Monday, October 16, 2023

Well, there it is. Right there. The stupidest thing on the internet!


Jim Jordan is the statesman we need at this moment as Speaker

Calling Jim Jordan a "statesman" is like calling George Santos a truth-teller.


  1. Know what a "Statesman" is? Someone who slaps some sense into the silly and ridiculaous. Yep, Jordan the "wrestler" is perfect for the job.

    Plato, "Statesman"

    STRANGER: The rest of the citizens, out of whom, if they have education, something noble may be made, and who are capable of being united by the statesman, the kingly art blends and weaves together; taking on the one hand those whose natures tend rather to courage, which is the stronger element and may be regarded as the warp, and on the other hand those which incline to order and gentleness, and which are represented in the figure as spun thick and soft, after the manner of the woof—these, which are naturally opposed, she seeks to bind and weave together in the following manner:

    YOUNG SOCRATES: In what manner?

    STRANGER: First of all, she takes the eternal element of the soul and binds it with a divine cord, to which it is akin, and then the animal nature, and binds that with human cords.

    YOUNG SOCRATES: I do not understand what you mean.

    STRANGER: The meaning is, that the opinion about the honourable and the just and good and their opposites, which is true and confirmed by reason, is a divine principle, and when implanted in the soul, is implanted, as I maintain, in a nature of heavenly birth.

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Yes; what else should it be?

    STRANGER: Only the Statesman and the good legislator, having the inspiration of the royal muse, can implant this opinion, and he, only in the rightly educated, whom we were just now describing.

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Likely enough.

    STRANGER: But him who cannot, we will not designate by any of the names which are the subject of the present enquiry.

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Very right.

    STRANGER: The courageous soul when attaining this truth becomes civilized, and rendered more capable of partaking of justice; but when not partaking, is inclined to brutality. Is not that true?

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly.

    STRANGER: And again, the peaceful and orderly nature, if sharing in these opinions, becomes temperate and wise, as far as this may be in a State, but if not, deservedly obtains the ignominious name of silliness.

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Quite true.

    STRANGER: Can we say that such a connexion as this will lastingly unite the evil with one another or with the good, or that any science would seriously think of using a bond of this kind to join such materials?

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Impossible.

    STRANGER: But in those who were originally of a noble nature, and who have been nurtured in noble ways, and in those only, may we not say that union is implanted by law, and that this is the medicine which art prescribes for them, and of all the bonds which unite the dissimilar and contrary parts of virtue is not this, as I was saying, the divinest?

    YOUNG SOCRATES: Very true.

    STRANGER: Where this divine bond exists there is no difficulty in imagining, or when you have imagined, in creating the other bonds, which are human only.

  2. Or callng tRump a saint.

    Jim Jordan is tRump's designated replacement.

    The mega chaos creator and loyal ass kisser to the MAGA messiah of delusions.


  3. Les, Jim Jordan tried to overthrown the government. He was part of the cabal to keep Trump in the presidency that he lost.

    Jordan is an anti-democracy proto-fascist.

  4. That goes to show how little you know of Trumpian politics, Les. Jim Jordan is the GOPe's "anger manager". He pretends to "investigate" the Deep State and we "pretend" to let him. When push comes to shove, he'll ALWAYS side with the UniParty establishment. He's an "intitutionalist". There's no way in 'H the GOPe will let a "true" Trumpian be Speaker. He's the best "compromise candidate" in the House, though. Both sides can claim a win that way.

  5. We need five republican reps who are ready to retire to cross over and save the house from the MAGAts.

  6. Mike, Why not democrats do something for the country and cross over to elect a speaker. Instead we have the anti law and order squad proposing the country allow one million hamas supporters to enter the country legally to supplement the two million illegals who have crossed the border in joey b's reign of terror. Lets spend billions supporting countries to defend their border and just leave ours open.

    Leslie, "Jim Jordan is tRump's designated replacement" So was the new governor of Louisiana


  7. skudrunner wrote: joey b's reign of terror.

    This, too, is an example of the paranoid style of politics.

    Definition of terror: terror
    ter·​ror ˈter-ər ˈte-rər
    Synonyms of terror
    : a state of intense or overwhelming fear
    overcome by terror
    people fleeing the scene in terror
    He lived in terror of being caught.
    : violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion
    a regime that rules by terror

    especially : violent or destructive acts (such as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands
    an act of terror

    skud has lost touch with reality. Even if this is nothing more than hyperbole, it stinks!

    The Republican Party is set to install as 2nd in line to the presidency a man who plotted to overthrow the 2020 election and install DJT illegally in the presidency for a 2nd term.

    That's not hyperbole; that's the truth. And THAT is terrifying!

  8. Ms. Shaw, I did not realize Jim Jordan was the one who plotted the overthrow of the government. Why has he not been indicted.

    You and some others are comfortable with an incompetent running the country but there are many who live in fear of the next blunder he may cause. He doesn't have time to visit the border or the site of a train disaster but has plenty of time to go to Israel, Guess the optics are better on that trip because he can just say don't and leave.


  9. skudrunner: "Ms. Shaw, I did not realize Jim Jordan was the one who plotted the overthrow of the government. Why has he not been indicted."

    Jim Jordan urged then Vice President Pence to refuse to count lawful electoral votes. That's interfering in a Constitutionally mandated process in the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected president.

    The 845-page report published by the Select Committee describes Jordan as a "significant player" in efforts by former President Trump to overturn the election results following his defeat.

    "He participated in numerous post-election meetings in which senior White House officials, Rudolph Giuliani, and others, discussed strategies for challenging the election, chief among them claims that the election had been tainted by fraud," the report says.

    "On January 2, 2021, Representative Jordan led a conference call in which he, President Trump, and other Members of Congress discussed strategies for delaying the January 6th joint session," the report went on.

    The report goes on to describe a text message Jordan sent to then White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on January 5, 2021, "passing along advice that Vice
    President Pence should 'call out all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.'"

    Pence did not reject any Electoral College votes on January 6 and has said he did not have the power to do so in his role presiding over the certification process.

    "And, in the days following January 6th, Representative Jordan spoke with White House staff about the prospect of Presidential pardons for Members of Congress," the committee went on.

    I don't know why he wasn't indicted. Many others in the plot to steal the election from Joe Biden were not indicted either. There may be a good reason. Maybe the prosecutors want testimony from the Big Cahuna, DJT, that will do that job for them.

    Jim Jordan betrayed America with his actions surrounding Jan. 6. Now he wants to be House Speaker

    "Jordan was all in on the subversive plot to seize an unearned second term for the defeated president by invalidating millions of legitimate American votes. He was a pivotal player in the attempted coup to fraudulently retain presidential power by discarding certified ballots. The idea of conferring the speakership on someone in service to a con, instead of country, is abhorrent to former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who served as vice-chair on the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection.

    “Jim Jordan knew more about what Donald Trump had planned for January 6th than any other member of the House of Representatives,” she declared bluntly. The once high ranking member of the House Republican leadership wonders why Jordan never reported what he knew about the events leading up to Jan. 6 to Capitol Police but is crystal clear about his complicity in the scheme to overthrow democracy.

    “Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election,” said Cheney. If the GOP majority in the House hands the speaker’s gavel to the Urbana Republican, whose allegiance to an authoritarian trumps all, she warned, it will send a damning message of compromised fidelity to a sacred oath. “If they were to decide that, there would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution.”

  10. So he participated in the aftermath not in the planning as stated. Got it and he is far to outspoken to be speaker. Do you have someone that you prefer or is it no republicans at all.
    The good part of this fiasco is congress can waste less of the taxpayers money on pork with no speaker, see silver lining and proof that we really have a bloated government that can accomplish nothing except spend money and fight.

  11. skud: "So he participated in the aftermath not in the planning as stated."

    No. He participated in the planning.

    You obviously didn't read any of what I posted:

    "Jordan was all in on the subversive plot to seize an unearned second term for the defeated president by invalidating millions of legitimate American votes."


    "Jim Jordan urged then Vice President Pence to refuse to count lawful electoral votes."

    That is what's know as trying to subvert the Constitution by a MEMBER OF CONGRESS.


    "The 845-page report published by the Select Committee describes Jordan as a "significant player" in efforts by former President Trump to overturn the election results following his defeat."

    The report was written after taking UNDER OATH testimony from the people who were actually serving in the Trump administration and knew who the players were who tried to overthrow the free and fair election.

    You don't read anything but the GOP propaganda, and it's quite evident by your response to what I posted.


  12. "The good part of this fiasco is congress can waste less of the taxpayers money on pork with no speaker, "

    If you are hardly ever in the majority you prefer no government than government by the people.

    People like skudrunner have a people problem and their solution is to deprive the people of representative government in the hopes that the people will eventually tire of the shenanigans and just give in.

    Therefore it is up to the people to vote out these clowns.

    Our friends on the right work better as the minority party where their pipe bomb politics only hurt them instead of the rest of the country.

    Vote them out in'24...

  13. Narcissus, meet Echo Thy Chamber hast been prepared!

  14. You certainly know all about that from being EXACTLY that.
