Sunday, October 1, 2023




  1. And those people who exidt without thinking all support Trump and Trumpism.

  2. F.D.

    Yes. And people who support Trump are too immersed in the cult to see what a manipulative fraud he is. They are his easiest marks:

    “Trump told the crowd to get the UAW to support him, but the UAW doesn’t represent the workforce where he was speaking. Mauger noted that one woman holding a “union members for Trump” sign acknowledged she wasn’t a union member, while a man with a sign that said “auto workers for Trump” said he wasn’t an autoworker.

    The plant where Trump was speaking employs about 150 people, but 400–500 Trump supporters were there for his speech.

    “Yesterday, UAW president Shawn Fain said, ‘I find it odd he’s going to go to a non-union business to talk to union workers. I don’t think he gets it.’”

  3. There are, i suspect, others beside just tRump and his supporters who aren't aware and prefer not to think about things their ego dislikes and to think about things their egos like.

    But yeah, the MAGA delusionists like those in the House of Representatives and the extreme right wing cons across the fruited plains are a cult, and they are straining mightily to craft the unreality they desire. Then force it upon all of us.

    One definition of fascism and definitely a definition of authoritarianism. The dream of MAGA.
