol, beat over 100 US officers to within inches of their life, lied about the 2020 election results, called for the Vice President to be hanged and has been unable to elect a Speaker of the House.

    I think despite my misgivings about the Dems, I'll be standing with them until the GOP admits the reality of some of the above.

    As one now deposed Speaker candidate has said, "I’m concerned about the inability [of Jim Jordan and the GOP] to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election and the activities [the insurrection, the violence, the beatings of police] surrounding January 6th..."

  6. Lisa said...
    "Meanwhile we are on the verge of a world conflict. Who didn't see this coming?"

    Hi Lisa,

    I thought your blog was shut down, so I went to take a look to see if maybe it's up again, and I found that you put up a photoshopped image of Michelle Obama, implying that she's a man.

    Is that all you Trumpers got? Making fun of a private citizen?

    Man. You Trumpers will NEVER get over the fact that a bi-racial man and his family lived in the WHITE House for 8 years, will you. And you'll also NEVER get over the fact that those 8 years in the WHITE HOUSE were scandal-free.

    Unlike Trump's 4 years, and his 91 FELONY INDICTMENTS and being found liable for rape.

    But go on and smear Michelle Obama if that makes you feel like a powerful person.

    BTW, it harms her not one iota.

    1. Haha I put that picture up just for you. I've been busy. Just thought I'd throw everyone a bone

  7. These days the Republican Party has, by and large, become a death cult full of violent and irrational people who cannot be reasoned with, cannot be persuaded, and refuse to accept any facts they disagree with.


  8. MAGA is all culture war... no governing... it’s an agenda to undermine democracy and rule of law in the US... they're trying to redefine Americanism, Patriotism... redefined to fit Trumpism... authoritarianism… it's pathetic... undemocratic, un-American... that’s MAGA...

  9. Lisa said...
    "Haha I put that picture up just for you. I've been busy. Just thought I'd throw everyone a bone"

    Yeah. "Haha." Making fun of a Black woman and impugning her sexuality.

    It's a PERFECT example of who you and your trolls are and what your values are.

    1. It has nothing to do with her color but you like to throw race into everything. I've given Hitlery her fair share too

  10. Values? What values? The MAGA bots like Lisa have few real values that align with truth, honesty, compassion, decency, civility, or liberty. What they have, similar to their messiah tRump, is their ego driven sense of self and their inflated feelings of superiority.

  11. The Trumpublicans are not afraid to say the quiet parts out loud:

    "Marjorie Taylor Greene explaining why Republicans voted against Tom Emmer: He, you know, once had supported the voting rights—the national voting movement, that was completely against what we stand for."

    They admit out loud that they don't support voting rights.

  12. Les Carpenter said...

    "Values? What values? The MAGA bots like Lisa have few real values that align with truth, honesty, compassion, decency, civility, or liberty. What they have, similar to their messiah tRump, is their ego driven sense of self and their inflated feelings of superiority."

    I'm glad Lisa re-opened her blog (Free Thinke called it "Lisa's Latrine.") Now the trolls who come here daily can stink up the Latrine instead of coming here.

  13. No, of course what you posted is not about race.

    Michelle Obama, unlike Hillary Clinton (Hitlery, as you like to call her), was never an elected official, but the wife of our first bi-racial president, Barack Obama.

    As an elected official, Hillary was always fair game.

    Why do you mock Michelle? Or do you even know why you chose to present her as a male?

    Has Michelle Obama ever done anything personal to you? Do you ever question yourself and your motives?

    Just wondering.
