Thursday, October 5, 2023

This is the current Republican Party:


Medias Touch:

Republican Senator says Matt Gaetz Bragged About Snorting Erectile Dysfunction Medication  

In the least surprising news of the day, Matt Gaetz has been called out by Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) for snorting erectile dysfunction medication on the floor of the House of Representatives. 

First, Mullin notes that there is a reason no one in the Republican conference came to Gaetz's defense after it was revealed that Gaetz was under investigation for sex trafficking of a minor. 

Mullin asserts that Gaetz would show videos on the House floor of young girls that "he had slept with" and would "brag about crushing [erectile dysfunction] medicine" and mixing it with an energy drink.

And don't forget this:

The leading Republican candidate for the nomination to run as POTUS was found liable for fraud in his company's dealings; is facing 91 felony counts; was found liable for rape; and incited an insurrection to interfere with the electoral vote certification so that he could illegally be installed as POTUS after losing the 2020 election.

Why would any sane American support this lunatic political party?


  1. And not to be outdone joey b used the chaos to buy a couple hundred thousand votes by giving rich kids an early christmas present. Now he wants to install a border wall which he said would never happen. Guess the heat about the illegals crossing by the hundreds of thousands finally hit home, did they ship a few busloads to deleware?

  2. White fright is the reason Republicans have power.

    I left this comment at GeeeZ ….:

    I can’t help but wonder how many immigrants are coming here due to Republicans always ranting about “open borders”, while refusing to work with Dems on immigration reform. Seems to be the message THEY are sending to them.

    Both parties are negligent to deal with the problem, and have been that way for decades. Since most fentanyl is brought through entry points by Americans, no wall will stop it.

    Any ideas?

    That should short out some of their circuits.

  3. Any chance we can get Gaetz and Boebert to elope together? They seem made for each other, and the House without them would be a duller but more efficient place.

  4. if "American politics" were broken, we'd have seen things like this happen when Democrats controlled the House

    but we didn't

    what's broken, very specifically, is the Republican Party
