Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Lunatic Trumpublicans Keeping It Classy:


One of the first orders of business for the temporary Trumpublican Speaker of the House, Patrick McHenry (R-NC), was evicting former Speaker Pelosi from her office while she was attending her friend and colleague, Dianne Feinstein's funeral.

Former Speaker Pelosi's reaction is below:


  1. This falls into the category of "all things are legal and doable, but not all those things are right to do."

    This is a party motivated by a desire for good governance, but rather by a deep seated need to settle some perceived grievances in as heinous a way as possible. Today's GOP never seems to at first seek the high ground.

    For example, would waiting a week have been a problem for the new "Acting Speaker"? Apparently, maybe so, especially if he's only gonna be there a week until the new guy gets confirmed.


  2. Dave M.

    Exactly. But the current House Republicans are nothing more than petulant children seeking tit for tat and doing the bidding of an indicted felon.

    BTW, where's MTG in all this? She seemed to be attached to McCarthy's hipbone while he was trying to become the House Speaker. Where has she been in all this?

  3. Sad is the evolving fascist tendancies and indecency of the now totally ineffective and corrupt former Party of Lincoln. Now the party of tRump.

  4. Both MTG and Boebert, the latter sensing worry about reelection after he public groping and hand job, both decided to stay close to and stand by McCarthy...

  5. Enemies of democracy have always spun their vicious cycle of false victimhood, blame, and retribution against all who oppose them.

    They have always found a gleeful joy in punishing people they hate.

    Cruelty IS the point. Power is their purpose. Selfishness, hate, and greed are their "virtues".

  6. They also evicted Steny Hoyer.
    My new name for the Speaker Pro tempore, Petty McHenry.

  7. The Self Appointed Guardians of America...

    "I Googled McHenry last night but couldn’t find enough [about him] either way to make a decision.

    He [McHenry] DID hunker down and tell Pelosi “OUT!” to which she’s crying about how she gave respect to Sen Hastert [Senator???] and never insisted he leave when she took over...

    message [sic] to Nancy from Z in Los Angeles: Stop pulling the heart strings; we know she was your “dear friend” and you’re mourning; that still doesn’t mean you still come first in the Senate… [again, the Senate? 🤦🏼‍♂️ ]trust us."

    What a swell crowd. Look, I get it, you're the new Big Dawg... but you couldn't wait a week til Pelosi got back and just talked to her face to face? Nicely? You had to make a public spectacle of it. Dave Dubya is correct... the pain, the meanness, the selfishness, the pettiness is the point.

    None of this is about governing, because the GOP has shown itself to fundamentally unable to control their own party, or work across the aisle. Think about it... their absolute number one priority since 2008 hwas to block or repeal the ACA, known as Obamacare. They had the White House, the House and the Senate. They had a conservative majority at the SCOTUS. Could they do it?

    Not. At. All.

    Also during those years they could have rammed a conservative budget cutting spending through with relative ease or ending entitlements. Did they get any of it done?

    None. At. All.

    Pick an issue, and it's the always the same. The GOP cannot govern, but boy, can they perform, ala MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, Jordan and more.

    No ability, or desire to govern at all...


  8. Just saw this.

    The lesson is you can't reason with a cult. The indoctrination has them regurgitating Trump and revealing their utter hypocrisy.

    PBS holds a focus group with supporters of Donald Trump, asking them about Trump's recent second arrest.

    He is literally their messiah.

  9. Dave Dubya "He is literally their messiah."

    The Evangelical Christians chosen as their "messiah" a thrice married, serial adulterer, rapist who cheats, lies, and is facing 91 felony counts, and was found to have engaged in fraud vis-a-vis his businesses, and who incited an insurrection against his own government to keep himself illegally in power and who said his own vice president deserved to be hanged?

    That is exactly how cultists behave. They are incapable of seeing the fraudulent cult leader for what he is.

    They are child-like in their belief in a fraud. No amount of reality can dissuade them from their delusions.

    And millions of them vote.

  10. I hadn't heard about the forced move. Lots of good points made in the comments here.

  11. Now we hear that it was McCarthy who requested that Pelosi and Hoyer get the boot.

    I guess he mad they didn't help him out.

  12. My wife heard about the forced move on the news. So it did get some attention.

  13. And then I found this...
    "Charlotte Clymer..."
    “McCarthy served 270 days, the equivalent of 27 scaramuccis or 0.093 of a pelosi, after giving away his power—and his dignity to man-toddlers who eventually stabbed him in the back.”

  14. Donald Trump, The only American politician who can fill large stadiums with crowds.
    The billionaire who is also a man of the people.
    In 2020 he was the first presidential candidate to get more than 700 million votes
    The only American politician who can fill large stadiums with crowds.
    The newest poll says that he would BEAT Biden by a Landslide.
    That’s Why Americans Love Donald Trump,


  15. @Thinking...

    tRump - 700 million votes in 2020?

    Neat trick since there is approximately 1/2 that number living in the US.

    And you call yourself Thinking?

  16. Thinking,

    Are you aware MOST Americans see Trump as a criminal and liar?

    Could you give us your thoughts on this Trump voter focus group for us?

    You seem to believe exactly how they believe in Trump. Every word from him is gospel to his followers. This is why we see it as a cult.

    Note how the focus group thinks Biden is as guilty for voluntarily RETURNING classified documents as Trump is for REFUSING to return them. Trump even admitted they were classified and he couldn't de-classify them because he was no longer president.

    Are you aware of these facts?

    "The newest poll" isn't reflecting his recent conviction of fraud in New York. For example did you know he lied about the size of his Trump Tower condo's size and other assets?

    Or do you believe he is infallibly honest and has never told a lie?

  17. Thinking: "In 2020 he was the first presidential candidate to get more than 700 million votes"

    To "Thinking," You need to changed your name.

    As of 2021, the population of the USA was 331.9 million people.

    For Trump to have received MORE than 700 million votes, the countries of Brazil and Bangladesh would have had to vote for him.


  18. Guys... I'm thinking [pun intended] that "Thinking" is a chatbot. Follow the trail back to the ID page and you see it's new. Go deeper and you find a "blog" with a lot of double speak that looks like a 5th grader started with a few facts or ideas and had to spin out a 1000 word essay.

    But... yes, I doubt anyone on the Mothership would disagree with anything it/he/she has written or concocted.

    Senior Writer
    PUBLISHED OCTOBER 5, 2023 6:00AM (EDT)

    (Salon) Anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to the events leading up to the historic ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as speaker of the House knows exactly who is to blame here: McCarthy and his fellow Republicans. For years, they've rolled out the welcome mat to Donald Trump and his wrecking crew of MAGA camera hogs, foolishly believing that they could harness the chaotic villainy without getting burned in the process. They refused to listen to former Trump "fixer" Michael Cohen when he warned Republicans in 2019 that those who "follow Mr. Trump as I did, blindly, are going to suffer the same consequences that I'm suffering."


    As soon as he was booted, McCarthy laid out his views clearly: Republicans should get to act like drunk bulls savaging china shops, and it's the duty of Democrats to come in quietly after to clean up the mess. "I think today was a political decision by the Democrats," he whined in a press conference after the vote, complaining that the opposition party owed him their votes to protect "the institution."

    Reality check: This whole thing only happened because McCarthy, in his desperation to rally Gaetz's arson squad to his side at the beginning of this term, foolishly gave in to their demands to make it easy to vote to vacate the Speaker's seat. It was a Republican, Gaetz, who used that power. There is no reason to expect Democrats to vote for an opposition party's leader, especially when he refuses to offer any concessions in exchange. Yet Republicans were suddenly unified in their echoes of McCarthy's claim that Democrats are obligated to bail Republicans out of problems of the GOP's own making.

  20. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

    Contrary to how McCarthy’s defenders are behaving, men failing up is not a Constitutionally protected right.

    The man made risky decisions and faced the natural consequences of them. I am not his mom, and my job is not to put pool noodles around hard corners for Republicans.


  21. What She Said!

    Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) — who chairs the House Progressive Caucus — bluntly told reporters, "We are not voting in any way that will help Republicans…. There is reason after reason to just let Republicans deal with their own problems. Let them wallow in their pigsty of incompetence and inability to govern."


  22. Thinking explained why she is no longer commenting at my blog:

    "Dave let me say that the reason why I for one do not post here any long is strictly because of the DEMENTED LESTER has made this his Home for insulting people who have different Views."

    I suppose that is from the same thinking that would state, "The billionaire who is also a man of the people".

    "People" in this case are the corporations and billionaires he gave HUGE tax cuts.

    Maybe Thinking feels Trump did something for the American worker while riding on Obama's low unemployment and rising economy that he inherited.

  23. Dave M., Dave Dubya, Les,

    "Thinking" also used an image from Etsy as its avatar.

    Most likely a frustrated escapee from WYD who set up a fake blog with a fake name in order to run around the 'net depositing its unthoughtful thinking.
