Tuesday, October 17, 2023

"This country is in big trouble if Jordan is elected."*


We are watching a shambolic Trumpublican Party getting close to choosing Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House.

Jordan was an active participant in a scheme to subvert the Constitution and illegally install a defeated president in office for a second term.

Jordan is openly contemptuous of the institutions of American democracy and the rule of law (he ignored a Congressional subpoena), and he worked to overthrow the American people's choice for the presidency.

IMO, Jordan is a two-bit criminal not worthy to serve as the Congressional dog catcher.

"No person who loves their country and takes its security seriously could ever even remotely consider voting for Jim Jordan, a preposterous figure whose rise portends a national catastrophe every bit as much as Trump’s did."


  1. I see that you favour the UniParty resolution of the Speakership issue.


    Any sane, non-Trumpista Republican is fine.

    Whining about "the UniParty resoution of the Speakership issue" changes nothing. But it does make you somehow feel superior, doesn't it? You're fed up with it, and that makes you a unique non-UniParty martyr who can post on blogs!

    We work with what we've got, and we've got TWO PARTIES.


  3. I'm an Independent, and as the largest voting group in the United States (42%), will not be dictated to by political parties. And the fact that two thirds of American citizens believe the country to be "on the wrong track" belies your claim "we work well with what we've got". Jes sayin'....

  4. Donald J. Trump has proven again that he has no respect for anyone with his taunts at the judge to jail him. This man child has no self respect ro boot. He proves it every blessed day lately.

    He is seriously mentally ill, and THAT makes him a threat to everything decent and whole.

  5. FJ/JC is but another hop on the victimhood train MAGA bot.

    It must be a very lonely and empty life they lead. That or they simply need to believe in fairy tales about tRump's divine connection to their god of choice and how he was selected by god to lead us to greatness.

    At this stage of our existence as nation we are indeed again facing a clear and present danger from within. tRump, MAGA elected bots, and the now dysfunctional gop are that clear amd present danger.

  6. JC would love the uniparty in Russia.

    We recall the time Trump bragged to RUSSSIANS IN THE OVAL OFFICE about firing James Comey while GIVING RUSSIANS secrets shared to us by Israelis.

    So we have this now:

    Weaselly traitor Jim Jordan: "If Donald Trump wants to store (classified) material in a box in a bathroom, if he wants to store it in a box on a stage, he can do it."

    Israel reportedly feared that its top secret intelligence had been compromised by Trump, who had turned on Netanyahu due to Netanyahu’s rejection of the Big Lie –

    June 2023 1/ https://haaretz.com/us-news/2023-06-13/ty-article/.highlight/trump-doc-probe-concern-in-israel-former-presidents-actions-compromised-its-security/00000188-b621-d1d6-a7b9-fff57b640000

  7. "I'm an Independent", declares JC.

    Let's test that statement.

    Let's see how "independent" he really is.

    Can he confirm Biden legally beat Trump in a fair election?

    Does he dare answer a simple question?

    I'll even help him out:

    By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:

    JOE BIDEN 51.3%
    81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral

    Donald (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!) TRUMP 46.8%
    74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

  8. The 2020 election was certainly "certified" by state election officials with only 2nd hand knowledge of the actual integrity of the vote, since the judicial systems in those states had denied and actively prevented requests for investigations and hearings into questionable practices followed regarding votes cast in those very questionable, but "certified" systems. That's the only thing one can can actually state with any certainty. Legally, Biden won. In the mainstream press, Biden won. But in the Court of public opinion to date, he didn't. He only get's an *asterix*. :)

  9. FC/JC the great sockpuppeter certainly enjoys keeping his snout busy sniffing out the alleged conspiracies against tRump.

    Keep yer snout to the ground FJ/JC. Who knows? Maybe someday you'll actually sniff something true. But i doubt it.

  10. No, most Americans don’t think that the 2020 election was stolen

    JoeCon/-FJ's answer to Dave Dubya is entirely predictable. He links to no evidence.

    "The court of public opinion" does NOT claim Biden didn't win.

    Biden won. Period.

    JoeCon/-FJ is a paranoid conspiracist. He's been proven wrong on everything he predicted about the 2020 recounts in Arizona and Wisconsin and about the two maligned Black women in Georgia. He was wrong about the Durham Report as well. It uncovered nothing of consequence.

    JoeCon/-FJ will NEVER concede that he's wrong and that Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

    JoeCon/-FJ belongs to the School of Paranoid Style of American Politics. No matter how much evidence disspells his conspiracy theories, he'll never believe himself to be wrong.

  11. Joe still wants to deny Biden won a fair election. He has no evidence how Trump would have won. Just his emotional opinion. We get it. It's not easy for authoritarian personalities to admit defeat.

    He whines about "2nd hand knowledge", as if it has ever been POSSIBLE to have first hand knowledge of every precinct and ballot of an election.

    He tries to lie about "the judicial systems in those states had denied and actively prevented requests for investigations and hearings into questionable practices".

    "By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits" is denied by his delicate feelings. That includes investigations by pro-Trump groups like "Cyber Ninjas".

    All this convinces Joe that Trump committed no crimes in attempting to overturn the election. His beloved Trump is above the law.

    Far Right Newsmax has admitted Biden won, "Now just a note. Newsmax has accepted the election results as legal and final".

    Legal means legal. Final means final. No ifs, ands, buts, or "*asterix*".

  12. The vote was too close today. Jordan got 200 votes today. So a slim contingent is keeping him out right now. Mitt Romney was interviewed and gave an "Oh well, what are you gonna do (shoulder shrug)" speech.

  13. Did you see my blog today? If not, go here...

  14. Ole Farmer John/Joe Con has so much eggon his face he ready for frying. :)

  15. It is not a question that saint joey won because the vote was certified. The biggest issue is if you couldn't run and vote from your couch what would the results be. Guess we will never know. How about the rumor of Mittens and Lizzy, anyone is better than donnie or joey b even if they are (gasp) republicans.

  16. "If you couldn't vote from your couch what would the results be".

    Skud's election insight/fantasy is so amusing.

    Let's play his game some more, shall we?

    "If we didn't have the Voting Rights Act what would the results be?"

    "If you couldn't vote because you were Black, what would the results be"

    "If only white racists could vote...if we had 'literacy tests' for Blacks...if you couldn't vote unless you're a white property owner...if you couldn't vote unless you're white male...if you couldn't vote unless you were physically able to drive and stand in line...if only Trump loyalists could vote...what would the results be?

    Mittens and Liz are traitors to the Trump cult and not welcome in the Republican Party.

    What does that tell us?

  17. "Mr. Jordan clearly fancies himself more of a Trumpian strongman. He has never been a leader or a serious legislator but is, rather, a career pugilist who seems developmentally stuck in his glory days as a high school and college wrestler.

    When nominating him on the House floor Tuesday, Elise Stefanik (one of the more painful cautionary tales about the corrosiveness of Trumpism) felt compelled to cite his mad skills “on the wrestling mat.” Seriously? The guy is pushing 60, and we’re still yammering about his teenage takedowns? And not to be indelicate, but do Republicans really want people thinking all that hard about Mr. Jordan’s wrestling baggage?"

  18. Dave D., Les, Mike

    Here's the thing, -FJ, as I see him, is a paranoid conspiracist and cynic:

    To read him, you learn that the "Deep State" is behind all the nefarious actions in government, the government is a Uniparty, not to be trusted in anything (unless it's run by people HE likes), and the government fools all of the people all of the time (except, of course, him -- he knows what's really going on, who rigs the elections, who cheats while voting in elections, and who cheats counting the votes.) He knows!

    And that's because conspiracy theories encode worldviews, they model fears and assumptions, and they explain events and why things are as they are. And it's comforting for conspiracists to think they know the truth and everybody else is an ignorant outsider.

  19. It really is very simple and straightforward Shaw... FJ simply believes whole heartedly those constantly repeating delusional thoughts running through his mind daily. Those illusions are the stuff he WANTS to be true so he convinces himself they are, then reifies his belief in them, and there he will forever stand.

  20. Skud said... "The biggest issue is if you couldn't run and vote from your couch what would the results be."

    So what Skud? Why does it matter how we vote? All the votes are certified by the various Secs of State, both R and D and they found no problem with the vote in 2020.

    Now if you're one of those "we can only vote on one day" guys, fine. Then become an advocate for a massive infusion of federal and state cash to make it possible for everyone of voting age in the US, currently at 255 million, to vote on that one day.

    But you see, that's the issue with many conservatives. They, like you as an independent, have never moved to actually help us make it possible for those 255 million ppl to vote in one day.

    They say they want to have everyone vote on one day, in person, but then they refuse to allocate the funds to make it happen, or worse, only allocate the necessary funds to make in person voting quick and possible in white districts.

    Why is that?

  21. Rev, I think voting on just one day is stupid and why Tuesday. Why not Friday-Sunday that way everyone will have an opportunity to vote in person. What do you mean quick and possible in white districts when the last election in GA had a record black turnout. Everyone has an opportunity to vote but heaven forbid they may have to do something like request an absentee ballot or go to a polling location. Voting is both a right and a privileged that every American citizen can avail themselves to so all this voter suppression is just political jargon.

  22. Well Skud, your crowd does not want weekend voting either. Only Tuesday, because it's in the Constitution.

    And yes, record numbers of POC turned out in GA in 2020. So ask yourself this, why is the GOP pushing to limit voting in that state? There was no fraud. AT ALL.

    So why tamper with a fraud free election that saw more eligible people vote than ever before?

    Here's a hint... look at GOP statements that if we make it too easy, or let every eligible voter vote, they'll "never win another election." Even trump has said it.

    Why do you care HOW anyone votes? Isn't voting what matters? If you want to stand in the rain, hot sun, or even perfect weather, go ahead. And if someone else wants to vote from their kitchen table, they can too. Why is that a problem?

  23. Two words... losing control.

    Control is the crown jewel of government and tRump, the MAGA bots, and the ineffective gop are fighting like hell because if they don't they won't have a country anymore. tRump told them that and the messiah picked by god must be right.

    Yeah, and i have a gold bridge i'll sell cheap as well.

  24. Rev, Limit voting is your best argument. What limits are placed on voting except on Tuesday only and that affects everyone equally. Who is excluded from voting. The answer is no one so your argument is not valid. Why is it that democrats are so against voter ID. Like leslie says afraid of losing control.

  25. Your analysis skud is lacking at every level. The only GD way to acheive full and fair representation is by making voting user friendly and easy to access. Cons, realizing that history is leaving them on the dust heap of history are now resorting to the fascist playbook. And tRump the insurrectionist has gassed the MAGA bots to do his bidding. And, like loyal cultists they kiss his a*s and believe whatever BS he barfs up for them.

  26. Sorry Skud, Dems are not against a national standard for voter ID at all.

    What they are against is a patch work of laws across 50 states that will be different. If we need Voter ID, then we need a national standard that everyone follows.

    But the GOP won't allow that. And yes, I'd support it 100%.

    But agains, the GOP and you need to answer why we need voter ID and why we need any changes to a system that works fine.

    As the Trump Admin has said through numerous voices, the 2020 election was the most secure in our history and talk of fraud, vote rigging, vote switching, dead ppl voting, etc, in that election is "pure bullshit".

    You guys are working overtime to solve non existent problems with our voting systems.

