Monday, May 13, 2024

Behold the Christian Right’s decent family values guy for POTUS

CORRECTION:  Trump’s former mistress, Karen McDougal, sued Fox News for defamation in 2020, NOT Trump.  The judge presiding over the case dismissed it.  I was sent this incorrect info via email from someone who reads my blog.  I did not check its veracity.  My bad.  

BREAKING FOX NEWS: “Reliable sources report Karen McDougal has filed a 92 million dollar defamation suit against Donald Trump. In the suit McDougal accuses Trump of violating a Non Disclosure Agreement & then slandering the one time Playboy model.


 "The spin he wanted put on it was that this is 'locker room talk,' something that Melania had recommended, or at least he told me that’s what Melania had thought it was, and use that in order to get control over the story and to minimize its impact on him and his campaign," testified Cohen.”

 The phrase "locker room talk" was spread widely by the Trump campaign and MAGA hacks in the media to downplay the recording in which Trump bragged about grabbing women "by the p*ssy."  

Cohen also revealed that Trump wasn't particularly worried about Melania finding out about his Stormy Daniels affair. Trump told Cohen to handle the problem, but also told him to "push it out as long as you can, past the election, because if I win, I’ll be president, and if I lose, I won’t really care." 

 When Cohen asked Trump if he was worried the affair might affect his relationship with his wife, Trump seemed unbothered. "'I said to him, how’s things going to go upstairs?" said Cohen.”

'Don’t worry,' he goes. He goes: 'How long do you think I’ll be on the market for? Not long.'” 

“He wasn’t thinking about Melania. This was all about the campaign," said Cohen. 

 The "on the market" bit was clearly Trump saying that he didn't care if Melania got upset and left him, because he could always find a new wife to replace.


  1. Liz Cheney slams Speaker Mike Johnson for showing up to Trump's hush-money trial in Manhattan today:

    "Have to admit I’m surprised that Speaker Johnson wants to be in the 'I cheated on my wife with a porn star' club. I guess he’s not that concerned with teaching morality to our young people after all."

    Apparently, Mike Johnson supports serial adulterers and rapists. Nice family values guy.

  2. Speaker Johnson is a devout family man claiming Christian values of morality in marriage. But his decision to show support for Trump with courtroom presence is
    amorally shameful.

  3. Shaw... I've looked everywhere for that story on McDougal... where did you find it?

  4. Dave M. Please see the correction. I should have checked the source. Still in California enjoying the family and weather.

  5. Anonymous,

    The Speaker should NEVER have done what he did today. NEVER! Trump is a private citizen, and holds no political office.

    Johnson is a weak, sniveling little coward at the beck and call of a tax fraudster, a rapist and serial adulterer. He demeaned himself and his office when he showed up to defend Trump.

  6. I thought I was reading a Babylon Bee parody article when I saw the latest pearl clutching from MAGA evangelicals.

    The Presbyterian Church had scheduled an upcoming seminar titled “How to Be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year.”

    On a panel that included conservative pastors, the denomination also scheduled NY Times columnist, former JAG lawyer who served in Iraq, and conservative Christian writer David French. French is a "never Trumper."

    Sadly in a move that truly shows where America is these days, the seminar was cancelled because the seminar and the inclusion of French in a panel discussion, would be "too divisive".

    I'll grant you that lefties also cancel people and disinvite them from seminars. The problem is that conservatives and the MAGA crowd refuse to acknowledge that they too are far from the virtuous defenders of free speech, especially in the evangelical realm.
