Wednesday, October 25, 2023




  1. Sounds like the perfect choice. The only reason to have a speaker of the house is to approve massive amounts of money to be wasted because they have demonstrated that there will be no compromising to run the country for everyone. The republicans are not a follow the leader group where the democrats are, look at obamacare and you can't see it until it passes. Maybe we should have a permanent speaker who is a business person instead of a politician.
    Maybe we will have the first person win the presidency when he could not vote for himself. How screwed up can it get?

    1. Watch skud. Like a wise person once said... never say never. It can and WILL get worse with MAGA bots, republicans, and conservatives if ever they hold all three branches of government again.

      tRump the insurrectionist and authoritarian belongs behind bars, as well as does all his co-conspirators. Speaking truth, they committed treason against the Constitution and the duly elected government of the United States (now a misnomer) of America in the days leading up to J6 2021 and on J6 2021.

      Until tRump and the MAGA bots give up the constant lies and conspiracy BS this shit ain't gonna stop.

  2. Here's the thing. Shaw, Your party the Democratic Party and our President are destroying the country. They need to be removed from power not given any more power.
    And will take Israel down as wey.

  3. Here's a question for "Suzanne:"

    Which party attacked the US Capitol, beat up cops, smeared feces on the walls of the Capitol, screamed "HANG MIKE PENCE!", and is loyal to a man who is facing 91 felony indictments and was found liable for RAPE?

    Which party is unable to choose a Speaker of the House? Which party has been THE ONLY PARTY THAT CONSISTENTLY THREATENS TO SHUT DOWN THE US GOVERNMENT?

    Which party boasts of including a Representative from Colorado who was giving a hand job to her boyfriend in a theater where families were enjoying a show?

    Which party still allows a Representative from New York to remain in his seat even though he's been indicted on fraud? And also misrepresented himself through lying and forgery to the people who voted for him?

    Which party now has several members who served the ex-POTUS, DJT, who have pled GUILTY to charges in trying to steal the 2020 election from Joe Biden??

    Answer those questions and then understand that what you wrote are the ravings and the rantings of someone who is out of her mind, or, at the very least, someone completely detached from reality.

    IMO, I say you're both.

  4. tRumpista, republicans, MAGA bots, and conservatives are grossly more responsible for the shit shape this country is in today than are democrats..

    And now they want to turn the country into a third world authoritarian shithole with leaders as dumb as a goddamn rock leading them off the cliff into the abyss.

  5. Notice that "Suzanne" didn't come back to answer my questions. The trolls never do.

  6. "During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Mike Johnson attacks Roe v. Wade, insisting that if only women were compelled to bring more "able-bodied workers" into the world, Republicans wouldn’t need to slash Social Security and Medicare."

  7. "Mike Johnson explained to Tucker Carlson how he circulated a legal memo to his colleagues asserting that Nancy Pelosi committed a felony by tearing up a speech."

    Johnson appears to be a moron, since what Speaker Pelosi did at that time was NOT a felony, not even a misdemeanor.

    Johnson appears to be just another anti-democracy, pro-Trumpian idiot.

  8. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Brains of mush. Hearts of stone. And minds of morons.

    When history writes about the MAGA movement, tRump, and his bots, it will not be kind to their delusions or their antics.

    The republican party that was once well respected is now an organization driven by fear, racism, delusions, hate, and ignorance.

    A party not worth a single minute of serious consideration by serious people. It has become a cult of imbeciles.

  9. Dear Gawd!


    We all understand that Mike Johnson won't allow a Biden win in 2024 to be certified as long as he's Speaker, right? We see that as fait accompli, right?

    What's happening in the House is the opening act of the 2024 insurrection.

    Charlie Sykes

    Emmer’s unforgivable sin was voting to certify Biden's election.

    Henceforth, belief in the Big Lie — and support for Trump’s coup — is THE litmus test for leadership in the GOP. "


  10. It isn't enough for the fascist traitors to gut our Constitutional provision for the general welfare. They are actively working to overturn the next election for their Malevolent Mendacious Messiah.

    Skud actually claims, "The republicans are not a follow the leader group" as they obediently goosestep in line behind their Fuhrer's choice for Speaker.

    Not even Nazi Germany posed such a threat to our democracy. The domestic enemies of our republic and Constitution are ALL REPUBLICANS. Hitler would be proud of every last one of these American neo-Nazis.

  11. Did you see the announcement where a reporter asked Johnson about not certifying the last election and the reporter was booed and laughed at and some "classy" congresswoman told her to shut up! Such decorum!!

  12. Idiots travel with other idiots. There is strength in numbers.

    Perhaps it is time to 1) move to another freer country, 2) restock the personal arsenals 3) prepare for the American version of the German Nazi party 4) stand in defense of democracy, liberty, and the rule of law.

    Actually 2,3, and 4 go together. So, the coming choice are, leave the country or, stand and fight the authoritarian asshats if neccessary. And i believe it WILL become very necessary soon.

    We are a very sick nation bring made terminally so by a crazed moronic idiot known as Donald J. tRump the insurrectionist. The sob and his sick sycophants are forcing good people to make a choice. I know where i stand. It ain't with the asshats of MAGA.

  13. possumlady said...
    Did you see the announcement where a reporter asked Johnson about not certifying the last election and the reporter was booed and laughed at and some "classy" congresswoman told her to shut up! Such decorum!!

    Yes, possumlady, I saw that. It was a perfect example of who and what they are.

  14. Dave Dubya "Skud actually claims, 'The republicans are not a follow the leader group' as they obediently goosestep in line behind their Fuhrer's choice for Speaker."

    I saw that and didn't bother to answer with the obvious because it'd be lost on skud who doesn't want to see the Republicans for what they've become, and would rather trash all Democrats all the time.

    Trumpublicans get their marching orders from a guy with 91 felony indictments and who is liable for RAPE.

    And the House is not being led by an election denier and full-blown Trumper.

  15. Les

    "A party not worth a single minute of serious consideration by serious people. It has become a cult of imbeciles."

    A Cult of Imbeciles. I couldn't describe it any better than that!

  16. CORRECTION: "And the House is NOW being led by an election denier and full-blown Trumper."
